Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Cold War Summarized Essay - 1619 Words
The period of tension between the worlds two superpowers following the Second World War is known as the Cold War. This period was full of tension and fear that the United States and the USSR would destroy each other and the world with their arsenals of atomic weapons. The seeds of this rivalry were planted nearly a quarter of a century before its actual commencement with the Revolution of 1918 in Russia. The Cold War Rivalry would manifest itself in everything from sports in Olympic competition to science and the Space Race. The Cold War did not only take place in the political, athletic and science realms but also heated up in wars and deputes all over the world from Europe, East Asia and the Middle East to South America and off the†¦show more content†¦with the exception of President Harry Truman officially not recognizing the USSR as a nation. This odd peace of not paying much attention to each other continued until the entry of the U.S. into world war two. World War Two changed Americas isolationist policies and forced America to pay attention to the USSR as they were now allies in a war against a tyrannical despot in Germany. The new alliance created a tension between the US and the USSR as the knowledge that they would be the two new superpowers fallowing the war was ever present. The event that ensured that the Cold War would take place were the talks between the allies to decide what would happen fallowing the war. The distribution of controlled territory was the main topic and the final piece to make the rivalry possible. The USSR would control the eastern part of Europe, including the eastern part of Germany and its capital Berlin. This would prove to be an arena for showdowns between the two superpowers all the way until the end of the Cold War. The Cold war would play a large role the policies of the soviet leaders throughout the period. The policies began with Joseph Stalin and his expansionist policies. Stalin consistently fought to expan d the influence of the USSR, staying true to the doctrine of spreading socialism throughout the world. These policies first came to light during the talks with the other ally leaders when he demanded that theShow MoreRelatedPol 300 Assignment 1: the Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy638 Words  | 3 PagesPOL 300 Assignment 1: The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/pol-300-assignment-1-the-cold-war-and-u-s-diplomacy/ Assignment 1: The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy Due Week 5 and worth 135 points Select a president from the table, â€Å"Presidents and Their ‘Doctrines,’†in Roskin, Chapter 4. Then write a 3-5 page paper on the doctrine that president used according to Roskin. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Chartered Accountant Free Essays
Chartered accountants are responsible for preparing or reporting on financial statements for presentation to the public. Chartered accountants act as consultants on financial matters, taxation, accounting and computer systems, estate planning and management reporting and procedures. They accept appointments such as executors, liquidators, trustees or curators. We will write a custom essay sample on Chartered Accountant or any similar topic only for you Order Now What am I going to do in this occupation? Accounting The primary responsibility of chartered accountants in practice, is to report on the financial statements of clients, to the clients’ shareholders as required by its constitution or through legislation.In order to compile reports, chartered accountants examine the books and records of the client, considering the adequacy of the controls over the safe-keeping of the client’s assets, as well as the fairness of the financial statements prepared by the client for presentation to its shareholders or the public. Planning and management Chartered accountants compile reports on aspects of management, for use by the client in improving the management of the company.They investigate the accounting methods adopted by clients and make recommendations for the improvement thereof. Auditing Chartered accountants investigate the financial reports of the company and then report on it. Computerisation They also assist in the installation of computerised systems and the development of programmes, the planning of financial models and the giving of advice regarding hard-and software purchases. Taxation Chartered accountants are tax specialists and they give advice on determining of and the legal manner of saving tax.Legal matters It is important that chartered accountants are well versed in mercantile and company law and are therefore able to handle the legal aspects of contracts, estate planning, and are able to accept appointments such as trustees in insolvent estates, liquidators of insolvent companies or curators where people are unable to administer their own affairs. Financial management Chartered accountants who choose to specialise in a career in commerce and industry normally advance to positions in top management, such as financial directors. In this position accountants are responsible for control over the funds and assets of the company or institution, the preparation of financial or management reports to top management and the interpretation thereof in order to increase efficiency and profitability. Requirements What kind of personality do I need? To be successful, qualities such as integrity, intelligence, good judgement, a strong analytical predisposition and determination are needed. It is also necessary to be able to work and convey recommendations both clearly and accurately. What kind of school training do I need?A Senior Certificate (matric exemption) with Mathematics as a major subject is essential in order to study further in this field. Compulsory school subjects: Mathematics. Recommended school subjects: Accounting, Economics, Business Economics. What further training do I need? Until recently persons wishing to qualify as chartered accountants could only obtain their practical/business training with a firm of approved registered accountants and auditors in public practice (TIPP). This training is now, however, also available in approved training organisations outside of public practice (TOPP).The training outside of public practice will be of the same standard as that offered by a practising firm. The working environment and the practical experience, will however, be different. The following routes are available in training as a chartered accountant: †¢ Enrol for a three-year B. Com. (Acc. ) degree or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution, then, register for a one-year CTA (Certificate of Theory and Accountancy) or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution, then, enter into a three-year training contract either with an auditing firm or an pproved training organisation in commerce and industry. †¢ Enrol for a three-year full-time B. Com. (Acc. ) degree or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution, then, register for a two-year post graduate part-time CTA or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution, then, enter into a three-year training contract either with an auditing firm or an approved training organisation in commerce and industry. †¢ Enrol for a B. Com. (Acc. degree or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution and enter into a five-year training contract with an auditing firm or an approved training organisation in commerce and industry, then, register for a CTA or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution. After following any one of the above-mentioned routes, the following needs to be done: †¢ Write part 1 of the Qualifying Examination (QE) after completing the CTA or equivalent and after entering into a training contract. †¢ Write part 2 of the Qualifying Examination (QE) after completing 18 months of training. In addition to the practical training, one would be required to complete approximately 6 months of part-time study in order to specialise either in Auditing or Financial Management, prior to writing part 2 of the Qualifying Examination). †¢ Register with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants as a chartered accountant (CA). Where can I work? Chartered accountants work in registered firms o r with practising chartered accountants. When qualified they may wish to remain with the firms where articles were served and look forward to eventual partnerships. They work in commerce and industry and in the academic world as lecturers. Can I work for myself in this occupation? Chartered accountants may start private practices in which case broad experience is required to take care of the needs of a wide range of clients, or they may enter into partnerships with other chartered accountants. They may also start businesses in the commercial and industrial arena. †¢ BENEFITS †¢ Fantastic professional development and travel opportunities †¢ An internationally recognised professional designation †¢ Membership of he Global Accounting Alliance †¢ Being part of an elite professional network †¢ Lifelong support ; development opportunities from the Institute †¢ The status membership of Australia’s most respected professional accountancy body – the Institute †¢ Possessing the only Australian accounting qualification accredited by higher education providers and allows for exemption in over 60 maste r degrees. Download the list of available CA Plus pathway options by university †¢ Earning good money †¢ Enjoying a secure role with an exciting career path.Chartered Accountant uses the designation CA(SA) and is regulated by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants Following the route offered by Stellenbosch, a student have to register for the BAcc degree (3 years), and then either do the HonsBAcc degree (1 year) or the Post Graduate Diploma in Accountancy (1 year). After gaining the required theoretical knowledge at Stellenbosch, students have to enter into a 3 year contract with a registered auditing firm or other registered training organisation in commerce and industry to gain the required practical experience. In the first year of their internship, students are allowed to write Part I of the Qualifying Examination (QE). Passing the Part I of the QE allows a student to complete a specialism course in either Auditing or Financial Management (not offered by the University of Stellenbosch) and, after completing 18 months of internship, is eligible to write Part II of the QE. A student who complies with all these requirements and has completed his/her 3 years of internship, is allowed to register as a Chartered Accountant (South Africa). 1.Once you pass out your Class 10th examinations from a school which is recognized by the central government you need to Enrol with the Institute for Common Proficiency Test. 2. After completing the Class 12 ie Senior Secondary Examinations the student should appear for Common Proficiency Test which is held twice a year ie june december though the exam dates keep changing. 3. Join PCC, articled training with a certified Chartered Accountant and register for a 100 Hours Information Technology Training[ITT] with listed institutes like NIIT, Aptech etc after passing CPT 10+2 Exams. . The Student should complete the 100 Hours ITT Course within 3 months of time which is generally a 25days program based on 4 hours/day schedule with the computer institute and its useful for learning computer based auditing and related computer course. 5. Next the CA Student has to appear for PCE Exam[Professional Competence Examination] if he has worked as a article clerk with a CA for a period of 15 months minimum 3months prior to the exam month and also has to have completed the 100 Hours computer training course.Note that 8 months of audit training is equally treated as 6 months of articled training as per the requirement. 6. Next the student has to join the CA Final course after passing the above mentioned PCE and while registering collect study materials and start the preperation for final CA Exams. He should also complete General Management and Communication Skills Course during the last 12 months of articled trianing and should also have completed 3. 5 years articled training. 7. Appear for the final CA Exam when the practical training is completed.Pass the final exam and complete the General Management and Communication Skills Course[GMCS] After the completion of all the above mentioned steps , the student would be called Associate Chartered Accountant[ACA] because he is in the starting stage and after professional experiance he would become Fellows Chartered Accountant[FCA] after which he is eligible to hold a certificate for public practice Salary -Rs 368,845 – Rs 829,981 Bonus- Rs 24,577 – Rs 101,843 Profit Sharing- Rs 17,000 – Rs 100,671 Commission- Rs 9,826 – Rs 9 7,211 How to cite Chartered Accountant, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Censorship In Music Essay Example For Students
