Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Internal Medicine :: Medicine College Admissions Essays
Interior Medicine As I experienced childhood in the town of Vallabh Vidyanagar (India), I generally had the desire to become specialist. As a youthful student, my relatives urged and roused me to follow my fantasies. At the point when I was a kid, my grandma experienced Heart Failure auxiliary to Mitral Stenosis. I watched the specialists analyze her utilizing the Stethoscope and I got inquisitive regarding what they were tuning in. I generally needed to place the earpieces in my ears. As I moved to optional school, my senior sister went on to clinical school, and she would frequently talk about life systems with her companions at home. This served to elevate my interest in the human body. Later I emulated my sister's example and joined clinical school. My advantage developed further when I started to dismember the dead body. I delighted in it so much that I used to go to the lab during my mid-day break hours. With physiology and natural chemistry, I figured out how intricate and coordinated the human body is. Pathology, microbiology and pharmacology together gave me a basic comprehension of the human body in sick state. As I started my clinical turns I discovered them all fascinating; in any case, medication consistently was a most loved of mine. In my last year of clinical school, I introduced a contextual investigation about Mitral Valve Stenosis with Regurgitation. Among the audience members was my teacher, who is additionally the Chief of the Department of inner medication. Toward the finish of my introduction, he asked me a couple of inquiries about my contextual investigation and closed the meeting with expressions of commendation. He expressed that I was careful in my history taking and assessment and that I examined the patient's condition impeccably. I feel that it was this individual enthusiasm for medication that has consistently persuaded me to accomplish brilliant stamps in Medicine. During my clinical turns, I saw that internist must be knowledgeable in subspecialty territories, for example, cardiology and basic consideration. Likewise, the internist must be a specialist in the basics of essential consi deration medication that fuses a comprehension of ailment counteraction, wellbeing, substance misuse, emotional wellness and other non interior medication subjects. At the point when I was posted in ICU during my temporary job, my expert was rewarding a HIV positive patient for an all-inclusive timeframe through many good and bad times. I saw then that the internist not just needs broad information and ability in conclusion and treatment, yet in addition humanistic characteristics of trustworthiness, affectability, sympathy and empathy.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Resistance of a wire Essay Example for Free
Obstruction of a wire Essay Jack has been given a recycled D. C. dynamo and light. He needs to append these to his bike and produce generally light without blowing the bulb. What wire would it be a good idea for him to utilize? Factors: The factors in our examination are The length of the wire The distance across of the wire (SWG) The sort of wire Types of wire: Nichrome: 80% Nickel 20% Chromium Alloy. Constantan: 60% Copper 40% Nickel Alloy. Copper First of all we chose to test the obstruction utilizing a Multimeter. This would give us an unpleasant thought regarding what the protections of each wire are. Our lengths of wire were throughout the entire 30cm. Our outcomes were as per the following WIRE RESISTANCE ? Copper 0. 6 Nichrome 1. 2 Constantan 4. 3 Later we understood that we were utilizing wires with totally unique SWGs. To make it a reasonable test we expected to utilize wires with the equivalent SWG. We rehashed the test utilizing a length of 30cm and a SWG of 32. Our outcomes were as per the following Our outcomes changed drastically. WIRE RESISTANCE ? Copper 0. 9 Nichrome 5. 8 Constantan 2. 9 Testing the current + Voltage Next we chose to test the current and voltage with the goal that we could get an increasingly exact figure for the obstruction. We set up a circuit comprising of, a force pack, ammeter and variable resistor in arrangement. We likewise had a voltmeter in corresponding to the wire we were trying. The readings we remove the ammeter and voltmeter permit us to make sense of the obstruction utilizing a basic condition: Voltage ? Current = Resistance. Our circuit resembled this A variable resistor permits us to control the current experiencing the circuit. We expected to keep it as low as possible to stay away from a warming impact in which ohms law would not happen and our outcomes would not be exact. Kind Of Wire Current (I) Voltage (v) Display total paper The above review is unformatted content This understudy composed bit of work is one of numerous that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism segment.
