Saturday, August 31, 2019
Life and Cemetery Essay
The cemetery that I visited was the Benedictine University Cemetery. It is a cemetery on campus where all of the reverends, pastors, and important religious idols affiliated with the school, are buried. The cemetery has a path that runs through the middle of it and it leads up to a statue of Jesus Christ on the cross. This is not a grave, but more a religious centerpiece that the eyes can focus on. Around the centerpiece are many rows of crosses. In front of those crosses are head stones in the ground of the deceased. I wondered if the people who had crosses were more important religiously than those who do not have crosses. To really take in everything the cemetery has to offer though, I used all five of my senses. One of the best ways to really understand what something is is to investigate it using all of your five senses. This is exactly what I did. I looked at all of my surroundings, smelled, tasted the air (more imaginative), touch, and hear what my environment has to offer. What do you see when you walk into a cemetery? Do the images that you see help you perceive and feel something specific? As I walked into the cemetery, I saw rows upon rows of crosses. Jesus Christ is the center piece of the cemetery. When I walked in, I walked underneath a row of coniferous pine trees. I actually found this very interesting; because if you think about it, coniferous pine trees, in a sense â€Å"don’t die†. They live throughout the winter and the summer; an all year round. Can this be a symbol of the human soul living past the point of the body dying? That was the only type of shrubbery that I saw in the cemetery, besides the fake flowers, which also live longer than normal flowers. A cemetery is a place of deep thought and transition. It was interesting to see the birds swoop in and out of the trees without a care in the world while death surrounds them in every which way. Then my mind started to drift off again. Why do humans bury their dead? I know it is to commemorate the dead, but can’t that be done in a manner that doesn’t in a sense, ‘waste less land’? Now I am not trying to be disrespectful in any sense at all, but once the body is dead, why keep it? If you think about it, cemeteries use so much land for the dead. I feel like we are celebrating death, even though the whole meaning behind a cemetery is for remembrance. Honestly, when I drive by a cemetery, I am filled with grief. When in a cemetery, death is upon us. Even in the light, a dark stage inhabits a bright time. I think the most discrete way to investigate a cemetery is the stop and smell your surroundings. What does your nose take in? When I visited, I took in the smell of fresh pine, from the coniferous pines. I took a deep breath and felt very relaxed. Am I supposed to be feeling so relaxed in a cemetery? Doesn’t relaxation go against everything that a cemetery stands for? Wouldn’t one think that you would smell death? Well this is what I thought. But I guess I was wrong. I think that the ‘smell of death’ is more something that you get from horror movies. Plus, it all might just be in our minds when someone states, ‘that smells like death’. What would death taste like? The question should be more like, who would want to taste death? I’m pretty sure that everyone would have to agree with that statement. Others would say it might taste like something rotten, or moldy. I think I am going to have to agree with the statement saying that no one wants to taste death. Most everyone has heard the saying, â€Å"the touch of death†. Well, what does it feel like to touch death? Is it physically touching the deceased, or having death touch you in a sense? Having touched the deceased is indeed touching death, but does it have a meaning behind it? I believe that just being in the presence of death is overwhelming. It takes you to a place that you don’t normally go. You start to worry about family members and ultimately, changing the way that you live your day to day life. You start thinking about not seeing loved ones again, and you treat people with more respect. I think that people realize their selfish behavior when death touches them. I know that this is what happened to me when I went to a funeral; and it wasn’t even for one of my family members. The weird thing is that these are the feelings that I had when I was in the cemetery. Being in the cemetery I felt very relaxed and had I questions and feelings that completely contradicted everything that I felt at the funeral. Sound is a strong sense. Not that they aren’t all, but sound influences reactions in a shocking manner. It can scare you, startle you, or even soothe you. The birds swooping in and out of the trees, chirping, were very relaxing sounds. The swoosh of the wind blowing the trees back and fourth clams you. Other than the birds and the sound of the wind, the cemetery was motionless, and soundless. It was calming and eerie at the same exact time. The most impressive thing about the Benedictine University Cemetery was the massive statue of Jesus Christ that was the centerpiece of the area. The statue towered over the cemetery. The overwhelming size of the statue made you think that there were things out there that were more important than you, or your life. Maybe, I thought, the idea of the statue is to make people stop and take a moment out of their lives to think about the lives of others. It is impressive to think that an intimate object could make you stop your busy life to think about the deceased. I walked up to the statue and just stared. I was in awe. I looked at what surrounded it and saw numerous head stones. I read the head stone and saw that they were for pastors and fathers from the school. The names on the head stones were names that I have seen before. They were the names that the dormitories were named after. These people must have done something very amazing to still be recognized many years later. That notion in itself is very impressive indeed. This can be related to what we are learning in class with Aquinas. He asks the question, â€Å"If we are not just pure spirits, what are we after death? †(Aquinas). Well, the soul retains its identity when it separated from the body. It is the relationship to the body that individualizes the soul. The soul has a transcendental relationship to the body. This means that the relationship goes beyond time and space. I think that this relationship, the transcendental relationship between the soul and the body begins when the body ends. This relationship continues and is celebrated in a cemetery. The soul continues on after the body has passed away. Another question that Aquinas answers is the ever important, â€Å"Is the human soul incorruptible? †(Aquinas). Yes, the human soul is immortal, and incorruptible. It will live forever, past the life of the body. Man has a natural desire for immortality; and though it may not happen with the matter or body, it will happen with the soul. The soul is not composed of matter it is a pure act, without matter. I think that a cemetery is a way to get people who visit to think about these things. A cemetery is supposed to be a reassurance about a loved one that is lost. They are still alive, just not in body form. When I think about this now, I wonder why I never thought about this before. Now that I think about it, it makes me think about why a cemetery is actually a relaxing place to be. When you put the pieces of the puzzle together, it all makes sense. After my visit to the cemetery, it opened my eyes to a new way to view the way life is lived. This experience was very uplifting. At first, I wasn’t so sure why a visit to the cemetery would give me any benefit. I guess that I was wrong. I have contradicting thoughts about the cemetery, for example, I feel that it is a waste of a large amount of land and I also think that it is a relaxing place to go. The weird thing is that both of these statements are true. We could build a place that is relaxing, that maybe isn’t so large that still serves the same function that a cemetery does. If one were to make a pros and cons list, a cemetery will serve more pros then cons. The only way that I realized this is with this assignment. But with the assignment, I understand what I am supposed to get out of life better than what I did before my visit. Before my visit to the cemetery I believed that you were just supposed to live a long happy life, and that was about it. Be happy everyday, and enjoy life as it is handed to you. I didn’t really think twice about what was going to happen after my life is over. But, after my visit to the cemetery, my thoughts staggered in a whole new direction. I started to think long term, and how I would feel when my time came to ‘go’. Sure, you are supposed to live your life to the fullest, but is that the only thing you are supposed to think about? What about your soul? What about that connection? These are the questions that ran through my mind after my visit to the cemetery. From this experience I think that I can honestly say that I have delved deeper into the meaning of life. When looking around the cemetery, I started to think about all the people that have come and gone through and that all that are still here, the deceased. What can death tell us about the individual? Is it just what is written on the head stones? Or is it something more? I think death gives us a glance upon the individual as a whole. Although it is hard to know all of the accomplishments that someone has achieved if you didn’t know them or one of their family members. I think that it is interesting that the people that are buried in the Benedictine University cemetery are people of stature. But eventually it won’t matter what or who you were, because all of our bodies are going to end up the same way. Our souls do not have a hierarchy, but it seems that our bodies do. This is another point that death helped me recognize. Overall, what does the meaning of life mean? Is it just a cycle that happens to everyone? Born then gone again? I’m sure society doesn’t see it like that. Birth is viewed as a beautiful thing, a miracle. But death is horrible. Something that is tragic. But I think that death is thought of as horrible because of the many misconceptions that surround it. The soul is immortal, so the only thing that is dying is the house that connects the soul and the body. We still live on past our body expiration date, but I don’t think that everyone realizes this. It is important that we shed light on these ideas about death so that it isn’t seen as such a horrible thing. It is sad yes, but horrible in every sense? No, not at all. Life is important, but the opposite end, death, is just as important. I think that we must understand death to understand life. Both go hand in hand and everyone in this world experiences both life and death, whether they are positive or negative. There are pros and cons for everything and both must be looked at in order to maintain a healthy state of mind when experiencing either one.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Falling in Love