Censorship In Music Essay Censorship in music is a topic that has brought about much controversy in the past two decades. There have been many different arguments on the topic, however the question still remains as if it should be censored or it should not be censored. Before you can form an opinion on this, you must hear both sides of the argument on this much-debated topic. Some people believe that music should be censored so all audiences can hear it without it containing any controversial lyrics. Others believe it should not be censored and musical artists should be able to speak, sing, rap, or rhyme freely without anyone censoring them. Whether a person finds a work obscene depends largely on his or her moral or religious beliefs. These views change with each generation and further complicate the censorship dilemma. (Censorship by, Bradley Steffens page 97) The quote above is very true. Religious or moral beliefs have a great influence on how a person feels about censorship, and as generations pass on th e common beliefs on it may change. Right now, America is more uncensored than ever. However, things were very different a few generations ago. We will write a custom essay on Censorship In Music specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Some people believe music should be censored. They believe some of the language musical artists use is vulgar, obscene, and crude. Also the fact that music is played on medias such as radio and television, which are free to listen to by all audiences, and there are many parents that would not wish for their kids to hear foul language. So on radio and televison any controversial language is either silenced, edited out by a soft sound, or some artists make two versions of their songs; one that is made for the artists album, which is uncensored; and one for televsion and radio with any controversial words change to be acceptable for all audiences. This does not include cable television, which can be audited by parents since the parents must order and pay for the channel to be viewed. Preventing or punishing speechis a clear violation of the First Amendment.(Censorship. Opposing Viewpoints by, Greehaven Press page 147). This quote here is the battle cry of many anti-censorship groups. Wh en you really think about it, it is a violation of the First Amendment, which says: Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. The First Amendment guarantees the right to freedom of speech, and censorship is violating peoples rights to say whatever they want to say. It is sometimes difficult to understand when a child gets punished for using foul language meanwhile the childs parents have the right to critiscize and petition the government whenever they feel the need to do so. Many musical artists feel that when they are forced to change lyrics their rights are being violated. In some artists songs they like to express their feelings towards somebody or something, and it hurts them to be censored because the new words implemented are not from his or her heart. They feel that they are being held down. Due to the amendment made by our founding fathers I do not believe there will ever be an answer to the question whether or not music should be censored. The way I see it, it should not be censored. Many children often hear explicit language from older siblings or parents at an early age. They believe that since someone they look up to uses those words, they should too. Eventually, everyone will be exposed to language they do not find acceptable. Foul language is not permitted on medias such as television or radio because it is an all audience media. However, on albums the artist is allowed to use any words he or she sees fit. The vexing question, of course, is, Who should decide what you read or view- the church, the stateor you? (War of Words: The Censorship Debate by George Beahm page xiii) In my opinion, the answer to that question is: you. Censorship on television channels such as Nickelodeon , or PBS is understandable due to the fact that mostly young children programming is bro adcasted on those stations. However I find it unnecessary to censor stations generally viewed by older audiences. It is now a requirement by law for record companies to put stickers on tapes and compact discs that say: Parental Advisory. Explicit Lyrics. The reason that law was passed was because many angry mothers and fathers sued artists and/or record companies for releasing albums that contained explicit lyrics, and now their child goes and repeats their newly learned words to people such as their teachers, principals, and other friends who then spread word around to their parents. I would tend to believe that many of those parents used those same bad words in front of their children at one time or another. They probably did not say it to their face, but the fact still remains that the child heard his or her parents say those words, thus the child assumes it is normal to say that word. Many parents also complain that the art on music albums covers and insides. They argue saying t hat too is vulgar and should not be allowed. I believe music should not be censored due to our First Amendment right. When a parent hears foul language on their childs stero or television, they should not complain to the network or record company, they should complain to themselves. The government is doing all they legally can to protect the childrens young ears from the foul language that is out there. If a parent hears their child listening to foul language, they should not complain to anyone but themselves. If they do not wish for their child to hear foul language they should have supervised their children more closely. If they take their child to a record store and buy them a new tape or c.d., the parent should have listened to the music by him or herself and scan for anything questionable. If they dont like the content, they can always return it to the store. This way they can be positive that their child is listening to music that is acceptable in their eyes. In conclusion, ce nsorship in music is wrong in my opinion. Artists should be allowed to say whatever they want. That is what our founding fathers based this country uopn: freedom. The government is doing an excellent job in making the First Amendment suitable for all. If parents have a problem with it, it is because they did not properly supervise their children. .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .postImageUrl , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:hover , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:visited , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:active { border:0!important; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:active , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Juliet Capulet EssayBibliographyBeahm, George. War of Words, Ed. George Beahm. Kansas City, MO 1993Greenhaven Press. Censorship. Opposing Viewpoints, Ed. Lisa Orr. San Diego, CASteffens, Bradley. Censorship. Ed. Lucent Books
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Lupercalia the Ancient Origin of Valentines Day Essay Example
Lupercalia the Ancient Origin of Valentines Day Essay Valentines Day and February equal love and romance. In Ancient Rome, this time of year had similar connotations, but they were celebrated very differently. In modern times, the month of February and St. Valentines Day has come to symbolize love and romance, and has been celebrated in this gentile way since the days of courtship and wooing of the Middle Ages. But the origin of February can be connected with love and fertility by be tracking back to the roots of ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, a fertility celebration celebrated on February 15. The Lupercalia festival was celebrate to honor Lupercus, a god of fertility and farming, and it was celebrated with annual sacrifices and feasts. One of the aims of the festival was to purify the land and the young women of child-bearing age. During the Lupercalia, two priests, called lupercis, sacrificed two male goats and a dog at the sacred cave where Romulus and Remus were supposedly nursed by the she-wolf. After a feast, the young men dressed in nothing but a belt with goats skins, running through the city streets, whipping people (mostly young girls and women) with thongs cut from the sacrificial goat skins. We will write a custom essay sample on Lupercalia the Ancient Origin of Valentines Day specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lupercalia the Ancient Origin of Valentines Day specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lupercalia the Ancient Origin of Valentines Day specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This act was thought to purify the girls, ensure their fertility, and lessen the pain of childbirth. Names were also drawn from an urn to pair up young men and women as part of the festivities. This was intended to lead to marriages and children. February occurred later in the ancient Roman calendar than it does today so Lupercalia was held in the spring and regarded as a festival of purification and fertility. It is implied that purification is how the month of February gets its name (February comes from the latin Februare meaning to purify). The Lupercalia occasion was happy and festive. Another unique custom of Feast of Lupercalia was the pairing of young boys and girls who otherwise lived a strictly separated lives. During the evening, all the young marriageable girls used to place a chit of their name in a big urn. Each young man used to draw out a name of a girl from the urn and became paired with that girl for the rest of the year. Quite often, the paired couple would fall in love and marry. As Christianity began to slowly take over the pagan pantheons, it frequently replaced the festivals of the pagan gods with more Christianity celebrations. It was easier to convert the local population if they could continue to celebrate on the same days, the only difference was they would just be instructed to celebrate different people and ideologies. Lupercalia, with its lover lottery, had no place in the new Christian order. In the year 496 AD, Pope Gelasius did away with the festival of Lupercalia, citing that it was pagan and immoral. He chose Valentine as the patron saint of lovers, who would be honored at the new festival on the 14th of every February. The church decided to come up with its own lottery and so the feast of St. Valentine featured a lottery of Saints. After learning the true origin of Valentine’s day, I began to see that many of the gentile ways we show love and romance also goes back to Ancient Rome. Every February 14 since 496 A. D people across the United States and in other places around the world, chocolate, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. However, after learning about the Lupercalia festival of Ancient Rome, I can see how it all influenced to our modern day Valentine’s Day. In most cases on Valentine’s Day, the male is the one that chooses a Valentine and approaches her with a gift of flowers or chocolate, just as in the Lupercalia festival the male approaches the female with a whipping of goat skin. To modern day society the whipping of goat skin is seen as a wrongdoing. However,women would gladly received the whipping, as they believed that the touch of the goatskin would render them fruitful and bring easy childbirth. It is important to understand that each religion and culture has its own ways of â€Å"seeing†things. Love is one of the main concerns that each religion sees differently. Ancient Romans saw love through their festival of Lupercalia that contributed to mating, fertilizing, and uniting a man and a woman. Our modern day, Christianized society sees love through celebrations of Valentine’s day and the affectionate ways of buying gifts such as flowers and chocolate. I do not believe that either religion is right or wrong with their celebrations and festivals. In my opinion, each religion should have its own unique celebration of love and romance.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Public Involvement and Community Development in Australia