Deer Hunting Free Essays
Barely any deer live to be over five years of age due to chasing, vehicle mishaps and predators. Deer are gone after by, wolves, catamounts, bears, coyotes, and people. Deer chasing is the movement or game of seeking after or pursuing deer. We will compose a custom exposition test on Deer Hunting or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now It goes back to a huge number of years prior. Roughly one hundred individuals kick the bucket in chasing mishaps in the United States every year. In this way, chasing deer is ineffective, out of line, trivial, dangerous, and should possibly be done if the deer will be eaten. Chasing can be pointless particularly when game chasing. Studies show that 11 percent of deer who had been killed by trackers kicked the bucket simply in the wake of being shot at least multiple times and that some injured deer languished over 15 minutes before completely dying (â€Å"Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary†, standard. 3). It makes the deer experience incredible torment and languishing over no pressing explanation and for unimportant delight. It might cause you to feel more grounded, however there is still no motivation to slaughter honest deer. Imagine a scenario in which you were that deer that needed to experience this hopelessness only for your unintelligent, and sickening misstep. Likewise, sport chasing causes wrecked properties and harmed spectators. In 2006, previous Vice President Dick Cheney accidently shot a dear companion while chasing quail on a canned chasing safeguard. As indicated by the Hunter Education Association, there are more than handfuls and many passings brought about by chasing in the United States every year. However alone those number of passings are passings of people (â€Å"Why chasing is Unnecessary 2†par. 16). This is a progressing issue that we need to stop. Trackers appear to be new to their guns and don't have an adequate measure of regard for the harm that they can do. Deer chasing can likewise be ineffectual in more than one way. It is fruitless for attempting to comprehend human/deer clashes. Studies show that all through chasing season trackers alarm the deer free and clear and onto the street expanding the quantity of vehicle/deer impacts (Lin, Doris, standard. 10). Individuals ought not try attempting to slaughter deer if the outcome would be ending up in a tremendous chaos. In the event that the deer goes onto the road, at that point in all likelihood both the deer and human would kick the bucket or be truly harmed. Consider all that occurred or would happen when going to chase that deer down . The principle reason that deer chasing is incapable is on the grounds that they accept that it assists with controlling the deer populace. It truly depends supposing that trophy chasing the deer then you would in all likelihood execute the solid male deer or bucks. That wouldn’t help at all on the grounds that the female deer are the ones who breed (Roos, Dave, standard. ). Try not to do anything rough or brainless if not critically vital in the circumstance. At the point when unprecedented characteristic events cause overpopulation, normal procedures should work there path back to try and out the gathering. Despite the fact that starvation and infection might be two of the disastrous ways they may balance out in spite of the fact that it happens normally (â€Å"Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary†par. 9). Shooting deer since the individual in question may get wiped out or starve is absurd and is dangerous. The individuals who bolster deer chasing accept that slaughtering them stops all the issues that the deer cause. When chasing deer you will evacuate a couple of deer and forestall those from replicating and keep the deer from causing mayhem in the city (Lin, Doris, and standard. 5). In this manner the result will be less hurt individuals in fender benders. Notwithstanding, that is pointless in light of the fact that that implies the other deer will have more nourishment for themselves. Likewise, they would not need to battle other deer for food. Since they would have more food, they would have the option to give more births to twins and triplets. That additionally implies that the deer will standardize and bring forth less grovels when food is rare (Lin, Doris, standard. 10). Before going to chase those poor animals possibly you should ponder internally â€Å"Why execute these deer? †â€Å"Is there a sensible explanation? †â€Å"If things being what they are, is there better approaches to fathom this? †There is a superior method to unravel this, you can let the deer manage themselves it may be excruciating however it is life. Executing doesn't resolve anything by any means. It just exacerbates things. Individuals who think murdering deer helps, miserable for you examines show it doesn't. Chasing deer is futile and sad in overpopulation and out of line to the individuals who endure. At the point when residents do this each and every deer tallies and will influence what's to come. â€Å"In what direction will it influence what's to come? †It isn't known right now all that is known is that we may in any case get the opportunity to have any kind of effect in this battling world that we live in today. Nonetheless, on the off chance that this proceeds without assistance from you, at that point in all honesty however deer will become imperiled species, or more regrettable terminated. Step by step instructions to refer to Deer Hunting, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Super size me ( the movie ) written aurgument Essay