Falling in Love â€Å"Hey, hellooo, man what is wrong with you? You have been acting strange lately and I think it has something to do with you falling in love. †Nicole said. â€Å"Yea, falling in love has some weird effects on me. †Kendall responded. The two girls continue to chatter about the effects of falling in love. Falling in love can have a variety of devastating and enjoyable effects such as always have a companion, getting a major increase in self-esteem, and last but no least losing focus in school and schoolwork.One of the most serene effects of falling in love is always having a companion. My friend Kendall used to feel lonely all of the time. You see she was the only one in our clique that had yet to experience falling in love with someone. All of that changed the day she fell in love with her now permant lover. Now Kendall never feels lonely. For example, every single day Kendall’s lover stops by her house just to spend a little time with her. Ke ndall is now in love and not a single day goes by that Kendal even thinks about being lonely.When I finally fall in love I hope to be like Kendall and have a great effect of falling in love like having a companion. â€Å"Man, do you know that I got a D- in Mr. Merjetski’s class? I went and asked him about it and he told me that if I wasn’t so busy falling in love with you and got busy with my schoolwork that I could’ve and would’ve done better. †Falling in love at times can have a negative effect such as losing focus in school and your schoolwork. A few of my friends are in love and their schoolwork is starting to become affected.They spend most of their class time focusing on their lovers instead of their schoolwork. Statistics show that when a high school teenager is in love that their grades in school seem to drop. Falling in love takes a lot of focus and most teens lose focus in school just to focus on falling in love. Self-esteem is self-resp ect. The dictionary defines self-esteem as confidence in your own merit as an individual person. Falling in love can have a very optimistic effect like getting a major increase in self-esteem.Most of my friends that are falling in love or have fallen in love are now more confident in themselves. For example, Rachael had very little to none self-esteem. When she fell in love with her current lover he complimented her everyday for different stuff. He complimented her hair, style, and one time he even complimented the color of the nail polish she had on. After receiving all those compliments Rachael’s confidence of herself slowly but surely began to buildup. Like most of my friends after falling in love my confidence too began to intensify.Falling in love can be an incredible experience with excellent effects like getting a boost of self-esteem, and having a companion. With every good there comes a bad. Falling in love can have some unpleasant effects such as losing focus on sch ool and schoolwork. These are the three effects that my friends have experience in falling in love. So my advice to you is to fall in love, and experience it just as my friends have. Even though falling in love has its ups and downs it is still worth a shot.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Article of Capital Budgeting Survey Essay
This research is motivated by two major factors: (1) the over twenty year hiatus since the last thorough review ofthe capital budgeting survey literature, and (2) past appeals to the finance academic community by researchers to explore neglected areas ofthe capital budgeting process. In response, and using a four-stage capital budgeting process as a guide, the authors review the capital budgeting survey literature from 1984 through 2008 and find that some ofthe neglected areas have infact been directly addressed. Unfortunately, the most prevalent focus of capital budgeting surveys continues to be that ofthe selection stage. As a result, many areas ofthe capital budgeting process still remain relatively unexplored, providing numerous survey research opportunities. This research effort is motivated by two tnajor factors: 1) the twenty year hiatus since the last thorough review of the capital budgeting survey literature, and 2) past observations and appeals made to the finance academic community by fellow researchers to explore neglected areas of the capital budgeting process through more focused and directed survey research. Richard M. Burns is a Professor of Finance at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL Joe Walker is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL. The authors wish to thank the Editor and the anonymous referee for their many helpful comments and suggestions. 78 The first factor stands on its own as justification for an update of the capital budgeting survey literature. The last comprehensive reviews were made by researchers Scott and Petty (1984) and Mukherjee (1987) over twenty years ago. Regarding the second factor, almost three decades ago, Kim (1979) noted that too much emphasis was being placed on methods of ranking and selecting capital budgeting proposals. Scott and Petty (1984) also noted the â€Å"†¦ disproportionate (unjustified) amount of time [spent] on a particular stage (financial analysis and project selection) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Further, Gordon and Pinches (1984) generalized this complaint by arguing that â€Å"†¦the capital budgeting process must be viewed in its entirety.†Mukherjee (1987) agreed that â€Å"†¦ further survey efforts need to be devoted to understanding the entire process.†To address these two factors, the authors have provided a current review of the capital budgeting survey studies over the past twenty-four years. The results are reported in a four-stage capital budgeting framework that allows a more detailed and clear assessment of the appeals by past researchers. As a result, fertile areas for future applied research in the area of capital budgeting survey work are more easily identified and summarized. The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section I a four-stage capital budgeting process will be identified and used throughout the balance ofthe paper. It provides a useful framework to evaluate in more detail the most prominent capital budgeting survey literature reviews of the past, to highlight neglected areas of capital budgeting research, and to organize past appeals for future research in this area. In Section II this four-stage process will also be used to describe the procedures used in performing the capital budgeting 79 BURNS & WALKER – CAPITAL BUDGETING SURVEYS: THE FUTURE IS NOW survey literature update over the 1984-2008 period. Section III will continue to use this framework to present the detailed findings while Section IV will provide an overall summary. Finally, Section V will present conclusions, comments, and insights for future survey research. I. Past Reviews and Appeals appears on an executive’s desk and all that is needed is for the manager to choose the project(s) with the highest expected payoff. However, as most managers quickly learn, this is not the case. Further, once projects are chosen, the evaluation of an individual project’s subsequent performance is usually either ignored or often inappropriately handled. Our contention is that the capitalbudgeting process must be viewed in its entirety, and the informational needs to support effective decisions must be built into the firm’s decision comprehensive reviews support system. In the corporate finance capital budgeting survey literature the capital The last budgeting process has been were made by researchers Scott described in terms of four The two most significant stages: 1) identification, attempts to assess the and Petty (1984) and Mukherjee 2) development, 3) balance of research among (1987) over twenty years ago. selection, and 4) control.’ these four stages were those The identification stage of Scott and Petty (1984) comprises the overall process of project idea generation and Mukherjee (1987), both of which occurred well over including sources and submission procedures and the twenty years ago.^ Scott and Petty provided a synthesis of earlier surveys of incentives/reward system, if any. The development stage involves the initial screening process relying primarily large American firms and organized their analysis based on a upon cash flow estimation and early screening criteria. The three stage classification: 1) project definition and cash flow selection stage includes the detailed project analysis that estimation 2) financial analysis and project selection, and results in acceptance or rejection of the project for funding. 3) project implementation and review. Citing Gitman and Finally, the control stage involves the evaluation of project Forrester (1977), they noted that: †¦ project definition and cash flow estimation is performance for both control purposes and continuous considered the â€Å"most difficult†aspect ofthe capital improvement for future decisions. All four stages have budgeting process. The financial analysis and common areas of interest including personnel, procedures, project selection stage, which receives the most and methods involved, along with the rationale for each. attention in the literature, is considered the least All four stages are critical to the overall process, but difBcult ofthe three stages †¦Ã‚ the selection stage is arguably the most involved since it includes the choices of analytical methods/techniques used, Also covering surveys of large American corporations, how the cost of capital is determined, how adjustments for Mukherjee (1987) agreed that there had been too much projects risks are assessed and reflected, and how, if relevant, survey focus on the selection stage and not enough on the capital rationing affects project choice. The selection stage other stages as well as the overall capital budgeting process. has also been the most investigated by survey researchers, Paraphrasing that paper’s recommendations, it called for particularly in the area of selection techniques, resulting in more research into specific questions relevant for each stage. a relative neglect ofthe other stages. This in turn has led to For example, in stage 1, future surveyors were urged to appeals to future researchers to consider the other stages in investigate the reward systems, procedural aspects, and the their survey research efforts. As Gordon and Pinches (1984) organizational structure ofthe firm. In stage 2, more research note: was suggested on the topics of divisional vs. corporate Most of the literature on the subject of capital biases, strategic considerations, cash flow estimation budgeting has emphasized the selection phase, details, data details, cannibalization, risk, and inflation. giving little coverage to the other phases. Instead, Even within the more widely-studied Stage 3, neglected it is usually assumed that a set of well-defined capital investment opportunities, with all of the informational needs clearly specified, suddenly ^ o t e that these two reviews are only three years apart based on publication ‘See Gordon and Pinches (1984) and Mukherjee (1987). Scott and Petty (1984) use a similar 3-stage process. It is interesting to note, however, that an even earlier survey by Gitman and Forrester (1977) had used a 4-stage analysis. date, and that the latter does not cite the former, likely due to publication lags. As noted in the procedures section, this paper uses the Mukherjee format. Furthermore, the title of this paper derives from Mukherjee’s title. 80 areas were identified such as the rationale for the various methods used, how firms compute their cost of capital, the low rate of risk recognition, the associated low rates of risk adjustment and assessment sophistication, capital rationing (and the low usage of linear programming), and the details of authorization levels. Finally, with regard to Stage 4, more research was encouraged into the details of performance evaluation, how the company follows up on such evaluation, the details of expenditure control procedures, and the reward system for performance.’ How well these appeals have been answered with subsequent survey research is the primary focus of this paper. In the next section the authors describe the procedures employed to assess the effectiveness of these appeals made over twenty years ago. II. Procedures Consistent with the reviews by Scott and Petty (1984) and Mukherjee (1987), the following criteria were used to choose capital budgeting survey articles for inclusion in this review: the surveys had to involve large US firms, they had to be broad-based (not focused on one particular industry), and they had to be published in mainline academic journals post-1984. Using these criteria resulted in the selection of the nineteen capital budgeting surveys included in Figure 1.†The Figure provides, in chronological order, the survey year (which in all cases differs from the publication year), authors, research method, usable responses and the audience surveyed. Each of these 19 survey articles was then thoroughly examined in an effort to identify the stages and areas within each stage that the survey covered. The results of this process are reported in Figure 2 and consistent with Mukherjee’s (1987) chronological ordering in a tabular form indicating areas of investigation within the four stages ofthe ‘These more specific questions are largely paraphrased from Mukherjee (1987) and are not fully exhaustive. The interested reader is, of course, encouraged to read this very thorough article in its entirety. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢The initial search using Proquest (ABI Inform) specifying â€Å"capital budgeting surveys†in scholarly journals after January 1, 1984, yielded over two hundred results. However, the great majority were published in the non-mainline journals, including many strictly practitioner (trade journal) outlets and /or were focused on a particular country or industry and thus eliminated by the screening criteria. To insure against missing articles due to any limitations ofthe ABl database, the authors checked the references ofthe surviving articles, and in addition, conducted a manual search ofthe most cited finance journals tables of contents and the reference sections of the various survey articles found. JOURNAL OF APPLIED FINANCE – ISSUES 1 & 2, 2009 capital budgeting process.’ It should be noted that the Figures herein were slightly altered from Mukherjee’s original format to better focus on selected issues that were identified specifically as areas of neglect. For example, the category of â€Å"techniques†was divided into â€Å"techniques used†and â€Å"reasons for techniques used†. Similarly, the risk category was divided into â€Å"risk recognition†, â€Å"risk assessment†, and â€Å"risk adjustment†. III. Findings by Stage A quick perusal of Figure 2 reveals an obvious concentration of â€Å"checks†in Stage 3 (selection) similar to the previous findings of Mukherjee. Although a careful look at some of the stage categories individually indicates that several neglected areas have been researched over the period, there is still an obvious and relative lack of research into Stages 1, 2, and 4. To further assess the effectiveness ofthe research appeals, the analysis and reported results in this section will be ordered by the four stages. Summary comments are provided only on those surveys which provide a significant contribution to a previously neglected area of capital budgeting survey research. As a result, the findings of Bierman ( 1993), Gilbert and Reichert (1995), Payne, Heath, and Gale (1999), and Ryan and Ryan (2002) are not summarized. A. Stage 1 : Identification Suggested areas of study within this stage include how project proposals are initiated, whether the proposal process is on-going or on an â€Å"only-when-needed†basis, at what level projects are generated, whether there is a formal process for submitting ideas, how that process works when present, and if there is an incentive system for rewarding good ideas.* Unfortunately, there has never been an in-depth survey focused on this stage, leaving no question that it remains strongly neglected. The only contribution of a minor nature to this topic is the incidental finding by Stanley and Block (1984). They found that in over 80% of the responding firms that capital budgeting proposals originated bottom up ‘In the 1987 article, note that on Figure 4, the stages are described somewhat differently from the discussion in the paper itself Specifically, in the body of the paper, the four stages are: (1) identification, (2) development, (3) selection, and (4) the post-audit. But in the table, the 4 stages are idea generation, proposal development, selection of projects, and control or performance evaluation. ‘As in footnote 3, the following suggested areas of study for all four stages are largely paraphrased from Mukherjee (1987).. 81 BURNS & WALKER – CAPITAL BUDGETING SURVEYS: THE FUTURE IS NOW Figure 1. Surveys of Capital Budgeting of Large US Firms Surveyed Year(s) Survey Author(s) Method Number of Usable Responses 1982 Stanley & Block (1984) questionnaire 121 1986 Pruitt & Gitman (1987) questionnaire 121 1986 Pohlman, Santiago, & Markel(1988) questionnaire 232 1988 Gordon & Myers (1991) 1988 1992 1990 1991 1992 Myers, Gordon, & Hamer(1991) Bierman (1993) Porterba & Summers (1995) Gilbert & Reichert (1995) Trahan & Gitman (1995) Sample CFO’s of Fortune 1000 multinationals VP Finance or Treasurer of largest industrials in Fortune 500 CFO’s of Fortune 500 questionnaire 282 questionnaire 282 questionnaire 74 Executives and capital budgeting directors of large US industrials except utilities and transportation Large public firms from FASB Data Bank 100 largest of Fortune 500 questionnaire 160-228 CEO’s of Fortune 1000 questionnaire 151 Fortune Magazine Directory CFO’s questionnaire 84 CFO’s of Fortune 500 + Forbes 200 Managers of foreign manufacturing subsidiaries of US industrials 1992 Shao & Shao (1996) questionnaire 188 1992 Burns & Walker (1997) questionnaire 180 Fortune 500 7,27,10 7 best-sellling texts, 27 prestigious CFO’s, 10 leading financial advisors 1996-97 Bruneretal(1998) telephone survey 1992-93 Mukherjee & Hingorani(1999) questionnaire 102 Fortune 500 CFO’s 1994 Payne, Heath, & Gale (1999) questionnaire 155 USA and Canadian based companies from S&P Compustat database questionnaire 111 CFO’s from Fortune 1000 questionnaire 392 CFO’s from FEI corporations interviews 39 executives of large companies questionnaire 205 CFO’s of Fortune 1000 questionnaire 40 top-ranking officers of Fortune 1000 1997 1999 1999 1999 2005 Gitman & Vandenberg (2000) Graham & Harvey (2001) Triantis & Borison (2001) Ryan & Ryan (2002) Block (2007) z †¢^ II O) (2002) ueAy â€Å"? uBAy o (0 O) †¢a (0 a> i2 i2 o u. a> †¢o (0 (O O) I O) †¢o 3 OQ a re U 3 D) < ‘O6B!)UB9 ‘UBLU|L|Od S (8861.) |S>tJeiM (Z86l.)ueaJi!O’SH! (W6l)>|00ia’8’^8|UBis |L Idea Generation |A. Source of Origination |B. Reasons for Idea Origination |C. Process of Origination & Submission |D. Time Pattern of Origination 1II. ProposalDevelopment |A. Level at Which screening Takes Place |B. Screening Process  ¡C. Cashflow Estimates (and forecasting) |D. Responsibility for Budget Preparation (personnel) |lll. Selection of Projects |A. Classification of Projects for Economic Analysis B. Personnel (Department) Responsible for Analysis C1. Listing Techniques Used |C2. Reasons for Techniques Used Dl. Risk recognition D2. Risk assessment D3. Risk adjustment El. Capital Rationing: How Extensive? E2. Capital Rationing Rationale E3. Capital Rationing Methods Used F. Cost of Capital G. Project Approval |IV. Control (or Perfonnance Evaluation) A. Extent of Use of Post Audit B. Personnel Involved/Procedure C. Performance Measurement D. Use of Evaluation (Punishment/Reward/Etc.) 1* Surveys in this exhibit appear in chronological order of their publication. 82 JOURNAL OF APPLIED FINANCE – ISSUES 1 & 2, 2009 o o o o CM o ( ¿ooz) >iooia 6jaquapueA ‘S UBLUIJO (0002) (6660 9|B0 ‘S ‘MIB9H ‘auÄBd (666 O !UBJo6u!H ‘S aa[jaLj>|ni^ -?†¢ -y -7-?†¢ -y (1.002) uosuog pue suueui -?†¢ ~y (1.002)’^SWBH S lUBMBJO ~7-?†¢ -?†¢ -?†¢ -?†¢ -y -?†¢ (866l.)|Bà a.iaunjg -?†¢ CO t ^ -y ( ¿66l)J8>lieM’8SUjng (966l†¢)oeL^S’8OB^s -y (9661.) uBUjJio ‘S UBUBJi -y (S66l.)weM0!ay’s;jaqi!9 -y (9661-) sjauiujns ‘s eqjapod -?†¢ -y m ( £661.) ueuuaig -y -y â€Å"5 ‘a. n O (1-661-) jaoiBH ‘S ‘uopjoo ‘sjaA|/| ~y -y ~y -y (1.661.) sjaÄ|/l’8uopjoo -y ~y -y -y -?†¢ -?†¢ -y ~y -y -y to -y 00
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Premaritalsex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Premaritalsex - Essay Example Although premarital sex in itself may not be evil per se, unprotected premarital sex especially among young people between the ages of 15 to 19 can lead to unwanted pregnancies and infection with sexually transmitted diseases including Acute Immune Diseases Syndrome (AIDS). Premarital sex can lead to a host of problems. According to the Guttmacher Institute (2010), around 46% of kids around the age of 15 to 19 in the United States have had sex at least once. Many of these young people had sex out of curiosity and peer pressure. In many schools around the country, kids see sex as a right of passage so those who want to belong to the â€Å"in†crowd must experience sexual awakening to be accepted (Finer LB et al., 2006). Kids who remain virgins especially during their senior years in high school are often ridiculed by their peers and called old fashion and â€Å"uncool†(Finer LB et al., 2006). This kind of peer pressure can lead some students to resort to some drastic measures such as having unprotected sex. As a result, about 10% of pregnant women in the United States are teenagers (Guttmacher Institute, 2010). As it is, a lot of young people drop out of school because of unwanted pregnancies. Premarital sex that ends in unwanted pregnancy is a very big issue especially among young people. Since many of pregnant teenagers are reluctant to tell their parents about their condition, many of them do not get proper prenatal care especially during the first trimester of their pregnancy (Hofferth SL et al., 2001). This situation can cause some health problems and complication both in the mother and the baby especially during the last term of the pregnancy (Banerjee, et. al. 2009). Babies born to teenager mothers who have not received proper prenatal care are more likely to suffer from low-birth weight compared to those babies whose mothers received proper pre-natal care (Banerjee, et. al. 2009). After giving birth, teenager
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Earned Value Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Earned Value Management - Essay Example The most vital component of EVMS is recognizing the real time investment occurring within the project compared to planned value and actual cost. This will illustrate whether the project is exceeding costs and whether it is behind schedule. It is important to recognize that PV is also considered the Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled, which is imperative for determining earned value. Projects have technical performance aspects (progress) that is related to budget and should be assessed in comparison to actual costs incurred. Planned budget of $180,000 with an actual cost of $200,000 would, without EVMS, be $20,000 over budget. However, EVMS might illustrate that the technical progress started earlier than expected, thus the project is now ahead of schedule and might be more apt to meet PV budget. This is why EVMS is linked directly to cost and performance. My view is that EVMS is a more practical assessment of a project since it takes more into consideration than just costs. It recognizes expert progress based against time schedules, to make a more accurate assessment of project value or potential losses. It is a viable tool for assessing projects because it takes time and talent into consideration (Goodpasture, 2004) along with recognition of costs, something needed for strategic project management in order to gain a broader picture of whether the project is meeting its intended budget and progress
Monday, August 26, 2019
Coming to Conclution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Coming to Conclution - Essay Example While it is necessary to consider the input offered by the stakeholders, such as grandparents and the social workers, long delays in gathering and evaluating the information can work to the detriment of the child. The study used in-depth focus groups with social workers to determine how, why, and in which fashion evidence could become tainted or distorted. The study pointed out the areas that the interviewees perceived as being prone to rendering an inadequate decision. The ability to weigh chronic and ongoing abuse against the emotionally charged single event of acute abuse was one of the difficulties pointed out by the study (Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor, 2007, p.57). The study contended that the less significant abuse that formed a pattern was often disregarded if there was some more recent evidence that demonstrated an ability to change (Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor, 2007, p.61). The study also demonstrated that the social workers were caught in a situation of conflicting roles. The study noted that while the social workers were expected to advocate for the parents, they are also in an adversarial role of, "†¦limit setters, enforcers and, if the case comes to court, witnesses "for the prosecution"" (Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor, 2007, p.59). These scenarios produce a situation where the parents and the children are not ful ly and adequately represented. The study recognized that delayed proceedings always work to the detriment of the child (Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor, 2007, p.60). Yet, all of the steps needed to acquire adequate and complete information results in delays. The study concluded by suggesting that the proceedings could be sped up and give a better outcome by eliminating the adversarial format that is currently used (Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor, 2007, p.62). The researchers further recommend that the participants in the proceedings have a better support system to reduce the effect of personal goals and aid to keep the past in its
Womens Sex Appeal vs. Mens Sex Appeal Research Paper