Public Involvement and Community Development in Australia Introduction Democracy is the system of government which is favored and held in high esteem by most countries in the 21st century. This system is characterized by fair and equal treatment for all members of the society and the right of every person to take part in decision making. Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Public Involvement and Community Development in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite these lofty standards which are synonymous with democracy, it does not always result in everyone’s voice being heard. Instead, democracy is concerned more with achieving the common good at the expense of promoting the private good of each citizen (Young, 1997). While this approach may work in a homogenous society, it is detrimental in societies which have minority groups. This is because in direct democracy there are no political representatives who are used to make decision for their people. This paper will argue that deliberative democracy, which entails the involvement of the community in public affairs, is the most appropriate model and it results in community development. The paper will reinforce this assertion by critically reflecting two arguments presented in the article â€Å"Communication and the other: beyond Deliberative Democracy†by Young and â€Å"Local Cross-cultural planning and decision-making with indigenous people in Broome, Western Australia†by Kliger and Cosgrove. The Aboriginal Issue Kliger and Cosgrove (1999) highlight the situation of the Indigenous population of Australia. This people make up 2.4% of the Australian population, according to the 2006 Census, and face incredible social disadvantage with about two-thirds living in areas that are classified as rural. Debates are ongoing concerning land issues which white settlers from Britain annexed and subsequently assumed dominance over while ignoring the Aboriginal laws. The Ab original people were therefore sidelined in the decision making of their country but also lost their land due to the legal laws that were formulated by the government. Cultural difference especially towards the Aboriginal resulted in this people being termed as difficult people which resulted in discrimination (Kliger Cosgrove, 1999).Advertising Looking for critical writing on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Direct Democracy and the Aboriginal To most people, the ideals of democracy are symbolized by parliament where elected members go and hold debates that supposedly represent the views of the common citizen. Young (1997, p.63) asserts that parliamentary debates or arguments in court are not simply free and open public forums in which all people actually have the right to express claims and give reasons according to their own understanding. In direct democracy, once the government makes deci sions it rarely considers the different racial, cultural and other factors of the citizens. Kliger and Cosgrove (1999) reveals that while the state had developed welfare and service provision programmes for the Aboriginal and Torres, these indigenous people seldom participate in the development and implementation of the same. The government may therefore offend its citizens who perceive justice not followed and feel oppressed. Young (1997) proposes that democracy must involve listening to the opinion of people from a diverse cultural, racial and social background and recognizing the validity of the points they make. Direct democracy has failed to achieve the desired results in the case of the Aboriginal. Kliger and Cosgrove (1999) state that the Federal government, through the Shire of Broome, made little recognition of the Aboriginal. While there are forums in which the Aboriginal are asked to attend, they are not given a chance to voice their concerns. The hierarchical communica tion the government uses through representative on the Shire council only send paper to the Rubibi Working Group for them to see the they have already discussed as the Shire. The Aboriginal were therefore marginalized and disempowered. The choice of model used can work for the detrimental of a community almost facing it off despite them being the native of the land due to the injustice they have faced. Deliberative Democracy Applied to the Aboriginal Young (1997) defines deliberative democracy as discursive or communicative democracy and in it, the public is core to the decision making process.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Public Involvement and Community Development in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The model borrows from direct and representative democracies and the system does not consist of voting; instead, it makes use of deliberation to form, endorse and implement the laws. Kliger and Cosgrove (1999) also reveal that there is a difference of deliberative democracy model and democracy where the decision making process relies on the discussions and exchanges between people. This thought is corroborated by Young (1997) who reveals that in deliberative democracy the participants of law making are free for they are not bound by any prior requirements, norms or authority. They hence act on the decisions they make and also state why they gave a certain proposal (Kahane, 2010). Their proposals are either endorsed or rejected due to the reasons given for reaching to a particular decision. Young (1997) states that one of the virtues of the deliberative model of democracy is it promotes a conception of reason over power in politics. The success of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) is attributed to the fact that it considers the needs, aspirations and requirements of the Aboriginal People of the Shire of Broome in relation to town planning and development (Kliger Cosgrove, 1999, p.54). Through this model, the Aboriginal can express their point of view in a forum where their view is respected. The success of the development plans is therefore greater since it involves the members of the community. Deliberative democracy results in all members of the constituency having a voice. Kliger and Cosgrove (1999) reveal that while Australia is a democracy, the local government while elected through the democratic process operations in a highly constrained manner and does not represent all the constituents. Having a voice in the affairs of the community is of huge significance since social conditions also impact the physical well being of communities. Gray and Saggers (2003) asserts that Poor Aboriginal mental health and risky health behaviors are not simply the fault of individuals. Advertising Looking for critical writing on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The authors declare that here is a link between health and social wellbeing of indigenous populations. It is therefore of great importance for the Aboriginal people to perceive the government as both fair and just. Justice can only come about from a democracy model that encourages collective decision-making. Young (1997) states that in most formal situations, the better educated people have a greater say over the less educated parties. Government and court debates do not allow for public forums for people to air their reasoning for the good of all in the community. Their method of argument is agonistic and not an open reciprocal acknowledgment of the public’s point of view. This is contrasted by the deliberative model where participants do not have to be formal or follow a particular hierarchical order but anyone can take part. They come to a conclusion after deliberating and reaching a consensus. Deliberative democracy thus allows for individual citizens to collectively sp eak about their problems, morals, actions and goals without competing endorsing individual ideas. The community gets a chance to reason together and thus distinguish the bad ideas from the good ones. Discussion From this paper, it is clear that while public involvement does not necessary mean that everyone will be involved in the decision making process, the opinions of the â€Å"common citizen†are taken into consideration. Public involvement and development of a community go hand in hand (Fishkin Laslett, 2003). The more engaged the community is in the formulation and implementation of developmental and laws. Kliger and Cosgrove (1999) demonstrate that the success by the RMIT is because it involved the Aboriginal people in the planning and development efforts. As such, development and success can best be achieved though a democratic process that involves all members of the community. Conclusion This paper set out to argue that public involvement is a necessary for any sust ainable community development to take place. The paper in particular discussed the deliberative democracy model with the Aboriginal people in mind. It has been stated that direct democracy has some major setbacks since it fails to consider the needs and views of some members of the community. Deliberative democracy on the other hand removes this obstacle by involving a wider range of people in the decision making process. From the arguments presented in this paper, it is clear that the deliberative model of democracy is not only desirable in Australia, but is the only way that justice can be served to the Aboriginal people. References Fishkin, J.S. Laslett, P. (2003). Debating Deliberative Democracy Philosophy, Politics and Society. Wiley-Blackwell. Gray, D. Saggers, S. (2003). â€Å"Substance Misuse in N. Thomson (ed) The Health of Indigenous Australians†. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Kahane, J.D. (2010). Deliberative Democracy in Practice. UBC Press. Kliger, B. Cosgrove, L. (1999). â€Å"Local Cross-Cultural Planning and Decision-Making with Indigenous People in Broome, Western Australia†. Ecumene, Vol. 6, no.1. pp.51-71. Young, I.M. (1997). Intersecting Voices: Dilemmas of Gender, Political Philosophy, and Policy. U.K.: Princeton University Press.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Othello Essay †Timeless Topics. BestEssay.education
The Othello Essay – Timeless Topics The Othello Essay Wow. Shakespeare took on a lot in this play – jealousy, envy, racism, and deceit. It is often considered one of Shakespeare’s â€Å"lesser plays,†if there can really be such a thing, and it is usually not studied unless a student takes a specific course on the playwright, but the beauty of writing an Othello essay is that the topics are just so timely today. A Tough Plot to Follow While the plot itself is pretty clear cut, what makes Othello a bit difficult is keeping all of the â€Å"players†in this tale of treachery and deceit straight. You may need to read it a couple of times and take some notes to keep track. But here are some key points in the plot that you need to remember: Othello is not the usual Italian hero. He is a Muslim living in a society of white Catholics, and his only claim to fame is his prowess as a military strategist and victor. He wants acceptance by this society, and the only way to get that is to keep being victorious in battle and, of course, to marry Desdemona, a white. This, he believes, will bring him the stature that he needs and make him a part of Italian society. There are forces working against him, however, in the name of Roderigo, who loves Desdemona and will do anything to make the marriage fail. He and his co-conspirator Lago concoct a plot to convince Othello that his wife is unfaithful, knowing that the proud military man will not stand for it. And there is a second benefit to all of this. By painting Cassio, one of Roderigo’s enemies, as the lover, they can get rid of him too. Othello jealousy will certainly mean that Cassio will be killed. Against this backdrop, Othello is left without a battle to fight and so has lost his value to Italy. All of the characters have travelled to Cyprus to fight invaders who never come. So there sits Othello, no battle and only time to â€Å"stew†on the rumors and mounting evidence that his wife is being unfaithful. In the end, as the truth unfolds, Othello has lost his reputation and his wife both, and the only option is suicide. Essay Questions That Will Provide Topics Essays on Themes: Shakespeare’s themes are always timeless, and Othello is no exception. Where, in all of history, has there not been jealousy, deceit, racism, and isolation? Here are some possible essay topics: Does Othello have a single fatal flaw or more than one? Certainly, jealousy is one, but is there also envy? Is he longing to be a part of a society that only accepts him because of his military stature? Maybe his flaw is that he wants too much to â€Å"belong.