Too size me ( the film ) composed aurgument - Essay Example What's more, on the off chance that he is asked to excessively measure the feast, he needs to state yes. Spurlock’s purpose behind his position is to demonstrate that eating items which are adjusted, for example, refined starches and sugars, items that have additives and items which have high calories are unsafe to our wellbeing and it would confound our heart, liver, blood and different pieces of our body. Furthermore, the majority of these items are found in drive-thru eateries. He utilizes this investigation as his way to help his reasons. During Spurlock’s first seven day stretch of McDonald’s diet he increased 8.5 pounds, which is from 185.5 pounds (Spurlock’s weight before McDonald’s diet) to 194 pounds. During the principal week Spurlock was devouring 5000 calories for every day which is route over the measure of calories he needs every day which is just 2500 calories. During the second say something, Spurlock increased 9 pounds, which is fro m 194 pounds †203 pounds. During his third say something he lost 1 pound, which is from 203 pounds †202 pounds. However, his cholesterol levels went up from 165 †225, his SGOT levels went from 21 †130 and his SGPT levels went up from 20 - 290. The quick development of his cholesterol levels and liver catalysts levels (SGOT/SGPT) made the specialist exhortation Spurlock to stop his high fat eating routine before it deteriorates. The individuals who might differ with Spurlock are the individuals who are behind the inexpensive food organization. The inexpensive food organization guarantees that they are a piece of the heftiness issue yet they additionally asserted that individuals have the opportunity to pick where and what to eat. Drive-thru eateries don’t power individuals to eat their items, however billions are spent on publicizing these items. It is on paper, radio, TV and web. In addition they have this must-have-toys and play areas which is welcoming t o the children. Spurlock reacts to this by letting individuals have increasingly sound alternatives. Spurlock visited various
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Before You Arrive On Campus Packing Edition
Before You Arrive On Campus Packing Edition In 4 weeks, you will leave home for an academic journey of 4 years. Commence the packing process! Frantic scrambling. Wading through piles of clothing and mementos on the floor But what should you pack, really? Erick P. ‘17 says this. Jess K. ‘10 suggests these items. MIT Housing compiled a packing list for students here, to be used with caution. Some things I’ve found helpful. Pack: a memento for your shelf or wall. There are no restrictions on memories, and pictures of family and friends will brighten the hard times. Guaranteed. a surge protector. Electric sockets appear in the oddest places. a Twin XL sheet set, a towel, and a shower caddy. Summarized as “the stuff Bed, Bath Beyond says you require.†For ease of transportation, Bed, Bath Beyond will pack the essentials for you the student to pick up at the store through Pack Hold. They also host special events during the summer with 20% discounts for students. Note, however, that BBB is not the easiest destination from campus. a swimsuit, if you wish to beat the required swim test and suggested boat test (which involves treading water for 10 minutes and is harder than it sounds). Bonus: Freshman Orientation test-takers receive an MIT Engineers t shirt with a witty-nerdy saying on the back: “Technically, the glass is always full.†a casual wardrobe. This is optional, but will prevent the need to adjust impeccable outfits during the high energy Orientation Week and fall semester. Sweatpants, yoga pants, and shorts are your friends. And wait till you discover the wonders of free t shirts! a formal suit, for job interviews and Career Fair documents establishing identity and work eligibility, Social Security Number being one of them. For the I-9 form you will fill out once to receive access to all on-campus job possibilities. items you use most frequently at your current home. I sacrificed precious suitcase space for a hair dryer. Totally worth it. basic school supplies like notebooks, pencils, pens. The nearest Target is quite far, and the MIT Coop is not the go-to store for minor purchases. Don’t drag a mound of erasers and rulers on a plane, but have something for the first day of learning. basic life supplies like toothbrushes and toothpaste, medications and a hair comb laptop case or bag. You will take your laptop everywhere. Also, don’t save $$ on the laptop security stickers sold at Orientation by the MIT Police. They may stain the tender shell of your computer, but will also protect you from on-campus theft. snacks for the trip, arrival, and the first late night a dress, if there is 1% chance you will consider attending sorority rush or a formal. There is a free and regularly scheduled shuttle to the local mall, Cambridgeside Galleria, from Kendall Square, but that trip may not fit into your first week’s schedule. soap and shampoo, if they fit into your luggage. If not, there is a campus convenience store, La Verdes, for first-day shampoo emergencies and tragically over-priced midnight indulgences. cash money, including some $1 bills, for the times you’ll want fresh fruit from a farmer’s market or a movie from the MIT LSC film series or a snack from the vending machines. Also good for splitting bills with friends and buying cannolis at the North End at midnight. Don’t Pack: fancy