Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Cold War Summarized Essay - 1619 Words
The period of tension between the worlds two superpowers following the Second World War is known as the Cold War. This period was full of tension and fear that the United States and the USSR would destroy each other and the world with their arsenals of atomic weapons. The seeds of this rivalry were planted nearly a quarter of a century before its actual commencement with the Revolution of 1918 in Russia. The Cold War Rivalry would manifest itself in everything from sports in Olympic competition to science and the Space Race. The Cold War did not only take place in the political, athletic and science realms but also heated up in wars and deputes all over the world from Europe, East Asia and the Middle East to South America and off the†¦show more content†¦with the exception of President Harry Truman officially not recognizing the USSR as a nation. This odd peace of not paying much attention to each other continued until the entry of the U.S. into world war two. World War Two changed Americas isolationist policies and forced America to pay attention to the USSR as they were now allies in a war against a tyrannical despot in Germany. The new alliance created a tension between the US and the USSR as the knowledge that they would be the two new superpowers fallowing the war was ever present. The event that ensured that the Cold War would take place were the talks between the allies to decide what would happen fallowing the war. The distribution of controlled territory was the main topic and the final piece to make the rivalry possible. The USSR would control the eastern part of Europe, including the eastern part of Germany and its capital Berlin. This would prove to be an arena for showdowns between the two superpowers all the way until the end of the Cold War. The Cold war would play a large role the policies of the soviet leaders throughout the period. The policies began with Joseph Stalin and his expansionist policies. Stalin consistently fought to expan d the influence of the USSR, staying true to the doctrine of spreading socialism throughout the world. These policies first came to light during the talks with the other ally leaders when he demanded that theShow MoreRelatedPol 300 Assignment 1: the Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy638 Words  | 3 PagesPOL 300 Assignment 1: The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/pol-300-assignment-1-the-cold-war-and-u-s-diplomacy/ Assignment 1: The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy Due Week 5 and worth 135 points Select a president from the table, â€Å"Presidents and Their ‘Doctrines,’†in Roskin, Chapter 4. Then write a 3-5 page paper on the doctrine that president used according to Roskin. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Chartered Accountant Free Essays
Chartered accountants are responsible for preparing or reporting on financial statements for presentation to the public. Chartered accountants act as consultants on financial matters, taxation, accounting and computer systems, estate planning and management reporting and procedures. They accept appointments such as executors, liquidators, trustees or curators. We will write a custom essay sample on Chartered Accountant or any similar topic only for you Order Now What am I going to do in this occupation? Accounting The primary responsibility of chartered accountants in practice, is to report on the financial statements of clients, to the clients’ shareholders as required by its constitution or through legislation.In order to compile reports, chartered accountants examine the books and records of the client, considering the adequacy of the controls over the safe-keeping of the client’s assets, as well as the fairness of the financial statements prepared by the client for presentation to its shareholders or the public. Planning and management Chartered accountants compile reports on aspects of management, for use by the client in improving the management of the company.They investigate the accounting methods adopted by clients and make recommendations for the improvement thereof. Auditing Chartered accountants investigate the financial reports of the company and then report on it. Computerisation They also assist in the installation of computerised systems and the development of programmes, the planning of financial models and the giving of advice regarding hard-and software purchases. Taxation Chartered accountants are tax specialists and they give advice on determining of and the legal manner of saving tax.Legal matters It is important that chartered accountants are well versed in mercantile and company law and are therefore able to handle the legal aspects of contracts, estate planning, and are able to accept appointments such as trustees in insolvent estates, liquidators of insolvent companies or curators where people are unable to administer their own affairs. Financial management Chartered accountants who choose to specialise in a career in commerce and industry normally advance to positions in top management, such as financial directors. In this position accountants are responsible for control over the funds and assets of the company or institution, the preparation of financial or management reports to top management and the interpretation thereof in order to increase efficiency and profitability. Requirements What kind of personality do I need? To be successful, qualities such as integrity, intelligence, good judgement, a strong analytical predisposition and determination are needed. It is also necessary to be able to work and convey recommendations both clearly and accurately. What kind of school training do I need?A Senior Certificate (matric exemption) with Mathematics as a major subject is essential in order to study further in this field. Compulsory school subjects: Mathematics. Recommended school subjects: Accounting, Economics, Business Economics. What further training do I need? Until recently persons wishing to qualify as chartered accountants could only obtain their practical/business training with a firm of approved registered accountants and auditors in public practice (TIPP). This training is now, however, also available in approved training organisations outside of public practice (TOPP).The training outside of public practice will be of the same standard as that offered by a practising firm. The working environment and the practical experience, will however, be different. The following routes are available in training as a chartered accountant: †¢ Enrol for a three-year B. Com. (Acc. ) degree or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution, then, register for a one-year CTA (Certificate of Theory and Accountancy) or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution, then, enter into a three-year training contract either with an auditing firm or an pproved training organisation in commerce and industry. †¢ Enrol for a three-year full-time B. Com. (Acc. ) degree or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution, then, register for a two-year post graduate part-time CTA or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution, then, enter into a three-year training contract either with an auditing firm or an approved training organisation in commerce and industry. †¢ Enrol for a B. Com. (Acc. degree or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution and enter into a five-year training contract with an auditing firm or an approved training organisation in commerce and industry, then, register for a CTA or equivalent at an approved tertiary institution. After following any one of the above-mentioned routes, the following needs to be done: †¢ Write part 1 of the Qualifying Examination (QE) after completing the CTA or equivalent and after entering into a training contract. †¢ Write part 2 of the Qualifying Examination (QE) after completing 18 months of training. In addition to the practical training, one would be required to complete approximately 6 months of part-time study in order to specialise either in Auditing or Financial Management, prior to writing part 2 of the Qualifying Examination). †¢ Register with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants as a chartered accountant (CA). Where can I work? Chartered accountants work in registered firms o r with practising chartered accountants. When qualified they may wish to remain with the firms where articles were served and look forward to eventual partnerships. They work in commerce and industry and in the academic world as lecturers. Can I work for myself in this occupation? Chartered accountants may start private practices in which case broad experience is required to take care of the needs of a wide range of clients, or they may enter into partnerships with other chartered accountants. They may also start businesses in the commercial and industrial arena. †¢ BENEFITS †¢ Fantastic professional development and travel opportunities †¢ An internationally recognised professional designation †¢ Membership of he Global Accounting Alliance †¢ Being part of an elite professional network †¢ Lifelong support ; development opportunities from the Institute †¢ The status membership of Australia’s most respected professional accountancy body – the Institute †¢ Possessing the only Australian accounting qualification accredited by higher education providers and allows for exemption in over 60 maste r degrees. Download the list of available CA Plus pathway options by university †¢ Earning good money †¢ Enjoying a secure role with an exciting career path.Chartered Accountant uses the designation CA(SA) and is regulated by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants Following the route offered by Stellenbosch, a student have to register for the BAcc degree (3 years), and then either do the HonsBAcc degree (1 year) or the Post Graduate Diploma in Accountancy (1 year). After gaining the required theoretical knowledge at Stellenbosch, students have to enter into a 3 year contract with a registered auditing firm or other registered training organisation in commerce and industry to gain the required practical experience. In the first year of their internship, students are allowed to write Part I of the Qualifying Examination (QE). Passing the Part I of the QE allows a student to complete a specialism course in either Auditing or Financial Management (not offered by the University of Stellenbosch) and, after completing 18 months of internship, is eligible to write Part II of the QE. A student who complies with all these requirements and has completed his/her 3 years of internship, is allowed to register as a Chartered Accountant (South Africa). 1.Once you pass out your Class 10th examinations from a school which is recognized by the central government you need to Enrol with the Institute for Common Proficiency Test. 2. After completing the Class 12 ie Senior Secondary Examinations the student should appear for Common Proficiency Test which is held twice a year ie june december though the exam dates keep changing. 3. Join PCC, articled training with a certified Chartered Accountant and register for a 100 Hours Information Technology Training[ITT] with listed institutes like NIIT, Aptech etc after passing CPT 10+2 Exams. . The Student should complete the 100 Hours ITT Course within 3 months of time which is generally a 25days program based on 4 hours/day schedule with the computer institute and its useful for learning computer based auditing and related computer course. 5. Next the CA Student has to appear for PCE Exam[Professional Competence Examination] if he has worked as a article clerk with a CA for a period of 15 months minimum 3months prior to the exam month and also has to have completed the 100 Hours computer training course.Note that 8 months of audit training is equally treated as 6 months of articled training as per the requirement. 6. Next the student has to join the CA Final course after passing the above mentioned PCE and while registering collect study materials and start the preperation for final CA Exams. He should also complete General Management and Communication Skills Course during the last 12 months of articled trianing and should also have completed 3. 5 years articled training. 7. Appear for the final CA Exam when the practical training is completed.Pass the final exam and complete the General Management and Communication Skills Course[GMCS] After the completion of all the above mentioned steps , the student would be called Associate Chartered Accountant[ACA] because he is in the starting stage and after professional experiance he would become Fellows Chartered Accountant[FCA] after which he is eligible to hold a certificate for public practice Salary -Rs 368,845 – Rs 829,981 Bonus- Rs 24,577 – Rs 101,843 Profit Sharing- Rs 17,000 – Rs 100,671 Commission- Rs 9,826 – Rs 9 7,211 How to cite Chartered Accountant, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Censorship In Music Essay Example For Students