†Without purpose, Othello feels isolated and alone. His â€Å"cheating†wife only adds to this. How does his sense of isolation contribute to the tragic events? Who are the â€Å"racists†in the play? Does Desdemona represent the person who has truly risen above racism? Othello Essays of Characterization A great analysis essay could be written about any number of this play’s characters, for they mirror people who have existed for all time. Here are some potential topics for you: Analyze Emilia’s character. Is she an opportunist with no moral principles? How does she change in the end? Is Lago an opportunist or a racist? Or both? What motivates him to take part in the treacherous deceit to bring Othello down? If Desdemona has a flaw, what is it? Is she a woman ahead of her time? In what way? Once you have read Othello, you may indeed find that you like it better than some of Shakespeare’s more touted plays. One of the reasons for this is that he addresses some really important issues that must be faced in our own time – the struggles for minorities in a society for acceptance and opportunity and the value we place on humans based upon their achievements, sometimes at the cost of who they are. The bottom line is this, however: if you need to write that Othello essay, you have plenty of possible toics! Othello, William Shakespeare’s lesser known tragedy, deals with some pretty hefty themes, certainly for the times in which he wrote. Many consider it a very early treatment of race relations and the struggle for minorities to find acceptance in a white-dominated society. However, you see it, there are plenty of topics for some great essays here.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Islamic peace and war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Islamic peace and war - Essay Example Thesis statement: The Islamic point of view on peace is based on restoration of peace, and war is based on internal insurgencies and external aggressions, not on religious motivation to fulfill selfish motives or to create an Islamic world. The Islamic point of view on peace is based on morality, cooperation, and common goodness. Besides, an Islamic state is responsible to disregard differences and to propagate freedom and peaceful co-existence. John Kelsay stated that, â€Å"In its broadest sense, the Islamic view of peace, like its western counterpart, is in fact part of a theory of statecraft founded on notions of God, of humanity, and of the relations between the two†(30). On the other side, diversity is one of the core aspects of peace in Islam. One can see that peaceful co-existence cannot be implemented without the help of a strong central authority. At the same time, human life is considered as sacred in Islamic point of view. Besides, killing one self (suicide) and killing others is not the proper way to attain salvation. To be specific, human beings must show willingness to follow the rules and regulations in a society. One can see that strict implementation of laws and regulations can maintain peace and security in a society. For instance, the low rate of criminal activities in the Middle Eastern Islamic states proves the same. Within this scenario, the criminals are aware of the fact that their instinct to commit crime will attract strict punishment from the authorities. Still, the strict implementation of laws and regulations cannot be considered as attempt to neglect individual liberty because common welfare and peace is important. Besides, Islam propagates peace, disregarding any sort of difference based on caste, sex, or racial identity. So, the Islamic point of view on peace is based on Islamic teachings, and the strict maintenance of laws and regulations in a society, by providing importance to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Organizations and Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organizations and Management - Case Study Example Some employees avoid interacting with members of other cultures/ethnicities and/or view them as "undesirable" staff. This case vividly portrays that interpersonal communication employed by the CEO is ineffective and inefficient caused by different values and traditions of people, and poor interaction between all employees. For instance, the CEO and Western employees have different perception and understanding of the "family" concept of organizational culture but the CEO is unable to recognize these difficulties and problems experienced by the subordinates. The "western" are perceived as impolite and disruptive because of different communication n corms and traditions which have not been communicated and explained to Westerns people by the CEO (Wood, 2003). 2. The case study vividly portrays the important role of CEO and his vision in organizational culture. Communication should be seen as a process by which knowledge that resides in one or more people comes to be represented in one or more others. Certainly the transfer of knowledge is not the only thing that happens in communication, and for certain purposes it may not be the most useful way of thinking about the process. Below we refer briefly to some other dimensions of communication that may be important for cooperative work. Underlying the knowledge transfer view of communication is the assumption that any communicative act rests on a base of mutual knowledge (West and Turner 2006). The example of Mainland Enterprises reveals a set of mechanisms derives from the fact that individuals can often be assigned to social categories, and such category membership often predicts individual knowledge. Of course, category membership is not a perfect predictor of knowledge. Conversation (and similar interactive forms) permits communicators to formulate messages that are tightly linked to the immediate knowledge and perspectives of the individual participants, because it affords the participants moment-to-moment information on each others' understanding. Such information permits the formulation of messages that are extremely efficient because they are based on a reasonably precise assessment of the hearer's current knowledge and understanding. The distinction between self and other is rather a rudimentary one, but it can be shown that the Western employees differentiate between message recipients (Knapp and Vangelisti 2004). The problem of misperception and misunderstanding is caused by patriarchal and autocratic management style of the CEO. he does not permit freedom of choice trying to control decision-making and problem-solving within the company. These causes provide stronger support for the common ground hypothesis than the relatively narrow margin of difference between the friend and stranger conditions would lead one to conclude, because the experimental situation was one that would minimize the likelihood of finding such differences. This situation proves that in communicating with "friends" and "family", employees are likely to have direct and detailed knowledge of the information
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Misconception of African Americans Essay Example for Free
Misconception of African Americans Essay Since the beginning of time African Americans have been viewed negatively. We have always been viewed as a threat to society and frowned upon by many races. There are many cliches displayed in the media of what African Americans are supposed to act like. These conclusions cause almost immediate negative feelings from other races and sometimes by our own race. African American females in television shows and movies are often shown as the loud â€Å"ghetto†acting, angry black girl who is always â€Å"telling someone off†. Actor Tyler Perry has been criticized for illustrating African American females as â€Å"big momma†, another negative portrayal of black women. Other times shapely video vixens cause other black females to be portrayed as â€Å"jump-offs†or gold diggers. African American males have even greater judgments to overcome. They are viewed as a menace to society. They are illustrated as wild, angry, dangerous â€Å"gang bangers†. Black men are viewed as absentee fathers or abusive husbands. Although, in some cases, African American males do possess some of these characteristics, there are just as many black men that are positive role models. These ignorant judgments are called stereotypes. A stereotype is defined as â€Å"a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing†. Stereotypes, in my own words, are judgments blindly made by people who use ignorance as an excuse to be biased against those who are different from them. There are many different types of stereotyping. Racial stereotyping, sexist stereotyping, stereotypes about cultures, and sexual orientation stereotypes are all judgments that can affect one’s life in many ways. Stereotypes are, sadly, made by everyone. Racial stereotyping, however, is the most common type of stereotyping, and can sometimes be dangerous. The Trayvon Martin story, for example, is a situation where stereotyping turned tragic. Trayvon Martin was a young African American boy who was walking from the store with nothing but Skittles and a drink in his pockets. Because of his race, and the stereotype of what black Males are capable of, he was targeted, and tragically killed. There have been many similar cases of dangerous stereotyping. People’s fear of what the media shows we are suited to do, has gotten out of control. Too many of us are dying because of this fear. While many stereotypes do seem to be believable, people like Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, my grandparents, and my mom allow me to realize that not all stereotypes are true.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
An Analysis of On the Other Hand :: On the Other Hand Essays
An Analysis of "On the Other Hand" "On the Other Hand", what is on the other hand? Rachel Hadas tells about the living, the dead and shows the reader the other side of usual thoughts about the dead and living. She lists the faults of the living and the virtues of the dead, in order to explain her first statement, "it is no wonder why we love the dead". Yet, then turns everything around again in the last statement of this free verse poem. Rachel Hadas poem, "On the Other Hand" clearly depicts the many differences of the "brittle, easily wounded" living and the "patient, peaceful" dead. In the first stanza of the poem, the dead are said to be admired in a way because of all the flaws that the living inhibit. The living are said to be "ungrateful, obsessive" and "needy, greedy, and vain". This approach of describing the living lets the reader see a side of life that he may not have noticed before. The living usually have certain connotations with the good and the joys of life; however, "On the Other Hand" shows the other side, the negatives of the living. The living are easily hurt and non-virtues. The way the word, opacity, is used makes the reader think of the living to be cold-hearted, incapable of penetration. Hadas is obviously stating that the dead are better in comparison to the living because of the numerous imperfections of the living. In the second stanza, Rachel Hadas, goes on to emphasize her point of the dead deserving more praise than the living by the listing of the virtues that the dead posses. While the living are "needy and greedy," the dead are "better at resisting wishes". Hadas also describes the dead to be "blithely", or carefree, while the living do not have that luxury. A great amount of comparisons between the living and the dead is being accented in the second stanza of this thought-provoking poem. Such as the dead to be "deliberate", and the living being said to be "impulsive". The first two stanzas of Hadas's poem truly give the title its meaning. The reader is forced to see the other side of the usual thoughts of the living and dead. Hadas is in fact showing the reader the "other hand", or other side of the situation. She continues this approach in the first part of the third stanza; telling of the ability that the dead have to "glide across the hours" with time being no boundary to them.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Mohawks of Akwesasne