adornments from garish college shopping catalogues (like this one from Bed, Bath Beyond). Among other things, you probably dont need a soda machine and a pile of decorative pillows. Not on your first week of college. chairs, bean bags, and other larger items like desk lamps. You will most likely move from your temporary room assignment after the brief REX, so travel light. comforters and winter gear, unless you don’t plan to visit home in the winter. These take up space. Don’t assume what you need. For example, some rooms in East Campus have trash cans, and some don’t. Luckily, Boston is a giant city. No need to bring the stock of a lifetime on the plane. And once you move into your permanent residence, you can receive care packages from Amazon and parents. Prime Pantry, now with back to school deals, will reduce the burden of heavy household items and snacks. Join Amazon Student for 50% off Amazon Prime and other special deals. Be mindful of space. Plan to partition your room evenly if you have a roommate. If you take a suitcase or two, keep them close. They work great for storage and shopping trips. Producing a carry-on suitcase at the register is a satisfying experience. Makes you feel like Shopper 007. If you forget something, worry not. There are plenty of stores and two malls within a 20-30 minute walk. Public transportation opens even more destinations. MIT shuttles with free wi-fi run (with delays) every weekend past Orientation. They will take you to Target, Costco, Starmarket, Whole Foods, Bed, Bath Beyond, Home Depot, and Trader Joe’s. Word of caution: plan the shuttle trip for a sunny day. Boston traffic halts with the first drops of rain. Always feel free to consult an upperclassman for directions and advice. We’re happy to help. Cheers, and see you in a month! Important P.S.: Let me know if you have any questions before you arrive on campus! All topics from culture to logistics are welcomed here, via comments below or email above.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
The ACA and Racial and Ethnic Disparities - Free Essay Example
In the United States of America, there is a wide gap between whites and minority groups when it comes to accessibility to healthcare and insurance coverage. The article discusses how some minorities, specifically blacks and Hispanics, had higher chances of encountering obstacles relating to healthcare prior to the implementation of the ACA. Its aim is to assess how the ACAs expansion of coverage has affected inequalities in healthcare for adults. Data was collected and analyzed from the American Community Survey which is a yearly survey performed by the U.S. Census Bureau with information on demographics, social, economic and housing attributes; and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System which is the top system within the U.S. for collecting health related data using telephone surveys. After the ACA, the rates of uninsured blacks and Hispanics decreased however the question still remained if health disparities between whites and ethnic and racial minorities dropped. This article addresses this question in addition to access to insurance coverage and care; and compares this amongst states which chose and did not choose to expand Medicaid Coverage. There were 27 states together with the District of Columbia, which in 2014 to 2015 expanded their Medicaid program and 23 states which did not. Three key measurements were used: adults of working age (19 64) who were uninsured, adults 18 years and older who within the past year who did without care due to its price, and adults 18 years and older who did not have a source of care. The findings were that healthcare access improved for all parties involved in this study when using the above three measurements and appear to contribute to the decrease in the disparities gap between white and minorities even with higher rates of uninsured blacks and Hispanics. The rate of uninsured adults declined overall and although blacks and Hispanics are more affected by the costs associated in their ability to obtain healthcare, the number of individuals going without care also decreased across the board. The number of adults who did not have a healthcare provider also shrunk but the number is still high especially with the Hispanic population. For states which opted for Medicaid expansion, access to healthcare and insurance coverage for adults was better, and racial and ethnic disparities for the measurement indicators were less although there were improvements in all states. Improvements in states which did not do the Medicaid expansion were due to the availability of subsi dies for premiums and insurance marketplace brought about by the ACA. There are still a total of 19 states which have not chosen the Medicaid expansion some of which have large minority populations. Based on the findings of this study, election of the ACAs Medicaid Expansion option can be very beneficial in helping to reduce the racial and ethnic disparities that exist and aid in the improvement of access to care for all. Reference: Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Care: Has the Affordable Care Act Made a Difference? Issue Brief (Commonw Fund). 2017 Aug;2017:1-14.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Are Drones Domestically Used a Breach of Privacy - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 603 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Drones Essay Did you like this example? Picture that you are perched on your patio enjoying a beautiful day, and a drone passes overhead. It lingers. The camera adjusts and looks directly at you. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Are Drones Domestically Used a Breach of Privacy" essay for you Create order Then it flies out. You are left questioning who is running it and why they would fly it over your house. If those pictures or footage from the drone trip were to be released or posted online (, e.g., on Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat) without permission, that could be a breach of your privacy. If it is likewise related with some message about you that is wrong, you might be capable to sue for slander. On a number of occasions, same encounters with unidentified drones have led to visceral (sometimes still intense) responses from the individuals. Maybe the most notorious case is William Meredith, the self-proclaimed drone killer who shot down the drone that flew around his house in Kentucky where his young kids were playing. The Kentucky court ignored the request of first-degree endangerment and vicious mischief against Meredith, stating that he had the right to take down the drone to defend his privacy. But this development of smaller drones has led to louder cries involving peoples privacy rights. What is there to ensure the drone is not spying on somebody at their house? While these reasons make drones seem undesirable, there are also uses for these flying robots that are not considered malicious intent. While still considering the domestic utilization of drones, one must cerebrate about the photography aspect. Drones are incredible for getting dazzling shots or recordings of scenes and structures, they can likewise be valuable for amatuer motion picture making.  While the discussion about drones and privacy is still being debated, David Wright (2012 ) makes the point that while drones may be helpful, it is more important to give privacy to individuals. Privacy is the great concern because of the fact that drones are aiming their surveillance upon these already marginalised populations to observe their whereabouts and actions (Wright 2012, 194 ). Doubts about drones in federal wilderness are still more complex. Not just are there safe, secrecy, and First statement fears, but there are doubts about how drones jibe with those authorised usage of these kingdoms, which includes maintaining solitude for visitors and protecting wildlife from unnecessary harassment. Drones have also been deployed at countries deemed possibly dangerous, e.g., urban areas and near airports. Roger Clark (2014 ) states that dronings exist actively antagonistic to peoples secrecy. He compares the usage of drones to multiple deep invasive terrorist acts into physical space, and is similar to haunting (Clark 2014, 289) . Clark talks about the origin of the language surveillance and the history behind its usage to observe specific behaviour and describe people of interest (Clark 2014, 288) .  At every case surveillance has been used to declare some sort of authority against citizens. However while the FAA starts to loosen its regulations, some states and municipalities are tightening theirs. Polls reveal a profound public interest at the privacy breaches of drones. Some cities have banned them entirely, albeit likely temporarily. One Colorado town is thinking allowing locals to take drones from the sky, and may provide advantages for reclaiming their components. [1] Topics associated with congestion, privacy, and sound also all help from the increased number of drone centers. Drones delivering software can go from, and move to, their drone area. Implying that parts of the city near the delivery centre should have more drone activity overhead than those far from one. However, issuing more drone centers means that drones would move around fewer parts of the city to complete their goals. Therefore limiting the amount of airspace they would cover.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Litigation or arbitration Free Essay Example, 3000 words
The decisions of adjudicators are usually final. Party can approach the courts for arbitration of the dispute, in which case the dispute will be heard afresh, rather than as an appeal against the adjudication. Alternatively, formal litigation can also be commenced in the courts. In the case of Northern Developments reference was made to the opinions expressed on adjudication in the case of Sherwood and Casson Ltd v Mackenzie; a decision that is erroneous even if the error is disclosed in the reasons, will still not ordinarily be capable of being challenged and should, ordinarily, still be enforced. the adjudication is intended to be a speedy process in which mistakes will inevitably occur. Thus, the court should guard against characterizing a mistaken answer to an issue, which is within an adjudicator's jurisdiction, as being an excess of jurisdiction Through this, a distinction is made in that an adjudicator s decision will be held to be valid even if it contains an error of fact or law, but will be held to be invalid or unsound only if the adjudicator made a decision that he had no jurisdiction to make. We will write a custom essay sample on Litigation or arbitration or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page An arbitrator s decisions will not be subject to dispute in the Courts because that would undermine their enforceability. Therefore, in spite of the fact that an adjudicator s decisions may be lacking in some areas of the procedure.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Contributions Of Andrew Jackson And Thomas Jefferson
If Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson faced off, many would argue over which president was better leader and who was more effective. Jackson and Jefferson have more differences among them then they have alike, but they both stood in their beliefs and completed major events that helped with the writings of America’s history. If Jefferson or Jackson had an idea in mind that needed to be completed, they were very effective to get that job done in an efficient time. Both presidents held professions before office and out of the eight years both presidents held in office, many acts were created which aided both men to accomplish the ideas they had. Jackson’s daily life and attitude was considerably different compared to Jefferson but that didn t stop him from getting his job done. Over all Jefferson was the better president and was more efficient thought his works. In the lives before Jackson and Jeffersons were in office, both men held many professions growing up. Both Jack son and Jefferson worked as a planter and as a lawyer. Jackson was a general for the army which set him apart from Jefferson. However, Jefferson held many other occupations that outweighed Jackson. Jefferson was a teacher, philosopher, inventor, author, and many other that he learned by trade. As and author, Jefferson published four writings dealing with the rights of Americans, a book titled The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, and the main draft of the Declaration of Independence. Jackson neverShow MoreRelatedWinfield Scotts Relationships with the Various Presidents1645 Words  | 7 Pagesincluding Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor, he also sought the presidency, but his 1852 campaign was a disaster. As a supporter of the Federalist and later the Whig Parties, he was politically out of favor with almost all the presidents he served, including Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Andrew Jackson and James K. Polk. He opposed their expansionist policies as well, as did most members of his party, and was privately critical of most of the wars he fought. Jefferson and MadisonRead MoreAndrew Jackson s Impact On The American History1142 Words  | 5 Pages Andrew Jackson made tremendous contributions to the American history. Following the conquest of Florida, Andrew Jackson went on with a number of things that were revolutionary in the history of America. Jackson having led the military campaigns against the Seminole Indians, he was vital in liberating Florida in 1821 after defeating the Spanish troops in Pensacola. He eventually was appointed governer over the state of Florida became the first governor over the state of Florida to take charge ofRead MoreJohn Locke : The Second Treatises Of Government2344 Words  | 10 Pagesâ€Å"overthrow the government.†John Locke kept a similar mindset to that of Hobbes when it comes to the government and its power. 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These two groups really did not considered themselves parties. The founders feared parties because they thought of them as factions. They were self centered and driven by ambition to forward their own self-interests. Thomas Jefferson organized his Anti-Federalist followers and they became known as the Jeffersonian Republicans. ThisRead MoreThe Civil Service Reform Act1446 Words  | 6 PagesWashington are from the very small pool of elite and are perfect conformity with the political views and policy objectives of the chief executive. By the end of the second term of the president Washington the political party becomes to emerge. when Thomas Jefferson become third president he inherited the staff which he removed on the bases of partisan, â€Å"he articulate the first argument for patronage in the system when he contended that a limited number of offices ought to be divided between the parties
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nighteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell - 1970 Words
Throughout George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eight-Four, the main character, Winston Smith, is shown as a rebellious Party member who often shows his lack of concern of others. Winston’s attitude towards others is emotionless and loveless. Even his wife whom he had been married to for eleven years, he describes as that â€Å"he was capable of forgetting that he had ever been married†(Orwell 67). Also, Syme, Winston’s friend, disappears and Winston shows no sign of sadness or concern. Even towards Winston’s secret lover, whom he had secretly broken Party laws with and shared a sexual relationship, he states that â€Å"he felt love no for her†(Orwell 229). Many of his thoughts could be because of the government’s total control of the country and its people. However, Winston constantly rejects the ideas of the government. There is only one character that Winston seems to never get enough of, O’Brien. Winston is seen constantly bei ng fixated on O’Brien. Winston dreams of and admires O’Brien and is described as being â€Å"deeply drawn to him†(Orwell 11). Oddly enough, besides O’Brien, Winston is not close with any other male. Winston mentions his mother and even thinks he finds her while being held captive; however, Winston never mentions a father. This lack of male guidance that Winston receives opens himself not only to be star struck by O’Brien but also opens up the ability for the totalitarian regime to conquer his mind. Writer of Nineteen Eighty- Four, George Orwell, lived until he wasShow MoreRelatedNighteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell710 Words  | 3 PagesWiston was member of the ruling Party in London, i the nation of Oceania. Everywhere he goes he is being watched through television screens, by the Party. The Party controlled everything in Oceania, including the language. The party was forcing a language called â€Å"Newspeak†which was used to prevent political rebellion by getting rid of all the worlds related to it. Thinking thoughts, which was called Thoughtcrime, was illegal, and was the worst of all the crimes. Winston was frustrated by the