Womens Sex Appeal vs. Mens Sex Appeal - Research Paper Example For example, Western society is inundated with sexually-explicit materials in many advertising formats as a means of gaining male or female devotion to a particular product or service. Depending on the imagery and the market, whether male or female, it can often create a stimulus response that ultimately leads to higher sales volumes for the product. In Asia, visual representations of partially-clothed men and women are much less common based on regulatory presence or stern, traditional cultural beliefs on sexuality. The most common similarity between men and women, when determining sex appeal, is based on physical appearance and not biological factors, such as chemical pheromone response. Advertising and the development of a liberal culture related to sex seem to be the most important factors that have created the modern view of sex appeal in both men and women. THE FEMALE VIEW Men clearly consider the importance of female sex appeal which is evident with the high volume of sexually -explicit materials that sell annually to male audiences. It is also evident with the large amount of advertising that is constructed and promoted to male consumers depicting women in various sexual postures. However, women seem to have a distorted view of their own sex appeal that might well be a product of advertising. The company Victoria’s Secret, a lingerie company specializing in underwear products (bras and panties), uses very slender and fit models in their on-air advertising and print promotions as a means of gaining consumer attention for the female market. One might automatically think that this type of advertising would be more effective for male consumers rather than female buyers considering the imagery used depicts same-gender models dressed in scant Victoria’s Secret products. However, women have a distorted view of sex appeal when measuring themselves to the models displayed in this type of advertising. They think, â€Å"Wow, she looks awesome. I shou ld get that outfit so I can look that good too†(Blair, Stephenson, Hill & Green, 111). Why is this? Where most Victoria’s Secret products are sold, the cultures are liberal and Westernized where this type of advertising is acceptable at the social level. The high volume of companies that use this type of advertising, realizing how women view themselves in proportion to more sleek and toned models, continue to reinforce that this is the pinnacle of modern beauty and that women should actively seek to model these images. It is not, then, so much a product of personal or biologically-borne belief that this is the highest aesthetic of beauty, it is a product of engrained cultural imagery depicting slender women that has become a cultural norm related to beauty. Though there are some companies that defy this symbolic view of beauty by using larger, fuller models, the majority of sexually-oriented imagery continues to reinforce the slender form as the most ideal model for wo men to strive to achieve. Advertising such as Victoria’s Secret give women a goal to achieve related to beauty as it is a somewhat armored cultural belief that has remained durable over the past several decades. Thus, when a woman is asked what constitutes sex appeal in another woman, it is likely they will draw on these slender models as a guide and proclaim that female sex appeal is akin only to the type of women portrayed in this type of advertising and television or print imagery. In other cultures, such as in Asia, â€Å"women are very comfortable with being women and they are comfortable with their own sexuality†(Kautzky, 20). Women in Singapore were asked whether they ever purchased sexy
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Executive Compensation and Employee Benefits Term Paper
Executive Compensation and Employee Benefits - Term Paper Example A company with a number of products, clear vision and unique ideas stands to lure the most competent candidates in each and every level but to maintain this momentum of better performance, it is imperative that the top executive level secures the best talent. A compensation package which is attractive to ensure these talents are maintained at the top management level of the company since they enjoy significant negotiating power and as such additional incentives up and above the compensation package can be impacting in luring an executive to join an organization. Challenging and unique opportunities do sway employees and thus in addition to an appealing compensation package, employee benefits have been applied so as to supplement it. Employee benefits has been very helpful in enhancing economic security of the employees thus curtailing labor turnover, increasing employees loyalty and improving productivity. Compensation is any kind of remuneration that is received by a person in return for his/her performance of the company's or organizational tasks. There are four common methods of compensation: performance related pay (PRP) such as commission, bonus, time rate and piece rate; fixed basic pay; non-economic benefits such as house, car etc and finally ownership benefits where employees are awarded shares (Reid, 2004). Several factors influence the wage and the salary structure, these include: pressure from trade union, lowest wage rates, existing market rates, supply and demand for a particular job, the employee's qualification and the ability of the organization to pay. Compensation in the form of wages is normally given to a worker while compensation in the form of a salary is normally given to an employee. Executive compensation refers to the way senior executives for the business corporations or firms are paid. Executive compensation comprises of the basic salary, options, shares, b onuses plus additional company benefits (Bagley & Savage, 2006). Forms of Executive compensation There are a number of types of executive compensation which offers numerous performance incentives and tax benefits. They include: Stock options -Refers to the privilege sold by a buyer to a seller that gives the latter a right rather than an obligation either to call(buy) or put(sell) the stock at an agreed price on a particular date or within a specified period (Bagley & Savage, 2006). Stock options ensures the CEOs interests are kept at par with that of shareholders since their value is subject to the price of the stock remaining above the strike price/exercise price (price upon which a stock will be sold or bought upon the exercise of the option) of the option. However stock options are open to abuse through options backdating and excessive risk seeking (Lawrence, 2002). Restricted stock - These are stocks awarded to an executive but can only be sold once a specific conditions are arrived at and it carries a similar value to the stock's market price during time of the grant. Deferred compensation -This is normally applied for taxation purposes and involves postponing compensation up to a certain future date. Executive perks compensation includes travel reimbursements, private jet and extra rewards given to the executives. Retirement packages awarded to executives following their retirement from the organization; this is open to abuse as corrupt executives can attach "golden
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The reorganization of Starbucks Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The reorganization of Starbucks - Research Paper Example From this research it is clear that Howard recruitment was informed by the need to reverse the trend where almost all the company figures were declining at an extremely fast rate. According to Howard, the root cause of the problem was the fact that Starbuck had lost its luxurious nature thereby losing the sense of uniqueness and high-end characteristics, and therefore became like any other commodity which could now be challenged by coffee outlets such as McDonald and even Dunkin Donut. According to Howard, this Starbucks experience could only be redeemed by refocusing not just on the customer experience but also rebuilding its heritage of innovation. It was his strong believe that Starbucks performance could only be reclaimed by getting back to what drove its past success, which no doubt was its relationship and focus on customers. That being the case, Howard, assumed office with a clear mind on what was expected of him. First, having being there not just in Starbucks’ good da ys but also in its most turbulent days preceding his recruitment, there was no doubt that he was the best placed person to turn it around. Noteworthy was also the fact that he was the builder of Starbucks brand and therefore best positioned to take Starbucks back to the path of innovation, while executing a radical organization-wide restructuring process. Re-igniting the emotional attachment that Starbucks enjoyed with its customers was arguably the greatest feat that Howard achieved in his turnaround effort of this entity. (Rushe, 2006). This is because this is all what was needed if Starbucks was to reclaim the uniqueness of its coffee and hence its brands image, which to Howard was the magic bullet for its financial woes. Howard also reasoned that the mushrooming of Starbucks stores literary in every nook and cranny was also to blame for the financial difficulties that the company was experiencing. It was in this regard that he initiated a program that saw a number of underperfor ming stores closed while others replaced with new ones in strategic locations where they could perform profitably, a process that enabled Starbucks to renew focus on what it referred to as store-level unit economics (Howard, & Gordon, 2011). Howard also believed that the company’s huge investment in socially responsible activities was not contributing to its revenue as would be expected. It is for this reason that he significantly cut the social responsible budget which in his opinion was not commensurate to the revenue it was generating while shifting those funds to other profitable ventures. Howard also restored a number of store design elements that had been lost along the way and which he believed were a major component of the Starbucks’ experience which he was keen to reclaim. Another benefit that his efforts in this regard bore was the accelerated expansion in the international front. This expansion saw the capital resource that was earmarked for Starbucks expans ion locally directed to store growth outside US, a move that improved Starbucks consolidated profitability immensely. Howard was also able to re-align its organization while streamlining its management in a way that better supported customer-focused programs. Lastly, Howard, radically changed the leadership organization of Starbucks, something that experts saw as highly risky especially bearing in mind the size of the company at the time and its stage in development. It is not in doubt
Friday, August 23, 2019
Management and Leadership Assignment #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management and Leadership Assignment #3 - Essay Example In all three perspectives a vital and complex relationship is there between the organization and the environment. In open system perspective organization, structure is a major product. Where in rational and natural system organizational environment structure has little affect on the organizational make-up. In the rational system, an organization structure has specific goals. That is in this form, the king of organization will have well defined organizational hierarchy. Leadership roles are systematically incorporated and each position is well defined. The power of an individual is determined by the position he or she holds. A well defined hierarchy in an organization leads to accomplish goals effectively. In natural system perspective, they focus on the behavioral aspect of an organization, the stated goals of an organization and its real goal. Organizations are considered as social groups and this helps the structure accomplish its stated goals. Individuals hired by an organization will bring with them their own values, interest and abilities and all this will not be ignored when developing the structure. In this kind of organization, they recognize the importance of intelligence and innovation of each worker. In non-rational aspect the organization is not completely controlled by a formal structure and well defined rules. Among the workers some informal structure will develop. In open system perspective the organizational structure focuses on these environments that ultimately shape, support and permeate the organization. The organization will have variety of structures of varying complexity that are determined by verity and complexity of an organization. An organization is viewed thorough a system of interrelated activities, in that some are precisely connected and some are proximately connected. The environment which operates the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Egyptian Style Essay Example for Free