Due to its distinctive geographical location along the St. Lawrence River, which â€Å"serves as one of the natural division lines between Canada and the United States,†the Mohawks of Akwesasne have familiarized themselves to the media and the civic society.Some have called the Mohawks â€Å"the most stubborn Native Community in North America, not only for (their) enduring commitment to (their) Ancient Mohawk Territories and Resources, but also for the strong positions (they) maintain over the Aboriginal Rights of (their) Community and (their) Kahniakehaka (Mohawk) Nation†(Akwesasne para. 1). Despite government intervention (or disturbance) on the affairs of the Mohawk community, they have remained unrelenting in upholding the honor of their indigenous tribe. The so-called â€Å"battle†for sustainability has been thriving for many decades now.Akwesasne and the MohawksAkwesasne is the home of the Mohawk community.  Akwesasne borders the countries of Canada a nd the United States of America, the Candian Province of Ontario and Quebec; and the American State of New York (Akwesasne para. 2). Because of its location, the jurisdiction of this land is not determined until now. This confusion has caused problems for the 13,000 Mohawks living in Akwesasne, however, they have survived the struggle of adjusting to their jurisdictional condition over the years.As a result, this minority has managed to build solid and independent socio-economic endeavors for their people who are bestowed with many gifts, talents, knowledge, experience, and expertise in various fields of work and art. Over the past ten years, dynamic changes have provided this Mohawk community the opportunity to responsibly manage their Infrastructure, Health and Social Services, Judicial and Law Enforcement System, Environment and Conservation, and Housing and Economic Initiatives (Akwesasne para. 3).Akwesasne Community ProfileThe Mohawk Territory of Akwesasne is located within the Ancient Homelands of (its) Ancestor, which (their) People have occupied and used since time immemorial (Akwesasne para.7). The people are embedded with unexplainable affection to this area composed of approximately 26,000 acres in land mass (about fifty square miles in total area).Comprised of breathtaking islands, the Mohawk community is located within the glorious St. Lawrence River and mainland contained by the St. Lawrence River Valley. It can be found near major Canadian cities such as Ottawa, Ontario and Monteal, Quebec. There are four inhabited districts in the region including Kanatakon/St. Regis Village and Tsi Snaihe/Chenail Districts (within Quebec), Kawennoke/Cornwall Island District (within Ontario), and Tekaswenkarorens/Hogansburg District (within New York).History of Akwesasne and the MohawksAkwesasne is Mohawk community that rightfully deserves the title, â€Å"First Nation†(Bonaparte para. 1). It used to be a â€Å"place of peace†which served as a s afe haven from war for the early Mohawks and other indigenous peoples. Formerly the smallest Mohawk village, but today, Akwesasne is already the largest in terms of population and territory. The Haudenosaunee Confederacy considers Akwesasne the â€Å"capital†of the seven communities that make up the Mohawk Nation (Bonaparte, para 1).The term Mohawk can be literally translated as â€Å"place of partridges†since thousands of a species of game bird are surrounding the shores of the St. Lawrence River and its tributaries.  The first Mohawks and natives of Akwesasne engaged in hunting, fishing, and trading. A certain group by the name â€Å"St. Lawrence Iroquoians†(their identity is still debatable) was believed to have built pillars of â€Å"longhouse villages found in the rich soil of the St. Lawrence River Valley.†According to artifacts, â€Å"St. Lawrence Iroquoians†were captured and hid in a village called Hochelaga which was considered as one with the Mohawk community.Wars followed and the Mohawks fought against the tribes, Hurons and Algonquins, who were under French control during that time. In time more than half of the Mohawk population (which had already been weakened by epidemics and war) migrated to the village on the south bank of the St. Lawrence near the Lachine Rapids (Bonaparte para. 5). They formed a new community which they called Kahnawake (at the rapids) where the Hurons, Algonquins, and other Iroquois converts (converted by the Jesuits) from Oneida and Onondaga united with them.Bonaparte’s study also focused and expounded on the â€Å"Seven Nations of Canada†as stated:In time the population of these villages grew so large that new ones were established. By the 1750's these villages eventually united in an alliance that Mohawks knew as Tsiata Nihononwentsiake, also known as the Seven Nations of Canada, the Seven Fires, and the Seven Villages.When this union was formalized, it consisted of the Mohawks of Kahnawake (Caughnawaga); the Mohawks, Algonquins, and Nippissings of Kanesatake (Oka); the Abenakis of Odanak (St. Francis) in what is now southern Quebec; the Hurons of Wendake (Lorette), just west of Quebec City; and the Iroquois (mostly Oneidas and Onondagas) of Sawehkatsi (Oswegatchie), site of present-day Ogdensburg, New York. Even though as many as twenty-two different nations were represented at these new settlements by the early 1700's, they were nevertheless able to maintain a distinct cultural identification as Huron, Algonquin, and Iroquois communities in their own right (para. 6).The cultural model of this new confederacy was the Rotinonsionni (â€Å"People of the Longhouse,†) also known as the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Five Nations, the Six Nations, and the League of the Iroquois (Bonaparte para. 7). Despite strong Jesuit influence over the Mohawks, they have remained a strong clan and have maintained their cultural practices and customs.Re lations between the Seven Nations of Canada and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy during the last decades of the 18th century were contentious thanks to the mad rush of land sales and treaty negotiations that stirred up old animosities and disputes over territory (Bonaparte para. 21). At this time, war broke out causing so much suffering for the people of Akwesasne. Many colonizers tried to change the traditional system of the Mohawks but they remained firm and have shunned away these invaders.The last decade of the 19th century saw drastic changes in the political landscape of Akwesasne and the other Mohawk communities, who were still governed by the old â€Å"life chiefs†(Bonaparte para. 22). Non-native governments tried to implement a new electoral system but these were rejected by the Mohawks to the extent of causing trouble. The life chiefs were punished; however, they did not give up hoping that the traditional election would be restored.In spite of these affronts to Mohaw k cultural and political sovereignty, the last half of the 19th century witnessed a cultural renaissance of sorts at Akwesasne and her fellow Mohawk communities (Bonaparte para. 23). This includes the emergence of native products such as Mohawk baskets, beadwork, snowshoes, cradleboards, and the rise of their high-steel construction industry, which gave occupation to the Mohawks. Throughout the early 20th century the identification of the Mohawk communities with the banner of the Seven Nations of Canada began to wane in favor of that of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, viewed by many as older and purer of the two since it originated long before European contact (Bonaparte para. 25).In the early part of the 20th century, the Mohawks engaged in exporting liquor from Canada to the United States, which was not as open as the past centuries because of controlled legislations on liquor transportation. Throughout the last decades of the 20th century, Akwesasne continued to feel the long-term effects of the St. Lawrence Seaway (Bonaparte para.33). The agricultural and fishing industry weakened so the Mohawks were forced to seek greener pastures by working in factories and establishments in big cities in New York. Cultural issues conflicted with this economic stabilization. Mohawks, who moved away from Akwesasne, felt estrangement and have adapted non-Mohawk practices.Present Situation of the MohawksCurrently, commercialization and expansion of the Mohawks have become prevalent and have changed the lives of these indigenous people in one way or another. Their rich history and cultural heritage may be taken for granted by some but historians and anthropologists who have studied this unique tribe continue to hope that the difference it has made in this world would be appreciated by present-day societies. The remaining Mohawk community is still active though in promoting and maintaining the culture they have always been accustomed to, which is making them a stronger nation. Works CitedBonaparte, D. n.d. The History of Akwesasane from Pre-Contact to Modern Times. 3 July 2007 .
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Internet Protocol
At first, programming makers, for example, Novell, created restrictive layer 3 tending to. Notwithstanding, the net-working industry has advanced to the point that it requires a typical layer 3 tending to framework. The Internet Protocol (IP) delivers make systems less demanding to both set up and interface with each other. The Internet utilizes IP tending to give availability to a great many systems around the globe. To make it simpler to deal with the system and control the stream of parcels, numerous associations isolate their system layer tending to into littler parts known as subnets. Switches utilize the system or subnet segment of the IP tending to course movement between various systems. Every switch must be arranged particularly for the systems or subnets that will be associated with its interfaces.Switches speak with each other utilizing steering conventions, for example, Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open form of Shortest Path First (OSPF), to learn of different systems that are available and to compute the most ideal approach to achieve each system in view of an assortment of criteria, (for example, the way with the least switches). Switches and other arranged frameworks settle on these directing choices at the system layer. When passing bundles between various systems, it might end up important to change their outbound size to one that is perfect with the layer 2 convention that is being utilized. The system layer achieves this by means of a procedure known as fracture. A switch's system layer is normally in charge of doing the discontinuity. All reassembly of divided parcels occurs at the system layer of the last goal framework. Two of the extra elements of the system layer are diagnostics and the detailing of consistent varieties in typical system task. While the system layer diagnostics might be started by any organized framework, the framework finding the variety reports it to the first sender of the bundle that is observed to be outside nor-mal arrange task. Layer 4: â€Å"The Transports†:Layer Four, the transmition layer of the OSI display, offers end-to-end correspondence between end gadgets through a system. Contingent upon the application, the vehicle layer either offers dependable, association situated or con-nectionless, best-exertion correspondences.Identification application.Confirm that enter message arrive intact.Control data.Transmit error detections.Multiplexing or sharing of different sessions over a solitary physical connectionRealignment of sectioned information in the right request on the getting side.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Fire Management Practices