Changes Kennedy brought to American Foreign Policy Free Essays
Eisenhower believed that there could not be a military solution to Cold War problems and that America could to shape the world’s destiny. He accepted limitations on America’s role. Kennedy did not. We will write a custom essay sample on Changes Kennedy brought to American Foreign Policy or any similar topic only for you Order Now The changes he brought to American Foreign Policy were active and bold. This contrasted Eisenhower passive and cautious approach. Kennedy sought to restore the prestige and primacy of the presidency. His recurring theme was â€Å"l think it is time for America to start moving again†, and his actions sought to reveal a dynamic militancy. He set to dramatically increase American strength including increasing the defense budget ($40 bill to $56 b†), and arms production (missile launchers, long range bombers, submarines, and CUBISM). This ignited the greatest arms race in the history of mankind. In hindsight we can now see that the more missiles America built, the less secure the country was. However, his changes extended far beyond nuclear delivery weapons. Kennedy wanted to Increase America’s conventional war capableness and guerrilla warfare forces. Unlike Eisenhower, he wanted the ability to intervene anywhere; this new strategy was called flexible response. The Third World provided the key to Kennedy’s new American Frontiers. He wanted to be able to respond to Communist aggression at any level and set out to build a interdependency force that could stamp out revolutions in Third World countries. The force came to be called the Green Berets, and its aim was to apply American techniques and know-h ow in guerrilla warfare situations to solve the problems of national liberation. Its greatest appeal was that It avoided direct confrontation with the Soviet Union. Vietnam was an Ideal battleground for the Green Berets. The US Increased economic and military aid In South Vietnam. However under the SEATS Treaty the US was not able to get involved in a civil war. Kennedy was not willing to and opposition to the government came from within. He carted the removal of forces through a coup of a South Viet leader that was not effective enough. America’s active role in Vietnam was a culmination of the policy of containment rather than a military- industrial complex conspiracy. Kennedy also initiated the Alliance for Progress program. It was a significant aid program to Latin American countries, many of which were at the stage of authoritarian military dictatorships. These were the kind of friendships that the United States attempted to foster. Kennedy’s commitment to be part of the new frontier was to combat third world liberation efforts. The USA wanted to ensure that there would be a degree of social and economic development. Through aid and investment, he believed that the Latin American countries would benefit. However, the Alliance was a failure primarily because there was significant underdevelopment and those who controlled the land, were the ones that benefited from such aid. Unlike Eisenhower, Kennedy initially believed that there was room for peaceful coexistence between the free capitalist world and communism. He attempted to compromise with the Soviet Union but when faced with aggression within Berlin, he returned to containment policies. Berlin was a problem for Kennedy. As a result of his foreign policy decisions, what had occurred was the emergence of a divided city by war. The Soviet building of the Wall and the eventual Western acceptance of it signified something about Kennedy’s diplomacy. It indicated that the Germans did not want liberty and demonstrated that the intentions of the Soviet to push the West out of Berlin were firm. However, failure to do so lead his search for opportunity elsewhere. He found it Cuba. The issue of Cuba was something of a bear trap by departing Eisenhower. The United States had significant investments in Cuba. But it had undergone a revolution that was led effectively by Fidel Castro, who began to nationalism American properties. The American response under Eisenhower was to undertake effective covert actions to sabotage Castro. The United States was determined to oust the Castro regime by training, organizing and equipping Cuban exiles in Guatemala and exporting them to the Bay of Pigs. This was an absolute disaster for the United States because Khrushchev saw this as an opportunity to place nuclear warheads close to the east coast of the United States. This crisis represented a direct threat to the United States. Rather than to listen to military advisors or the CIA (as had been done during the Bay of Pigs), Kennedy’s response was to convene Coxcomb, an executive committee of national security counsel. The Committee initiated a minimalist naval blockade to prevent the Soviets from sending any further material into Cuba. This quarantine on all offensive military equipment then allowed Kennedy to warn the Soviet that any missile launched from Cuba would require a retaliatory response. Through meetings with Soviet official, a deal was made to remove Soviet missiles from Cuba. This was a satisfactory ending How to cite Changes Kennedy brought to American Foreign Policy, Papers