Censorship In Music Essay Censorship in music is a topic that has brought about much controversy in the past two decades. There have been many different arguments on the topic, however the question still remains as if it should be censored or it should not be censored. Before you can form an opinion on this, you must hear both sides of the argument on this much-debated topic. Some people believe that music should be censored so all audiences can hear it without it containing any controversial lyrics. Others believe it should not be censored and musical artists should be able to speak, sing, rap, or rhyme freely without anyone censoring them. Whether a person finds a work obscene depends largely on his or her moral or religious beliefs. These views change with each generation and further complicate the censorship dilemma. (Censorship by, Bradley Steffens page 97) The quote above is very true. Religious or moral beliefs have a great influence on how a person feels about censorship, and as generations pass on th e common beliefs on it may change. Right now, America is more uncensored than ever. However, things were very different a few generations ago. We will write a custom essay on Censorship In Music specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Some people believe music should be censored. They believe some of the language musical artists use is vulgar, obscene, and crude. Also the fact that music is played on medias such as radio and television, which are free to listen to by all audiences, and there are many parents that would not wish for their kids to hear foul language. So on radio and televison any controversial language is either silenced, edited out by a soft sound, or some artists make two versions of their songs; one that is made for the artists album, which is uncensored; and one for televsion and radio with any controversial words change to be acceptable for all audiences. This does not include cable television, which can be audited by parents since the parents must order and pay for the channel to be viewed. Preventing or punishing speechis a clear violation of the First Amendment.(Censorship. Opposing Viewpoints by, Greehaven Press page 147). This quote here is the battle cry of many anti-censorship groups. Wh en you really think about it, it is a violation of the First Amendment, which says: Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. The First Amendment guarantees the right to freedom of speech, and censorship is violating peoples rights to say whatever they want to say. It is sometimes difficult to understand when a child gets punished for using foul language meanwhile the childs parents have the right to critiscize and petition the government whenever they feel the need to do so. Many musical artists feel that when they are forced to change lyrics their rights are being violated. In some artists songs they like to express their feelings towards somebody or something, and it hurts them to be censored because the new words implemented are not from his or her heart. They feel that they are being held down. Due to the amendment made by our founding fathers I do not believe there will ever be an answer to the question whether or not music should be censored. The way I see it, it should not be censored. Many children often hear explicit language from older siblings or parents at an early age. They believe that since someone they look up to uses those words, they should too. Eventually, everyone will be exposed to language they do not find acceptable. Foul language is not permitted on medias such as television or radio because it is an all audience media. However, on albums the artist is allowed to use any words he or she sees fit. The vexing question, of course, is, Who should decide what you read or view- the church, the stateor you? (War of Words: The Censorship Debate by George Beahm page xiii) In my opinion, the answer to that question is: you. Censorship on television channels such as Nickelodeon , or PBS is understandable due to the fact that mostly young children programming is bro adcasted on those stations. However I find it unnecessary to censor stations generally viewed by older audiences. It is now a requirement by law for record companies to put stickers on tapes and compact discs that say: Parental Advisory. Explicit Lyrics. The reason that law was passed was because many angry mothers and fathers sued artists and/or record companies for releasing albums that contained explicit lyrics, and now their child goes and repeats their newly learned words to people such as their teachers, principals, and other friends who then spread word around to their parents. I would tend to believe that many of those parents used those same bad words in front of their children at one time or another. They probably did not say it to their face, but the fact still remains that the child heard his or her parents say those words, thus the child assumes it is normal to say that word. Many parents also complain that the art on music albums covers and insides. They argue saying t hat too is vulgar and should not be allowed. I believe music should not be censored due to our First Amendment right. When a parent hears foul language on their childs stero or television, they should not complain to the network or record company, they should complain to themselves. The government is doing all they legally can to protect the childrens young ears from the foul language that is out there. If a parent hears their child listening to foul language, they should not complain to anyone but themselves. If they do not wish for their child to hear foul language they should have supervised their children more closely. If they take their child to a record store and buy them a new tape or c.d., the parent should have listened to the music by him or herself and scan for anything questionable. If they dont like the content, they can always return it to the store. This way they can be positive that their child is listening to music that is acceptable in their eyes. In conclusion, ce nsorship in music is wrong in my opinion. Artists should be allowed to say whatever they want. That is what our founding fathers based this country uopn: freedom. The government is doing an excellent job in making the First Amendment suitable for all. If parents have a problem with it, it is because they did not properly supervise their children. .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .postImageUrl , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:hover , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:visited , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:active { border:0!important; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:active , .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u34642f9a859d0f120284b06a357c0b3e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Juliet Capulet EssayBibliographyBeahm, George. War of Words, Ed. George Beahm. Kansas City, MO 1993Greenhaven Press. Censorship. Opposing Viewpoints, Ed. Lisa Orr. San Diego, CASteffens, Bradley. Censorship. Ed. Lucent Books
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