Fire Management Practices Introduction Fire is one of the biggest factors that determine management and development taking place in forests around the world. Evolution of certain forest ecosystems has been associated with frequent fires resulting from either human or natural causes while other ecosystems are impacted negatively by forest fires.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Fire Management Practices specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cases of massive destruction of forests from fire are recorded every year leading to huge economic losses. The losses occur owing to the fact that livelihoods, timber, housing, environmental and other recreational facilities are destroyed . Most of the wildfires occurring in forests nowadays are caused by the wrong use of fire in transforming forests into useful agricultural land, sustaining grazing activities, hunting, preparing land for mineral extraction and establishment of industries among other use s. Land conflicts and negligence such as dropping cigarettes may also be another source of forest fires. Forest fires have been deemed as the single most channel through which great destruction of forests occur but it also serves as an important method of checking the health composition of certain ecosystems. The conventional perspective that fire is destructive and should be fought immediately leads to the view that it is in fact possible for fire to be used as a management tool in some acceptable ecological conditions. Background of Kuwait Oil Wells In February 1938, discoveries were made that the Burgan field in Kuwait was rich in oil. The desert part of Kuwait had been observing unusual black patches but it was not until investigations were done that it was discovered that great wealth lay underground. In 1921, the country was under the leadership of a visionary and resourceful leader in the name of Sheikh Ahmad who was to take the country through the difficult moments (KPC, 200 9). As the 1930s approached, there was a decline in trade and the new ruler together with the people of Kuwait were aware of the prospects of oil mining in other neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia. In 1932, the discovery of oil in Bahrain made Kuwait pregnant with expectations that the surface deposits indicated that there was underground supply of a commodity capable of boosting the economy of the country. In 1934, the ruler of Kuwait signed the Kuwait Oil Concession Agreement intended at increasing the wealth of Kuwait (KPC, 2009).Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Initial drilling of oil started in Bahrain but later recommendations were made to take the process to Burgan. Studies were conducted and drilling in this area was carried out in 1937 and 1938 which led to the discovery of oil. The quantity of oil in this region was high that it gushed out in such a manner that it could not be controlled. There was no adequate mud to block the hole that had been drilled and this necessitated the use of alternative methods to control the situation. In 1946, Sheikh Ahmad steered plans to start exporting oil to other countries. This elevated Kuwait and was ranked among the world famous oil producers. The same year saw the first shipment of oil from Kuwait, something that was highly celebrated. The year 1976 marked the onset of a new era when the oil industry in Kuwait was nationalized. Just as the rest of Arab countries that were producing oil, Kuwait started deliberating with its counterparts in a bid to gain full control over its oil resources. The state continued increasing its share in the biggest oil company in the country until it eventually gained full control. Kuwait signed an agreement with Gulf and British Petroleum according the country complete control over its oil resources (KPC, 2009) Classes of Fires With regard to the pr ocesses involved in putting off fires, they are normally classified into various classes. The different classes of fires are on the basis of the fuel that ignites the fire, a factor that further gives the criteria for choosing the most suitable agent to be used in extinguishing the fire. On the basis of the type of fuel that causes fire, there are four different types of fires. Fires Resulting from Ordinary Combustibles This class of fires is the most prevalent type occurring as a result of heating, ignition and subsequent combustion of organic materials, rubber, plastics and cloth. The fire goes on burning on condition that heat, oxygen, fuel and chemical reactions exist to sustain the process. This class of fire is considered un-harmful as long as it is used in uncontrolled circumstances. For example, a cap fire where the source of heat is a different fire or natural availability of oxygen and a link of the three chemical reactions. Since the fire is only limited to wood and there are no other flammable substances, it is not dangerous.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Fire Management Practices specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, if a fire of this type is left to burn in an unrestricted environment, it can be dangerous since it can spread to other flammable substances causing it to be difficult to control. When its control becomes a problem then techniques of firefighting are essential. Containing and putting off fire in this class is relatively easy since it can be extinguished by simply cutting the supply of oxygen, heat, fuel or better still disrupting the chemical reaction that facilitates the process. The most elementary way of eliminating the heat is by spraying water to the burning substances. Oxygen supply to the fire can be removed using a fire extinguisher. Since this type of fire is the most common, it is important for firefighting departments to have equipment for fi ghting it in order to prevent damages (Melbourne University, 2004). Fires Resulting from Gases and Flammable Liquids This class of fires is caused by gases and liquids that are flammable and capable of undergoing combustion. Just like it has been mentioned in the case of class A fires, this class of fires require fuel, oxygen, heat and chemical reactions for burning to take place. The difference in the fuels that cause fires is that fires from this class are caused by liquids that are highly flammable such as gasoline and natural gas. Water should not be used to extinguish this type of fires since this has the impact of scattering the fire and making it possible to spread to other places. The fires in this category are extinguished by use of halon and dry chemical extinguishing agents. These agents make it difficult for the chemical reactions to go on hence depleting the fire (Hassam, 2011). Fires Resulting from Electrical Equipments This class of fires is of electrical natures whic h involve electrical equipment which have the potential of being energized. They occur in the event of short circuiting or when electrical cables become overloaded. These types of fires are very dangerous and cannot be extinguished by use of water since water itself is a good conductor of electricity hence has the potential of making the fire spread fast. These types of fires are extinguished by using extinguishing agents like Carbon dioxide, FM-200 and extinguishers that use dry powder of a chemical nature.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fires Caused By Metals This class of fires is caused by ignition of flammable metals such as lithium, sodium and potassium among others. The above mentioned metals ignite at once after their exposure in the air following a reaction with atmospheric oxygen. Among the metals, sodium is the most flammable and its exposure in the air produces sparks hence the safest way of storing it is dipping it in kerosene. Fire resulting from metals can be dangerous unless measures of control are taken immediately. Just like the electrical fires, using water to extinguish them can worsen the fire hence they require their unique extinguishing agents to put them off (Hassam, 2011). Traditional Methods of Extinguishing Oil Well Fires The first traditional method of fighting fire in oil wells is by spraying water on the fire. This method has one benefit in that it initiates a cooling effect on the burning oil. However, the method is not very effective when it comes to fighting oil well fires. Water and oil are immiscible and this ensures that the oil does not get wet hence the oil being heated is not adequately cooled. The second traditional method used in extinguishing oil well fires is the use of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide does not burn and its density is higher than that of air while it is in the gaseous form so it blankets the fire when sprayed. However, the methods used to deliver the carbon dioxide in oil wells are usually not effective. This is because the fire is in an oil well where pressurized combustible fluid normally facilitates the fire. The best way to extinguish this fire is to initiate a cooling effect in the surroundings and cutting the supply of oxygen till the fire is extinguished (CIAF, 2011). The third traditional method used in extinguishing oil well fires is the use of cold fire. This is a chemical associated with plants and once there is presence of heat, it undergoes endothermic reactions. It also surrounds the source of the fuel to ensure that there is no additional burning. Since oxygen, fuel and heat are the key components that cause fire, cold fire takes care of these three components. The traditional products used extinguish the fire by eliminating oxygen through smothering it in different ways. Some of the traditional methods are messy and usually cause blisters to the skin. For example, the halon extinguisher eliminates oxygen not only for the fire but also in the surroundings posing a danger to human life. The fourth traditional method used in extinguishing oil well fires is digging diverting wells and completely destroying the main well. This is a dangerous procedure since it puts the operators at grave danger and risks losing the well completely. This deprives the country of a gainful natural resource. It is also a risky method since poisonous gases and radiation pose a risk to the people putting off the fire (CIAF, 2011). Modern Methods of Extinguishing Oil Well Fires As a result of the recurrent fires in Kuwait oil w ells, it was discovered that the traditional methods that were being used to fight the fires were not sufficient. This crisis necessitated the adoption of new methods of extinguishing fires. Exploding the wells with Dynamite This method involves the use of a large pipe through a boom erected on a bulldozer to exactly locate where the well is in order to conduct accurate inspection. After doing this, a drum containing dynamite is suspended at the end of the boom to a bulldozer sprayed with water and then positioned well. The burning well is then sprayed with water with the intention of reducing the temperature. The bulldozer which is fitted with a galvanized iron shed and a tiny hole for the driver to peep through is then moved towards the source. Dynamite earlier deposited at the source is exploded followed by detonation of the charge. Explosion of dynamite consumes all the available oxygen hence putting off the fires. This method of extinguishing oil well fires is similar to the tr aditional method of cold fire which also eliminates oxygen hence putting off the fire (Husain, 1995). Raising the Plume Raising the plume is another modern method used to extinguish fire in oil wells in Kuwait. This method involves using a metal casing of between 30 and 40 feet high which is erected above the blown head making the flame to rise above the ground. This is followed by a constant pumping of water or liquid nitrogen in the casing hence depleting the fire of oxygen supply. The result of this process is the putting off the fire completely. In some cases, wet jet was used to replace the liquid nitrogen. Directing Water Jets on Water Heads This is another modern method used to extinguish oil well fires by directing water stream jet towards the source from a safe distance. Various methods are used prominently among them being the big wind method used in Hungary which extinguished the fire within 30-40 seconds. The other conventional methods took a bit longer in jetting the wa ter to extinguish the fire with temperatures ranging 300 to 400 degrees piling up in the area around the wells. Accomplishing New Oil Well Extinguishing Methods and their Impact The new methods of extinguishing oil well fires were accomplished through various ways. For instance, use of dynamite was accomplished by heaping dynamite at the source of the wells then blowing it off. This had the impact of depleting all the available oxygen hence extinguishing the fire. Raising the plume had the effect of elevating the flames high above the ground such that the flames could not destroy the wells. In accomplishing these new methods, specialists and people with expertise in the fields were used to ensure to ensure the effectiveness of the methods. Finances were also mobilized to meet the high costs involved in the shift from traditional methods into these modern methods (Husain, 1995). The new methods had a great impact on traditional methods of fire management. Some of the traditional meth ods that were in place had been described as being ineffective in extinguishing oil well fires. This problem was solved by the new methods. The new methods also eliminated the risks such as contact with poisonous materials associated with traditional fire fighting methods. Environmental Influence of Gulf War and Oil Fire The gulf war and oil fire led to numerous environmental influences in the affected areas. There was no clean up in the entire area affected by the oil fires hence sediments of oil remained long after the oil fires had been stopped. Another influence on the environment is that the salt marshes are still present in areas that were affected by the oil fires. The mangroves and the rocky shores are the only features that have recovered from the aftermath of the oil fires (CIAF, 2011). One of the human influences of the gulf war and the oil fires is the air pollution caused. The black smoke from burning oil fuels obscured the sun causing people not to see well. This smoke carries with itself dangerous air pollutants that are harmful to human beings. The gulf war and oil fires also had a human influence of making difficult the living conditions of many people. This is because oil is an important economic commodity for Kuwait and its destruction had significant economic implications. The war also led to deterioration of the countries’ economy making the lives of the people difficult. Conclusion Fires can be detrimental in that they cause great losses both to individuals and countries. Whether they are oil well fires or other forms of fires, it is crucial to come up with and implement excellent ways of fire management to avert the losses caused. Quick responses in cases of fire outbreaks should be implemented to ensure that whenever fires break they do not spread so easily to other places. Oil wells should also be designed in such a way that it is not easy for them to catch fire. The design should also be in such a way that the wells can be acce ssed easily once there are fire outbreaks. Governments should also come up with policies that restrict some of the practices that may lead to fires. Implementing these strategies will ensure that fires that often have negative implications are reduced. Reference List CIAF. (2011). Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills. New York: Jones Bartlett Publishers. Hassam. (2011). Classes Of Fire. Web. Husain, T. (1995). Kuwaiti oil fires: regional environmental perspectives. London: Elisivier. KPC. (2009). Kuwait Oil History. Web. MelbourneUniversity. (2004). Classes of Fires. Web. NHM. (2011). Forest Fires. Web.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Business Essays – Puma Company Brand
Business Essays Puma Company Brand Puma Company Brand 1. Executive Summary Puma AG is a multinational company that is based in German and manufactures high athletic and sportswear shoes both for women and men, It was founded by Rudolf Dassler after a dispute with his brother Adi Dassler with whom they had founded the Dassler Schuhfabrik in 1924. Puma had a very poor brand image that show a decline in its market share and prompted puma to change it strategic decisions to improve on its image, this process of change was led by Jochen Zeitz Puma CEO based on phases one to four of strategic plan to change puma’s image so that it can compete favorable in the marketplace and within a couple of years Jochen Zeitz had change puma’s brand image into one of the most desirable and sought after brand of sportswear and footwear worn both buy celebrities and fashion followers all over the word. 1.1 Introduction Puma was founded in Dassler Schuhfabrik, Herzogenaurach, Germany by Rudolf Dassler after a dispute with hi s brother Adi Dassler with whom they had founded the Dassler Schuhfabrik in 1924. Until early 2003 puma had a very poor brand image that show a decline in its market share and prompted puma to change it strategic decisions to improve on its image, this process of change was led by Jochen Zeitz Puma CEO based on phases one to four of strategic plan to change puma’s image so that it can compete favorable in the marketplace and within a couple of years Jochen Zeitz had change puma’s brand image into one of the most desirable and sought after brand of sportswear and footwear worn both buy celebrities and fashion followers all over the word. This report is divided in three parts, Part one presents the factors that influenced puma to change it brand image and it further goes to describe these factors under Macro-environmental analysis basing on market trends, rivalry between customers and strategic group mapping. The second part presents the puma’s resources and capab ilities in terms of strengths and weakness as well as virtuallity as seen as strengthens and the third part of the report presents puma’s winning strategies basing on pumas situation that fits the company, sustainable completive advantages and as a better performing company. According to case study of Puma AG (in Thompson, A.A., Strickland, A.J. and Gamble, J. (2005) Crafting and Executing Strategy (Fourteenth Edition), McGraw-Hill, New York, pages C411- C432), The environmental and competitive factors that influenced Puma’s strategic decision to improve its Brand image is identified under Macro- environmental factors, rivalry between competitors and strategic group mapping as below. 1.1.2 Macro –environmental factors Lack of social acceptance of Puma brand from the upper class customers who were not willing to wear the brand because they considered to of poor quality and were sold â€Å" dirt-cheap †Puma’s brand was compromised and this a affecte d it’s value for example Rudi’s son wanted puma products to reach all the customers of all social back ground and this move was seen by the upper class people as some thing below them and they can not be seen wearing the same brand as people on welfare recipients. In order for pumas brand to be accepted as a high quality brand of value, force puma to change and improve its brand so that it can be socially accepted by customers.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Critically Evaluating Current Neo-liberal Education Policies Essay
Critically Evaluating Current Neo-liberal Education Policies - Essay Example 280). Attempts to improve the education system have been concerned with increasing the productivity of the education system. In a bid to change the education system new policies have been designed to raise standards following market ideologies. The schools become responsible for performance while the parents are given a variety of choices to select schools. Moreover, Bartlett and Burton (2006, p. 4) added that, the curriculum has been designed and dictated across the nation and attending school became compulsory. Those who choose to go for higher education have been required to pay tuition fee. The coalition government has reviewed the curriculum and qualifications in the education system since it assumed power in the year 2010. In order to enable learners to take the most appropriate route for the aspired profession, the coalition government introduced policies that facilitate them join a school to become an academy. An academy is an arrangement where students attend without paying and the school is managed by members of the local groups in the community. The coalition government reviewed funding for the vocational education. The motive was to increase the standards for qualification of the vocational education. Additionally, the school curriculum was reviewed to allow the instructors choose the method of delivery to the students. For the students in higher education, the coalition government ensured that there was mobility and sustainable funding. Qualifications pertaining diplomas and languages were reviewed. The language skills such as grammar, punctuation and spelling were incorporated in learning. The changes in funding arrangements... This essay stresses that attempts to improve the education system have been concerned with increasing the productivity of the education system. In a bid to change the education system new policies have been designed to raise standards following market ideologies. The schools become responsible for performance while the parents are given a variety of choices to select schools. Moreover, Bartlett and Burton (2006, p. 4) added that, the curriculum has been designed and dictated across the nation and attending school became compulsory. Those who choose to go for higher education have been required to pay tuition fee. This paper declares that the coalition government reviewed funding for the vocational education. The motive was to increase the standards for qualification of the vocational education. Additionally, the school curriculum was reviewed to allow the instructors choose the method of delivery to the students. For the students in higher education, the coalition government ensured that there was mobility and sustainable funding. Qualifications pertaining diplomas and languages were reviewed. The language skills such as grammar, punctuation and spelling were incorporated in learning. The changes in funding arrangements were to ensure that students continue with learning, develop and grow academically. After the government introduced a curriculum which requires all schools to teach certain skills and subjects, a nationwide assessment curriculum was formed.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
System Access Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
System Access - Essay Example It should include database dump if applicable. Having a backup will ensure that the end users have certainty in accessing data anytime even when the agency server refuses to give permission for access or when their server fails. If the company providing hosting services refuses to grant access to data to the firm or the end users of the website, the project manager should opt to review the agreement or cancel it as soon as he can. Lastly, it is important for the project manager to have access to the control panel. It is also appropriate to configure the website manually without the use of a control panel. It can guarantee better performance and security because it can allow for customization at a lower level (Ahmed & Boutaba, 2014). If the project manager gets the rights to configure the server, he may know what is running and why the applications are running. Therefore, the end users of the social media website can have an assurance about the accessibility of the social media
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Taxation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Taxation - Assignment Example Charles’s language of correspondence is English even though he understands a little bit of French having studied French as a subject in school. Charles Antoine’s Social Insurance Number (SIN) is 193-456-787. Latesa Kiki, who is Charles’s wife, works as a Social and Health Care Service provider in a local Health and Social Care facility in Montreal Quebec. Latesa’s net income for the year 2013 after claim after credits is $80,000. Her Social Insurance Number is 193-567-674.The amount of Universal Care Benefit (UCCB) from line 117 of Latesa’s income is $1200 while the amount of Universal Child Benefit repayment from the line 213 of her return is $800 Charles Antoine is paid $9000 per month as his salary by the bank He works for. Apart from this income, he received $150,100 from a rental property he had but sold it in 2013.Charles also runs a personal business in his neighborhood where his younger works for him as the operator of the venture. Fro the personal business, he is able to earn an average of $2000 per month in terms of income. Charles is a staunch member of his church and every month, he gives $300 to his church which is a registered charity in Canada under the federal and territory laws. From his income, several deductions are normally made per month. Charles contributes towards the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and towards the Employment Insurance benefit. Apart from his church contribution, he also contributes $150 every month towards the social and service health acre facility where his wife works. This facility is also a registered charity organization which helps the elderly and the underprivileged in Montreal. To calculate the RRSP, it is important to know what Charles earned in the previous year in order to determine his RRSP deduction limit (Canadian Tax Calculator, 2014). Earned income includes the employment earnings (t4), rental income, net business income and alimony received and any other benefit.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Study On The Tangshan Earthquake