Egyptian Style Essay â€Å"Egypt has long fascinated the west. †This couldn’t be more true. Egyptian art can be said to be one of the most significant periods in art history. Their modern advances in such a far time ago were made unknowingly and helped shape art to what it is today. By just looking at it, Egyptian art may not come off as amazing as it actually is. One must dig deeper. The artwork they were creating wasn’t always made to be art. Instead, it was mainly made for religious purposes. Anything they created was being made to be symbolic in a religious view. They decorated their temples with paintings and statues in the belief that doing this served the gods, showed devotion to the king, and maintained the order of the universe. There was much more involved in the artwork, or craftwork of the Ancient Egyptians. They created their own style that everyone followed, and it reoccured through many periods of Egyptian history. Styles can range from abstract to realism, expressionism to surrealism. But in order to understand these styles, one must need to know the true definition of style. When used in describing the history of art, style usually refers to a characteristic, or a number of characteristics that we can identify as constant, recurring, or distinct. In art, the sum of such characteristics can be associated with a particular artist, group, or culture, or with an artist’s work at a specific time. Ancient Egyptian art forms styles were just that. They are characterized by regularity or consistency and detailed depiction of human beings and the nature. Artists wanted to preserve everything of the present time as clearly and permanently as possible. Completeness took precedence over prettiness. These forms and art styles present an extraordinarily vivid representation of the time and the culture, as the ancient Egyptian life was lived thousand of years before. Egyptian art seemed to obey one law. The mode of representing man, nature and the environment remained almost the same for thousands of years at that time, and the most admired artists were those who replicated most admired styles of the past. A Shabti is a small human figure representing a person who would perform a given task for the deceased in the afterlife. Described as funerary figurines, these figures were costly items produced for the privileged people. The wealthy nobles and royalty did not plan on doing any work themselves, so they would take their symbolic servants with them. Shabties were made from various materials including; faience, wax, clay, wood, stone, metal and other minerals. The Shabties observed, were from the time of 1932-1759 BCE. Covering the period of the Middle Kingdom. They all seemed to be very similar by the way the were posed with their arms crossed and standing up. All their facial expressions seemed to have the same appearance as well. The painting or carving of the writing all looks similar but once looked at more closely to see the details, the the amount of time put into the pictures and writing can be seen. Many of patterns include lines drawn on the clothing. Also the figures were called upon to carry out the tasks in the after life. To do so the Shabti was supplied with miniature agricultural tools to fulfill these tasks. Which can be seen when looked at very closely. What makes them different from each other is the medium they were created in. The faience figures are a blueish to light green color with most of the writing carved into it. The wood Shabties are painted over to be any color, sometimes even with golden leaf. To call these figures a type of object is correct. They are all objects that can be seen and once were touched and made. They all are this same type of object because even though they were made at different times and in difference places in Egypt, they all still are seen today. If the Shabties were not grouped together, being able to recognize them separately would be just as easy. They are very distinct figures by their size, silhouette and detailed writing. Being able to be recognized Ancient Egyptian Shabties when separate and still look appropriate when together is one of the style characteristics Egyptians were able to create. The similarities in the each other figures, is the characteristic of being consistent. How each statue was placed in the glass case, they almost seemed to be grouped. Beginning with the alabaster, the two figures were both of medium size and couldn’t make out much of the writing on them. The next grouping was ones made of limestone. With these three figures grouped together, one could see how they were created by the same artist following the steps of the first. The largest of the bunch was the limestone, Coffin of Luy. This was different from most in the collection since it was an actual open figure, but still had a reoccurring pattern like he other figures. The next grouping, The Three Shabties of Setau, were made out of wood. These were the most colorful, since they were all painted. They seemed to still be like the older figures but made in a newer and more decorated way. The figures made of faience varied in size, some only a few inches. They were either carved in or has black paint writing on them. As seen, there is a large variety of Shabties, yet the sense of style kept between was able to pass along through hundreds of years. The one Shabti that stood out to me was the, Shabty of Sati. New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Amenhotep III 1390-1352 BCE. It was made out of faience, but wasn’t the common green-blue color. It had the most different colors all painted on it. Including red, blue, yellow, and green. The whole figured wasnt painted so the faience material could be seen. What drew me to it at first was that it was in a case of its very own. It was in the same pose as the other figures but this one looked very well preserved, not smudged or chipped like many of the others, so it stood out. The combination of the paint and grey made it very unique to use both materials. The style of this figure very much goes with the rest of figures. As stated earlier, the most admired artists were those who replicated the most admired styles of the past. With this figure since it was a later on piece, it seemed to still associate with the same characteristics of the past Shabeti figures. Ancient Egyptian artwork was not meant to be artwork at first. Religious meanings and symbols were the priority. Everything was for the god’s and what would come in their life. But from these practices of art, they created a style of their own. Style in relation to art history, usually refers to a characteristic, or a number of characteristics that we can identify as constant, recurring, or distinct. In art, the sum of such characteristics can be associated with a particular artist, group, or culture, or with an artist’s work at a specific time. The culture of Egyptian art was to keep the process constant of the same kind of art. And as time passed, even if some characteristics changed, the main style recurred somehow. The Shabeti figures did that, and once studied upon more, most of Egyptian art will be styled in the same way, shape, and form.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Sachin Tendulkar Essay Example for Free
Sachin Tendulkar Essay Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (Listeni/ËÅ'sÉ™tÊÆ'É ªn tÉ›nˈduË lkÉ™r/; born 24 April 1973) is a former Indian cricketer widely acknowledged as one of the greatest batsmen of all time, popularly holding the title God of Cricket among his fans. Some commentators, such as former West Indian batsman Brian Lara, have labelled Tendulkar the greatest cricketer of all time. He took up cricket at the age of eleven, made his Test debut against Pakistan at the age of sixteen, and went on to represent Mumbai domestically and India internationally for close to twenty-four years. He is the only player to have scored one hundred international centuries, the first batsman to score a double century in a One Day International, the only player to complete more than 30,000 runs in international cricket. and the 16th player and first Indian to aggregate 50,000 runs or more in all forms of domestic and international recognised cricket. In 2002 just half way through his career, Wisden Cricketers Almanack ranked him the second greatest Test batsman of all time, behind Don Bradman, and the second greatest ODI batsman of all time, behind Viv Richards. Later in his career, Tendulkar was a part of the Indian team that won the 2011 World Cup, his first win in six World Cup appearances for India. He had previously been named Player of the Tournament at the 2003 edition of the tournament, held in South Africa. In 2013, he was the only Indian cricketer included in an all-time Test World XI named to mark the 150th anniversary of Wisden Cricketers Almanack. Tendulkar received the Arjuna Award in 1994 for his outstanding sporting achievement, the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award in 1997, Indias highest sporting honour, and the Padma Shri and Padma Vibhushan awards in 1999 and 2008, respectively, Indias fourth and second highest civilian awards. After a few hours of his final match on 16 November 2013, the Prime Ministers Office announced the decision to award him the Bharat Ratna, Indias highest civilian award. He is the youngest recipient to date and the first ever sportsperson to receive the award. He also won the 2010 Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy for cricketer of the year at the ICC awards. In 2012, Tendulkar was nominated to the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India. He was also the first sportsperson and the first person without an aviation background to be awarded the honorary rank of group captain by the Indian Air Force. In 2012, he was named an Honorary Member of the Order of Australia. In December 2012, Tendulkar announced his retirement from ODIs. He retired from Twenty20 cricket in October 2013 and subsequently announced his retirement from all forms of cricket, retiring on 16 November 2013 after playing his 200th and final Test match, against the West Indies in Mumbais Wankhede Stadium. Tendulkar played 664 international cricket matches in total, scoring 34,357 runs.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Sound In Casablanca | Analysis