Study On The Tangshan Earthquake Throughout history there have been various natural disasters that have caused great destruction. One of these very disasters includes the Tangshan earthquake on July 29, 1976, below Tangshan City in the Hebei Province of northern China. The earthquake, measured at a magnitude of 7.5 lead to 242,400 deaths, with many severely injured. In addition, the city of Tangshan and surrounding regions faced infrastructure damages, including complete destruction of 97% of residential areas, 78% of industrial buildings and additional damage to railways, bridges, and roads. Statement of Aim This report will discuss the role of plate tectonics in the Tangshan earthquake. In addition, this report will cover the details of the earthquake pre-cursors, the main quake and aftershocks. Finally, this report will discuss the occurrence of destruction, casualties, relief response and response to similar events in the future. Plate Tectonics of North-East China It is important to develop some general knowledge what causes earthquakes, in order to gain a better understanding about the Tangshan event. Earths crust is broken into major tectonic plates that move towards and away from each other in different directions. Debated driving forces behind this movement includes Earths rotation, gravity related forces and mantle dynamics. Generally, it is accepted that tectonic plates are able to move because of the relative density of oceanic lithosphere and the relative weakness of the asthenosphere. While these plates are moving, they can collide or slide past each other creating high energy phenomena such as volcanoes and earthquakes. Specific to earthquakes, the edge of one plate is forced under another. This process is called subduction and results in intense vibrations in Earths crust. More specifically to Northeast China, the tectonic environment is driven by collisions between the Indian and Asian plates, and Pacific and Asian plates. An important component of the Tangshan earthquake is the role of an extensive strike-slip fault system, known as Tancheng-Lujiang, or Tan-Lu. This system extends in a north-northeast direction for more than 3,200 miles from the north bank of the Yangtze River in eastern China to the west across the Russian border. It is an intertwined zone of faults 5000km long and 1000km wide, neighbored by other sub-faults. These collectively played a significant part in what resulted in the Tangshan earthquake. In fact, the Tangshan earthquake sequence has been explained as the result of sequential ruptures of the Tangshan fault produced by NNE extensive faulting and associated NE-SW regional compression. The earthquake sequence then initiated at the bending region (near Tangshan City) due to continued tectonic stress that had been increasing for a long time. The relationship between the rupture geometries of the Tangshan earthquake sequence and the regional compression stresses. The Tangshan Event Pre-cursors Earthquakes have occurred in the surrounding area in the past, including 22 earthquakes of magnitude 4.75 or greater since 1485. Despite these previous activities, there were no foreshocks or clear precursory phenomenon prior to the Tangshan earthquake. However, there had been a series of abnormal signals observed in the regions of Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, Bohai and Zhangjiakou. Tangshan indicated that there was a consistent drop in the pumping rate (and hence groundwater levels) in the years before the event with a sharp increase in the days prior to the earthquake. Additionally, survivors interviewed following the earthquake noted that well water levels changed abruptly in the hours before the event e.g. with rises of over a meter in at least on village in the region. There was also strange animal behavior reported, including city dwellers from the downtown area who had fish discovered that the fish were restless, jumping out of the aquarium as if wanting to escape. Unfortunate ly the anomalous precursory phenomena were widely scattered and inconclusive. The main quake The main quake struck Tangshan at 3:42 am on July 28, 1976, and lasted approximately 23 seconds. This short lived quake was at an intensity of XI (out of XII), according to the State Seismological Bureau report, with a magnitude of 7.5 on the Richter magnitude scale. Although the epicenter was located in the city of Tangshan, the earthquake was felt in fourteen provinces of China, and as far as Xian, in Beijing and in Tientsin. The stress of the Tangshan quake was caused by the compression along the plate boundaries of the Indian and Asian plates, as well as the compression along the boundaries of the Pacific and Asian plates. The quake ruptured a five-mile (8 km) section of a 25-mile long fault that passes through the city Tangshan. In addition, along the west side the ground moved laterally for about five feet, in a north/northeast direction sub parallel to the major axis of the meizoseismic zone with some areas with horizontal ground displacements of up to 7 meters. On the eastern side of the rupture, the ground block tipped upward near the south end and downward at the northern end. Although the earthquake was a shallow focal depth of 15 kilometers, it created both horizontal and vertical movement, causing the ground to rent apart by several feet, cave in to form craters, previously flat agricultural land being undulated, and soil liquefaction. Aftershocks Following the main earthquake, the many aftershocks also had devastating effects. There were two major aftershocks which caused additional damage to the region. On July 28, 1976 at 6:45 pm local time an Mw 7.0 earthquake struck, centered in Shangjialin Luanxian to the northeast of Tangshan. This caused 50 km (31 mi) rupture along the Luanxian-Laoting fault. The second major aftershock of Mw 6.4 struck on November 15, 1976 at 9:53 pm local time, centered south of Lutai to the southwest of Tangshan. This aftershock ruptured 20 km (12 mi) of the Jing Canal fault. In all, over 850 aftershocks occurred through the end of 1978 and were distributed throughout an area approximately 140 km (87 mi) in length and 50 km (31 mi) in width along a northeast trend, indicating the Tangshan fault as the main fault rupture. Destruction and Casualties The destruction of the earthquake included 242,400 deaths; 164,600 people severely wounded; 3,800 people disabled; 360,000 people suffering minor injuries; and various damages to residential areas, industrial areas, roads, railways and sewage systems. Here, the report will examine what effects the earthquake had on infrastructure and casualties. Infrastructure Before the 1976 earthquake, scientists did not believe Tangshan was susceptible to a large earthquake. Thus, the seismic design code for the area was zoned an intensity level of VI and the buildings in Tangshan were not built to withstand such a large earthquake. Furthermore, the city of Tangshan is located in the center of an area surrounded with major faults, where many of its structures had been built on unstable, alluvial soils. The 7.8 earthquake that hit Tangshan was given an intensity level of XI and left hundreds of thousands of buildings destroyed. The infrastructure damage affected many different areas. Ninety-three percent of residential buildings and 78 percent of industrial buildings were completely destroyed. Eighty percent of the water pumping stations and fourteen percent of the sewage pipes were seriously damaged. In addition, the foundations of bridges gave way, bridges collapsed, railroad lines bent, closed roads were covered with debris, highway bridges and at least two dams collapsed, all telephone and radio communications systems stopped functioning and almost all of the irrigation wells became inoperative. The seismic waves of the earthquake spread the damage to various regions, such as Qinhuangdao and Tianjin, and a few buildings as far away as Beijing. As was the case in Tangshan city, earthquake resistance was not generally considered in the design of buildings in these other regions. Newer buildings with seismic capacity and any buildings strengthened after the 1975 Haicheng Earthquake performed much better during the Tangshan Earthquake than those designed without seismic design considerations. Casualty Along with infrastructure damage, there were devastating amounts of casualties. As mentioned earlier, the earthquake struck just before 4 am, when many people were asleep and unprepared. Before the earthquake, the total population of Tangshan city was approximately 1.2 million, with 2 million within 40 km (25 mi) of the epicenter. As mentioned earlier, the official death count from the earthquake was 242,400; however, other sources have cited the death toll to be as high as 655,000 to 779,000 people. Contributing to the high number of casualties was the structure of residential buildings. Most residential structures in Tangshan and surrounding rural regions consisted of older, single-story brick or stone wall homes with only few newer multi-story brick apartment buildings built in the 1960s. Due to this structure, many buildings collapsed because of the lack of proper connections between the walls and roof, as did many reinforced concrete and masonry industrial buildings with heavy roofs, weighing as much as 400 kg (890 lbs). Finally, another contributing factor to the high death toll was the density of buildings and population in Tangshan city being extremely high. This concentration contributed to the seriousness of the loss in particular because the source of the earthquake was directly beneath the city. Relief Response The earthquake disaster required both short-term and long-term response. To begin, the Chinese government refused to accept international aid from the United Nations, and insisted on self reliance. This required rescue workers accompanied by appropriate equipment in order to rescue people from the collapsed buildings, as well as a pre-established plan to coordinate the effort, which was made difficult since vehicular traffic brought the few clear streets to a standstill. Also, since most of the population lost their homes due to the infrastructure destruction, there was a great need for temporary shelters. Clearing of the debris did not begin in earnest until September 1981, leaving the vast majority of the population not being able to live in permanent housing until 1985. In addition, there was the need for long-term strategic planning. Much of this had to do with future design codes for the city. The Tangshan Earthquake led to a major update to the seismic design code, released in 1978. The study of the Tangshan Earthquake and its tectonic setting also resulted in the reclassification of hazard zonation of the Hebei province (particularly the Tangshan region). Updates to the code included performance criteria increases with the raising of expected ground shaking intensity, the introduction of a new understanding of how the liquefaction of underlying soils impacts building foundations, and the inclusion of increased vertical forces from seismic loads good building practice from the collapsed buildings in Tangshan. The earthquake also highlighted the requirement for redundancy in the provision of lifelines, accompanied by the assessment of the appropriate design standards to guarantee the minimum necessary function of roads, bridges, or utility supplie s which were greatly affected by the earthquake. The relief responses resulting from the Tangshan Earthquake created the opportunity to build and incorporate increased earthquake resistance for future seismic events. Moreover, the layout of the city was planned to reduce both the number of casualties and injured, in addition to increasing the efficacy of emergency relief and disaster rehabilitation. The 2008 Sichuan earthquake had the same measurement on the Richter scale at 8.0 in magnitude. It, however, occurred in a mountainous region where relief efforts were noticeably hampered by the geographical makeup of the land nearby. The Sichuan earthquake also had a much quicker and more organized response system than Tangshan, as the political, social and technological environment was different. Discussion Conclusion In summary, this report has presented many important concepts to gain an understanding about the Tangshan Earthquake. It has examined the underlying driving forces, such as the Tancheng-Lujiang fault system and Tangshan fault; the various effects from the precursors, main quake, aftershocks; the destruction and casualties from the disaster, including factors that lead to an increased death toll and infrastructure damage; the relief response to the disaster and how it affected future earthquake responses; and a discussion of how amateur seismologists and professionals made predictions about the Tangshan Earthquake. Discussing these topics brings awareness on the importance of understanding natural disasters, and how a population can learn and prepare itself for future natural disasters.
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