Sound In Casablanca | Analysis One of the first known movies, Casablanca, was acted by Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Paul Henreid, directed by Michael Curtiz. The music of this movie was made by Max Steiner. The sound is one of the important components in the movie because it shows the emotions of the actors as it also shows the importance of the scene. Moreover, the spoken language must be one important thing that the editor must focus on because it shows the culture of the country where the story-plot of the movie is happening. This movie tells a story of a man, Humphrey Bogart, who is trying to help the woman that he loved before by making her escape from Casablanca with her husband and continue the fight against the Nazis oppression. This movie has different sound effects, dialogues and musical tones. Firstly, sound effects in movie are some effects like rain and crashes that are added to complete the sense that is created by the camera, so the audience will be able to understand the scene in detail. In this movie, there are a lot of sound effects that are added. The producer used the rain in the scene where Ingrid was leaving with her husband and he used also in the beginning where she and Humphrey were running from the guards. The rain in these scenes gives a sense to the audience about the sadness and torture that the actors are feeling. Moreover, some scenes of this movie have some fastened dialogues. The fastened dialogues are usually used to give the sense to the dialogue how much it is important and urgent. Also, there are many tones used in this movie used by different characters. For example, in the end of the movie, we see that Humphrey and the police man are using a quiet and slow tone. This means that both of them are comfortable and happy with what just happened. In t he scene before, we can see that the police man had other feelings by his tone. It was faster and with high volumes which show the anger of the police man. Another example, Humphrey was using the low tone during the whole movie which shows his real personality. He is kind of calm and doesnt show his emotions to the people surrounding him. On the other hand, Ingrid is the kind of women who gets stressed after a serious action happens. All of this is known from the tones that differ from a low to a high pitch. From here, we would have covered the sound effects that are included in the movie with different characters. Secondly, one of the most important effects that is used in every movie and gives it more creativity, the music; is used many times in the movie with many different types of songs that differ according to the type of the scene. In the introduction of the movie, we see that the music producer was using the low tone music according to the simple life that he was describing, and suddenly, he changed to high tone music when the police started making the chase. After finishing the chase, he changed it back to a low tone pitch. This means that he was making the music according to the importance of the scene and what it is describing. Basically, he wants to emphasize the importance of the scene as to how serious the Nazis are with the unconditional assistance of the French when they are to apprehend suspicious characters in the movie. A particular song, that has been played in the movie which is Knock on Wood by M.K. Jerome symbolizes a group chore song, where everyone takes part in singing . The owner of the Cafà ©, whom is played by Humphrey Bogart stage name as Rick, chose the right time and place to hide the transit letters under the song notes on the piano table, while Sam and the customers were singing in sync. In addition, Rick believed that Sams piano, is the only safe place to put the transit documents as he knows that the French and the Nazis are going to do whatever it takes to locate these transit documents. One important scene, that spurred a wait in many characters in the film, as they await the coming of Victor Laszlo Paul Henreid and his wife Ilsa Lund Ingrid Bergman, as they pass by Sams Piano, Sam plays in a low tune as he remembers the face of Ilsa whom is an ex-lover to Rick , the owner of the Cafà ©. This tells the audience that there might be a clash of old memories between Rick and Elsa, thus Sam looks the other way and gets back to the high toned music that he usually plays. One of the best scenes, that I admired is when Ilsa, called Sam the p ianist; to come to the table and play for her one of the oldest love songs of all time which is known as As Time Goes By by Frank Sinatra. This song triggered great memories between Rick and Ilsa while they were together in Paris. This tells the audience, what a sentimental moment this is and this song fits right in as the lyrics provide an overview of their relationship while they were in Paris. In between the love scene memories that Rick and Ilsa are in, we can see that the only driver that broke apart those two lovers was the rumor that Victor Laszlo is alive. This important figure turns out to be Ilsas husband whom was sentenced to a German concentration camp while she was in love with Rick in Paris. The sound effects in this scene, alerts us as to how the German war mechanisms are rushing towards their target as they are coming to take over France starting with the capitol and expanding abroad. This shows the audience how fearsome the Germans are. Another example, at the end o f the movie, he used high volume music with the fast kinetics of the characters. This shows how they are worried and want to arrive as fast as they can. After that, when Ingrid and her husband escaped by the airplane and Humphrey started talking with the police man, he used a romantic song. This song shows us how they are happy by this end and hoping for the best in the future. Furthermore, in the scene where the couples were having a cup of coffee, there was no music at all, and then suddenly, a medium level song started with the scene that showed the reaction of the people. This song actually shows how the people are shocked by the air plane hovering Casablanca and its importance for them as to find exit visas to get out of Casablanca and get to America. The editor also used another type of music, the music that he used was sung by the actors. This kind of music gives the movie more reality. He used this type of music in the scene where the French and Nazi soldiers were singing th eir national anthem. Through this scene, the audience understands what at stake, hope, love and fight for our country against the Nazi Oppression. Furthermore, in the scene, you see how the Germans were silenced as the crowd grew larger for the French cause and Victor Laszlos stage figure made the Germans more angry as they felt intimidated by his patriotic actions and gathering a number of people to stand against the Nazis. In this case, we can see that this type of music shows the emotions of the actors and how they are devoted towards their cause. Finally, at the last moments before the ending the film, when Victor and his wife Ilsa were fleeing to Lisbon via the transit documents provided by Rick, we can hear a high pitch volume, showing the intensity of the situation as the German Major Strasser is speeding to reach the airport to stop the plane from going airborne. In addition, while the couple was heading to the plane we can hear in the background As Time Goes By in a low ton e. By this, we would have discussed the music of this movie with its different tones that made it more interesting. Thirdly, every movie has its own language that represents the culture of that place. Some movies use different languages according to mixture of the cultures in the movie. In this movie the editor used only English which is one of disadvantages in this movie. He was supposed to use some French when the French soldiers are talking with each other. Furthermore, the spoken language that is used in the street must be Arab because the original people are Arab and most of them are working in the coffee shops and markets. There was only one scene where we have seen the people using their native language. This scene is when the two parts started singing their own anthem. In this case, it is logical to use those languages because a national anthem must be sung in this way or it will destroy the culture of that country. From these examples, we can see that the editor was not able to achieve the goal of using the languages in their place. Finally, we can that the movie was able to describe the emotions of the people in many scenes with different types of sounds. He used sound effects to add them to the scenes, so it will be able to show the emotions and feelings without making any disturbance to the audience. Moreover, he used music that is more important because it make the audience expect what is going to happen next and also describe the importance of that scene in the movie. Also, there is the spoken language that was not used by the writer in an appropriate way because he used only English which is not used in that place at that time. By this, we can see that Casablanca can be classified as one of greatest movies of all time due to its sound effects, spoken dialogue and musical features that made it one of the best movies of all times.
Free My Antonia Essays: An Analysis :: My Antonia Essays
My Antonia I think that My Antonia, written in 1918, is one of Cather's finest works. Critic H. L. Mencken thought it to be the most accomplished, and shortly after it was published in 1919 he wrote, "Her style has lost self-consciousness; her feeling for form has become instinctive. And she has got such a grip upon her materials...I know of no novel that makes the remote folk of the Western praries more real...and I know of none that makes them seem better worth knowing." One of the high points in the story is the tragic case of Mr. Shimerda's death. In this character Cather shows an almost obsessive longing of hers for the past. A cultered man, Antonia's father cannot handle the hardships he encounters in Nebraska, and longs for his life back in Bohemia. He clings to his Old World wardrobe and foods..."a knitted grey vest, and, instead of a collar, a silk scarf of a dark bronze-green, carefully crossed and held together by a red coral pin." Homesick for his native land Mr. Shimerda shoots himself. Some critics find Cather's recurring preoccupation with the past destructive, T. K. Whipple said that there was an element of passion in the theme. "To have cared intensely about anything, is not to have lived in vain." I think that the theme of the immigrants longing for the past was very fitting. Many of the settlers of the mid-west praries were immigrants, and most did desperately try to cling to their past while building a new life in the melting pot of America. The hardships of the immigrants were not uncommon. Many were forced to go into town to become a "hired girl" as Antonia did before she returned to the farm labor that she enjoyed, where she discovered city life in the dance clubs. My favorite part about reading My Antonia is the beautiful descriptions of the land and other small details. In this story Jim Burden is not only a narrator for Cather, but for the land. Throughout the story his descriptions bring an eloquent style to her writing and capture the reader into the story. "Everywhere, as far as the eye could reach, there was nothing but rough, shaggy red grass, most as tall as I." In a phrase that is now on Cather's tombstone, he comes to accept the power of the land over him, saying, "That is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Richard Feynman Essay -- biographies biography bio
A Very Brief Synopsis of His Life Fantsay Feynman Stamp Richard Feynan was born may 11, 1918 in Manhattan,. He received his Bachelors of Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1939, and Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1942. At Princeton he worked on the atomic bomb project and revolutionized scientific approaches to quantum mechanics. He then worked, for two years, as the youngest member of the team at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, that developed the first atomic bomb. For the next five years he worked as the chair of theoretical physics at Cornell University, and then as such at the California Institute of Technology, where he continued working until the end of he life. He received numerous awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965, wrote many best selling books, helped a small country named Tuva, was noted for his bongo drumming skills and witty lectures, and played a key role in the Rogers Commission hearings on the Challenger space shuttle accident in 1986. He was married three times, succeeded by Gweneth Howarth and his two children by her, Carl Richard, and Michelle Catherine. He died at age 69 of abdominal cancer, eight years after diagnosis. On winning the Nobel Peace Prize Feynman holds brain of Gregg From his doctoral work on quantum mechanics, he developed Feynman Diagrams" to explain rates for electromagnetic and weak interaction particle processes. One of the things that made Feynman Diagrams, and much of his other work, remarkable was the fact that Feynman took a more visual approach to physics, avoiding complicated manipulation of equations in favor of more easily understood diagrams. Feynman Diagrams are still used as the standard method for describing particle inte... ...s in a form that's still widely used throughout theoretical physics, in every field." Richard Feynman: "My mother [Lucille Phillips] taught me that the highest forms of understanding that we can achieve are laughter and human compassion". General Donald Kutyna: "Feynman had three things going for him. Number one, tremendous intellect, and that was well known around the world. Second, integrity... Third, he brought this driving desire to get to the bottom of any mystery. No matter where it took him, he was going to get there, and he was not deterred by any roadblocks in the way. He was a courageous guy, and he wasn't afraid to say what he meant." MIT physicist Philip Morrison : "[Feynman was ] extraordinarily honest with himself and everyone else, . . . he didn't like ceremony or pomposity . . . he was extremely informal. He liked colorful language and jokes."
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Male/Female Addiction Essay -- Soap Operas Wrestling Media Essays
The Male/Female Addiction I know what you are all thinking, but no I'm not writing about sex. Actually, my subject is far from it. Ever since I was a young lad my mother forced me to watch Guiding Light, a classic soap opera currently in its thirty-eighth season. Then one day I saw some men, or should I say finely tuned athletic machines, running around the "squared circle" literally beating the crap out of each other. I had discovered my newfound love, the World Wrestling Federation, more commonly know as the WWF. I have fond memories of lying on my bed on Sunday morning thinking of ways to convince my mother that I was sick so I could stay home from church and watch wrestling. Needless to say, wrestling may have dominated my life, but Guiding Light still had a grasp on a corner of my heart. Professional wrestling is the male equivalency of female-orientated soap operas. Both professional wrestling and soap operas share similar plot constructions by forming groups of family and/or friends that share the longing to reach a particular goal by one-upping their enemies. On Guiding Light, parallel groups consisting of the Spauldings and the Lewises are constantly plotting to undermine and thereby eliminate the other from being the cities number one power. Both families consider themselves to be far superior to each other and are constantly wrestling, no pun intended, for the most power and control over Springfield. The Spalding mansion looms elegantly on the hill, its stark white pillars framing the very confines of its vast contents. The manicured green lawn and professionally landscaped grounds helps to prepare the caller for the pretentious, cavalier attitude of its occupants. Reeking of old money, they are raised by nannies... ...he same goes for professional wrestling and its core characters. In an apparent effort to mirror real life, the classic evil characters tend not to change their spots and the upstanding, integrity-based citizens of the community are expected to attempt to persevere against this predictable, on going onslaught of assailants. Ultimately, once all of the elements are explored it is easy to see that soap operas and professional wrestling have much more in common than meets the eye. Soap Operas and professional wrestling share similar plot constructions, qualifications for "actors," fan bases, and are easily picked up when you miss an episode. This is why professional wrestling is the male equivalency to female-oriented soap operas.I would like to see a more sophisticated reiteration of this claim of fact. At lease an attempt to find different words would be helpful.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Jaguar regains its reputation Essay
Originally called the Swallow Side Car Company, Jaguar Cars was founded in 1922 and became famous for its luxury and sports cars. In 1990, Jaguar was taken over by Ford and is now a wholly owned subsidiary. At the time of the Ford takeover, Jaguar’s quality performance was something of a paradox. Aesthetically and in terms of on-the-road performance the cars were often highly regarded, especially by a hard core of enthusiasts. Yet even they could not ignore Jaguar’s reputation for making cars which were, in comparison to its rivals, of exceptionally poor reliability. Plagued by under-investment and a conservative technical-led, rather than customer-led, culture, the company’s old plants were struggling to achieve even acceptable levels of conformance quality. At this time, the JD Power survey of customer satisfaction of cars imported to the US ranked only one car (the Yugo) lower than Jaguar. All this changed through the 1990s. The company invested heavily in training, especially in quality techniques such as statistical process control (see Chapter 17). Piecework was abolished, as was ‘clocking in’ and a general productivity bonus introduced which encouraged flexible working. Other shop floor initiatives included the introduction of multiskilled teams, total productive maintenance (see Chapter 19), continuous improvement teams (see Chapter 18) and benchmarking against the best in the business (see Chapter 18). The success of this quality improvement programme was dramatic. It encouraged Ford to invest in new Jaguar models and also had a significant impact on customer satisfaction. The same surveys which once put Jaguar at the bottom of the league now rank it in the very top group of luxury car makers. Jaguar regains its reputation Answer 1.What does ‘quality’ mean for a motor vehicle manufacturer such as Jaguar? This box highlights how Jaguar have always been regarded as excellent at some aspects of quality (such as performance and aesthetics) but very poor at other (such as product reliability). This gives us a clue as to the various ‘dimensions’ of quality which are important to Jaguar. They are as follows. †¢ Performance – The speed, power, cornering and other aspects of the way the car drives. Fast speed, powerful acceleration, responsive handling, and so on are generally regarded as the mark of a ‘prestige’ car. †¢ Aesthetics – The overall appearance of the car should reflect its values. A Jaguar is smooth, luxurious, dashing and sporty! The key question for Jaguar is ‘does the overall appearance and shape of the car reflect these values and appeal to its target customers?’ †¢ Equipment – Is the car equipped with the type of things one would expect from a luxury car such as leather seats, global position system equipment, adjustable headlights and so on? †¢ Finish – Are the visible areas of the car free from any marks or blemish? This means an absence of scratches or small marks as well as an appropriate surface finish to all visible surfaces. †¢ Build quality – This normally refers to how the car feels as doors open and close, windows are raised and lowered and so on. Is there a satisfying ‘solidity’ about the feel of the car? †¢ Reliability – When in use does the car (or some part of the car) break down? Do things go wrong? †¢ After sales service – Should the owner have any problems or wishes to know something more about the car, is it easy for him or her to do so? All of these can be expanded considerably but the list does give an overall indication of the very many dimensions of quality which are important to Jaguar. 2.How did the changes which Jaguar made to its operations practice affect the quality of its products? The changes made by Jaguar (at least those described in the box) were all to the processes within the operation. For example, †¢ Training would equip operators with the skills to assemble the car in the correct manner without making mistakes. †¢ Statistical Process Control (covered in Chapter 17) would enable the operators to make sure that shopfloor processes operating as they should be an preferably improving. †¢ Changing the payment system both encouraged operators to learn more skills and prevents them sacrificing quality in order to earn higher wages in the short term. †¢ Multi-skilled teams would allow any absent workers to be covered for by people with equivalent skills and, more importantly, encourage continuous improvement to production processes. †¢ Totally productive maintenance, improvement teams and benchmarking would likewise allow everyone working at the company to contribute to the general improvement effort. All these changes were important but it is also vital to realise that, without the necessary investment, the changes in Jaguar would have been difficult or even impossible. Yet these issues are connected. It was the success of the company’s management in starting these changes which encouraged the parent group (Ford) to invest considerable sums of money in the company, which in turn allowed the changed described above to have a real impact.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Rupture of Senses
â€Å"In a room full of business people, one would get information about which individuals were important, which were confident, which were sexually receptive, which in conflict, all through smell. The difference is that we don’t have a trigger response. We’re aware of smell, but we don’t automatically react in certain ways because of it, as most animals would.†–Apparently something that words alone could not exactly describe, smell envelopes us in a way that it appears to be a sort of aura that we produce around us. In a room where people of different personalities, status, and position are thrown together, the difference in smell could be used to identify who is who.A rich person might smell of a very delicate and expensive fragrance whereas a commoner would have the natural bodily scent, unaltered by colognes or perfumes.â€Å"When a man gets involved with a woman for any length of time, his facial hair starts to grow faster than it did before. Women who are cloistered away from men (in a boarding school, say), enter puberty later than women who are around men.Mothers recognize the odor of their newborn children, and vice versa, so some doctors are experimenting with giving children bursts of their mothers’ odor, along with the anesthetic, during operations. Babies can smell their mother entering a room, even if they can’t see her.†(29)–Smell is always accompanied by much stronger pheromones that all members of the animal kingdom have. These pheromones are not only valuable for marking territories and leaving traces for other animals to find but it is also quite significant for humans. While human pheromones are not yet exactly identified, subconsciously, people can guess at the origin of a certain scent.This is particularly obvious when it concerns mother and child. It may be attributed to the fact that they spent nine months attached to each other that they have established such a strong bond. But smell is something that pretty resembles a fingerprint. And this certain â€Å"print†is what attract babies to their mothers and vice versa.Men, on the other hand, naturally find a female at certain points of their life. Having a woman or being involved with a woman perhaps increases or intensifies the effects of pheromones that it increases the production of hormones, in effect having the facial hairs grow more rapidly than usual.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Non-disclosure agreement
Limited Liability Company  «XXX » (address), represented by its Director Name Name, and hereinafter referred to as â€Å"COMPANY†, on the one hand, and _ (address)___, hereinafter referred to as â€Å"EMPLOYEE†, have concluded this Agreement upon the following: – 1. Subject. The Agreement is concluded in order to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information as defined below. The parties agree and acknowledge entering into a confidential relationship with respect to the disclosure of certain proprietary and confidential information (hereinafter termed as â€Å"Confidential Information†). This Agreement shall govern the conditions of disclosure. 2. Definition of Confidential Information. For purposes of this Agreement, â€Å"Confidential Information†shall include all technical information, business information or material that has or could have commercial value or other utility in the business in which the COMPANY is engaged. It includes all methods, processes, formulae, systems, techniques, inventions, patents, trade secretes, computer programs, research projects, business methods, financial data, etc. Confidential Information may be in form of electronic documents and files, physical documents and oral communications. If Confidential Information is transmitted orally, the COMPANY shall indicate in writing that such communication be constituted as Confidential Information. Confidential information also includes any written works, which were produced by the EMPLOYEE at the COMPANY’s demand. The COMPANY shall label or stamp all written documents with the wording â€Å"CONFIDENTIAL†, acting as an indicator. 3. Exclusions from Confidential Information. EMPLOYEE’s obligations under this Agreement does not extend to information that is: (a)    Publicly known at the time of disclosure, or subsequently becomes publicly known through no fault of the EMPLOYEE; (b)    Learned by the EMPLOYEE through legitimate means other than from the COMPANY or COMPANY’s representatives; (c)    Is disclosed by COMPANY with COMPANY’s prior written approval; or (d)    Is produced by the EMPLOYEE before the COMPANY actually discloses it to the EMPLOYEE. 4. Obligations of EMPLOYEE. EMPLOYEE shall hold and maintain the Confidential Information in strictest confidence, for the sole and exclusive benefit of the COMPANY. EMPLOYEE shall carefully restrict access to Confidential Information to other employees, contractors and third parties as is reasonably required and shall require those persons to sign nondisclosure restrictions at least as protective as those in this Agreement. EMPLOYEE shall not, without prior written approval of COMPANY, use for EMPLOYEE’s own benefit, publish, copy, or otherwise disclose to others, or permit the use by others for their personal benefit or to the detriment of COMPANY, any Confidential Information. EMPLOYEE shall return to COMPANY any and all records, notes, and other written, printed, or tangible materials in its possession pertaining to Confidential Information immediately, if the COMPANY requests it in writing. EMPLOYEE shall return to the COMPANY all material and documents that contain Confidential Information, and shall not retain any of these copies. EMPLOYEES shall not disclose CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION to future employers or use it themselves, at any time even after termination. 5. Relationships. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute either party a partner, joint venturer or employee of the other party for any purpose. 6. Severability. If a court finds any provision of this Agreement invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be valid and interpreted so as best to effect the intent of the parties. 7. Integration. This Agreement expresses the complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior proposals, agreements, representations, and understandings. This Agreement may not be amended except in a writing signed by both parties. 8. Waiver. The failure to exercise any right provided in this Agreement shall not be a waiver of prior or subsequent rights. COMPANY will be entitled to obtain an injunction to ensure that no infringement of this Agreement occurs. This Agreement and each party’s obligations shall be binding on the representatives, assigns and successors in interest of such party. Each party has signed this Agreement in WITNESS. ________________________________________ (EMPLOYEE’S Signature) ________________________________________ (Typed or Printed Name) Date: _____________________ ________________________________________ (COMPANY’S Signature) ________________________________________ (Typed or Printed Name) Date: _________________ ______________________________________________ (Witness 1 Signature) ________________________________________ (Typed or Printed Name) Date: _________________ ______________________________________________ (Witness 2 Signature) ________________________________________ (Typed or Printed Name)  Date: _________________ References: Â
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Childhood and Pg
How did Eddie die and why did he put himself in such danger? (pg. 15) he got smashed by a fiberglass cart from the drop nd to save a little girl Today is Eddie's Birthday (#1) What decade in the 1900s was Eddie born? (pg. 19) in the 1920s Chapter 2: The Journey Did Eddie die trying to save the little girl? (pg. 21) Did Eddie save the little girl? (pg. 1) yes, we dont know Why do you think Eddie doesn't feel worry or pain?Explain your answer. (pg. 22)its a earthly feeling Today is Eddie's Birthday (#2)How old is Eddie? And what is his party like? (pgs. 23-25)eddie is 5 it was fun with cake and he whore a cowboy costume Chapter 3: The Arrival Where does Eddie wake up? How is it different from what he remembered at the end of his life? (pgs. 26-27) ruby pier, old rides are still there How is Eddied different? What can he do that he hadn't done (or been able to do) for years? (pgs. 27-28) he can run At the end of the chapter, who is waiting for Eddie? (pg. 31). the blue man Chapter 4: Th e First Person Eddie Meets in Heaven Why does Eddie feel like a child? pg. 32) Hes back at his childhood place Where does the Blue Man tell Eddie he is? (pg. 34) In Heavan Why isn't Eddie happy with the answer? (pg. 34) He didnt want to believe it, he doesnt think that place is heavan According to the Blue Man, what is the purpose of heaven and how does it tie into the title: The Five People You Meet in Heaven? (pg. 35) (important to the novel's theme) To explain your life on earth What killed the Blue Man? (pg. 36) Eddie did. Based upon what you know about Eddie thus far, how do you think the Blue Man's evelation about who killed him affected Eddie?Explain your answer. yes he felt guilty Today is Eddie's Birthday (#3)Based upon what happened in this section, who is braver: Eddie or Joe? Explain why. He gets the ball nd Joe runs off like a little Describe the Blue Man's childhood. Why doesn't his father care for him? (pgs. 39-40) he was shy and fidgety, He was ashamed of him for emb arassing him Why is the Ruby Pier in the 1920s the Blue Man's heaven? (pg. 42) he felt accepted Today is Eddie's Birthday (#4) Where does Eddie unwillingly go on his 8th birthday? he had to Childhood and Pg By hhectr64
The Casino Industry in the US Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 16
The Casino Industry in the US - Case Study Example Competition of the new entrants is a real threat and it is eating the business. The emerging market for the new casinos is led by boat casinos and Native American casinos. According to Michael E. Porter (1980), concentrating only on resources and competencies, while ignoring the competition, can turn a firm inward looking (XVI). The competition is not only growing in the US alone. Europe is harboring its own army of casinos and stealing away the high rollers. This means that the extremely wealthy that used to travel to Las Vegas to buy casino chips and gamble are now getting the facility in their own country or continent. After the financial crisis of 2008, the rivalry between casinos has gotten more intense. Now the same casinos fight over customers and have turned to game theories to ward off the competition. Other forms of entertainments like late opening nightclubs can take away some market segment as many come to Las Vegas for entertainment and as a side dish, for gambling. If n ightclubs take away these customers, casino revenues will drop as advertisers won’t find their customers to target. All gaming firms do not compete for head to head. Some firms target the high rollers, people who can stack up millions at one gambling table, while other casinos target small-time gamblers. Big casinos always aim for high rollers despite the fact that so much revenue becomes dependent on a single investor or party. An absence of this ‘investment’ just once can mean a low earning quarter. Other than capturing market segment, geographical dominance also plays its part. No other state can compete with Nevada when it comes to gambling. This state was given the license to gamble in 1933, the first state to have that privilege. The longest stay in the business has made it the topmost gaming revenue generator in the US with over $10 billion annually.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Cell Phones Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cell Phones - Research Paper Example The main reasons for this monumental change over such a short, time are the abilities that science and technology has conferred to modern phones, particularly mobile devices. Today, a phone has acquired such a wide variety of uses that a phone without the ability to call, while it would be dysfunctional, would still be a viable communication device. On the other hand, a 1990s phone would be useless if one could not make or receive calls on it. While the early phones were expensive gadgets and the reserve for the rich and educated, today they can be owned by almost anyone and one needs only the most basic education to use a phone. Mobile phone companies are competing to see whose device can hold and use the most applications and offer the best services other than calling. One can use their mobile phone to browse the internet, and as such access pertinent information from virtually anywhere in the world, provided they have a good signal. As a result, millions of people many of them you ths spend hundreds of hours every week using their phones on nonverbal interaction and social networking, indeed, the time spent making phone calls pales in comparison to the time spent on Facebook, tweeter, instant messaging or in related activities. Many mobile phones offer the user a capacity to do any of these activities especially the smart phones, described as â€Å"clever gadgets,†which are more than just phones, (McKendrick, 2011). This is because of their many features that transcend what ordinary mobile phones can do including a variety of user friendly applications that allow users to carry out a range of tasks such as; reading EBooks, teleconferencing, reading, and creating emails. Mobile phones can also be used in time of emergencies; to call for help, or look for directions when one is lost because some of them have gotten applications like Google maps, which enable users to look for direction, and pinpoint their current location. Furthermore, mobile companies use the technology to help the police trace lost people or criminals by tracing their signals. Indeed a lost person can be traced even if their phone is switched off (Siegel, 2008). Other security futures include sending distress messages without having to make a phone call, for instance with some Samsung phones one only need to press the volume key thrice, and a discrete text is sent to a pre-determined number notifying the recipient that the sender is in danger. Mobile devices are also used as/alongside baby monitors, using certain IPhones applications parents use their Smartphone to keep an â€Å"eye†on their infants. For instance, one can use an application that automatically sends a message to their phone whenever the child makes noise or cries (Associated Press, 2009). A more rudimentary albeit expensive tactic, which can be used, is to leave one phone in the baby crib with an active connection to another phone, possibly with a headpiece so one can listen to the baby w ithout being present. Mobiles phones today have an immense entertainment role and are competing with mainstream media such as Television and radios. Several phone types allow one to listen to radio and watch television on the move. Teens and young adults (13-24) are the leading users of mobile devices for these functions (
Monday, August 12, 2019
Horizontal Bullying in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Horizontal Bullying in Nursing - Essay Example The essay "Horizontal Bullying in Nursing" represents various violent activities taking place in the nursing workplace, these include horizontal bullying, verbal and nonverbal attacks, violence that is horizontal and lateral in nature and anger. Such actions take place at different levels within the profession of nursing. These activities are experienced at the level of the nurse to nurse, physician, to nurse, nurse to physician and patient to nurse. Bullying can be verbal in nature; this takes place when the receiver of a message interprets the message to be harsh and aggressive in nature. Ample amount of research has been conducted in the field of nursing in the nation of Australia regarding the subject of violence and bullying, researchers in these nations denotes workplace aggression with the term bullying. The term bullying comprises of three elements, firstly an act is referred to as bullying in nature only when the person being treated feels that the act was bullying like and the act does not depend on the intention of the person who has conducted the act. Secondly, if an action needs to be referred to as bullying, it should negatively impact the victim. Lastly, an act is regarded as bullying when the same act is continuously carried out even knowing that the act is negatively affecting the victim. Bullying can arise at different levels such as the supervisor, the subordinates or coworkers can all indulge in the act of bullying. Therefore, horizontal bullying can be of both physical and vocal in nature.... Kind Horizontal bullying can be of both physical and vocal in nature and in the field of nursing, the prevalence of verbal bullying is more witnessed. Farrell states that verbal horizontal bullying consists of any kind of ill treatment that is verbal in nature and this kind of treatment makes the victim feels that he has been attacked either in personal or professional manner and the victim might experience humiliation (Vessey, 2010). This kind of treatment can take both overt and covert forms, researchers state that the highest percentage of communication that arises is nonverbal in nature and this causes ambiguity and may have much more impact on an individual than attacks that are overt in nature. Overt bullying and covert bullying can take several forms, over bullying may include criticizing, shouting and name calling for another individual and covert bullying may consist of ignorance, whining and sarcastic behavior against another subject (Hutchinson, 2010). Intention The intent ion that one nurse has for attacking another nurse by finding faults in them and their working and by complaining behind their back is to conduct an attack, ensure that a coworker is devalued and punished in the organization and to make him/her look bad in the eyes of others (Ferns, 2009). Several times the nurse who conducts the act of horizontal bullying is not conducting the act intentionally and the reason for conducting the act provided by them is because they feel that they are maintaining high standards of quality care by their actions. Nursing is a profession that is based upon the concept of caring and in such a profession, behaviors such
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