Renaissance Art Donatello Essay Example For Students
Renaissance Art Donatello Essay Donatello (1386-1466) was a master of sculpture in bronze and marble and was considered one of the greatest Italian Renaissance artists of his time. There is much more to know about him, though then the name alone. He has created some of the greatest works of art, not only in the Italian renaissance, but human history as well. A lot is known about his life and career but little is known about his character and personality. Donatello never married and seems to be a man of simple tastes. Patrons often found him hard to deal with and he demanded a lot of artistic freedom. Donatello, born Donato di Niccol di Betto Bardi, was the son of Niccolo di Betto Bardi, a Florentine wool carder. It is not known how he started his career but probably learned stone carving from one of the sculptors working for the cathedral of Florence about 1400. Some time between 1404 and 1407 he became a member of the workshop of Lorenzo Ghiberti who was a sculptor in bronze. Donatellos earliest work was a marble statue of David. The David was originally made for the cathedral but was moved in 1416 to the Palazzo Vecchio, a city hall where it long stood as a civic-patriotic symbol. From the sixteenth century on, the gigantic David of Michelangelo, which served the same purpose, eclipsed it. More of Donatellos early works which were stil l partly Gothic are the impressive seated marble figure of St. John the Evangelist for the cathedral and a wooden crucifix in the church of Sta. Croce. The full power of Donatello first appeared in two marble statues, St. Mark and St. George which were completed in 1415. St. George has been replaced and is now in the Bargello. For the first time, the human body is rendered as a functional organism. The same qualities came in the series of five prophet statues that Donatello did beginning in 1416. The statues were of beardless and bearded prophets as well as a group of Abraham and Isaac in 1416-1421 and also the Zuccone and Jeremiah. Zuccone is famous as the finest of the campanile statues and one of the artists masterpieces. Donatello invented his own bold new mode of relief in his marble panel St. George Killing The Dragon (1416-1417). The technique involved shallow carving throughout, which created a more striking effect than in his earlier works. He no longer modeled his shapes but he seemed to paint them with his chisel. Donatello continued to explore the possibilities of the new technique he would use in his marble reliefs of the 1420s and early 1430s. The best of these were The Ascension, with Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter, the Feast of Herod (1433-1435), the large stucco roundels with scenes from the life of St. John the Evangelist (1434-1437), and the dome of the old sacristy of S. Lorenzo shows the same technique but with color added. Donatello had also become a major sculptor in bronze. His earliest work of this was the more than life size statue of St. Louis (1423), which was replaced half a century later. Donatello in partnership with Michelozzo helped with fine bronze effigy on the tomb of the pope John XXIII in the baptistery, the Assumption of the Virgin on the Brancacci tomb and the dancing angels on the outdoor pulpit of the Prato Cathedral (1433-1438). His departure from the standards of Brunelleschi did not go to well between the two old friends and was never repaired. Brunelleschi even made epigrams against Donatello. During his partnership with Michelozzo, Donatello made works of pure sculpture, including several works of bronze. The earliest and most important of these was the Feast of Herod (1423-1427). He also made two statuettes of Virtues and then three nude child angels (one which was stolen and is now in the Berlin museum). These statues prepared the way for the bronze statue of David, the first large scale, and freestanding nude statue of the Renaissance. It was the most classical of Donatellos works and was done for a private patron. Its recorded history begins with the wedding of Lorenzo the magnificent in 1469, when it
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Zara and Its International Expansion Essay Example
Zara and Its International Expansion Essay Zara is one of the largest and the most internationalized retailers that Inditex Group owns. Inditex Group is based in Spain, which is a global specialty retailer that designs, manufactures, and sells apparel, footwear, and accessories for women, men and children around the world. Zara’s history The founder of Zara, Amancio Ortega, opened the first Zara store in 1975 in a central street in La Caruna, Spain. It was first featured as low-priced look-alike products of popular, higher-end clothing fashions. The first store proved to be a success, hence Inditex Group started to open more Zara stores in Spain.In order to reduce the lead time and also react to new trends in a faster way, Ortega decided to change the design, manufacturing and distribution process during the 1980’s. This is what Ortega called â€Å"instant fashion†. The company made their improvements by the use of information technologies and using a group of designers instead of individuals. The core co ncept of Zara is they sell â€Å"medium quality fashion clothing at affordable prices†, and the vertical integration and quick-response are also keys to Zara’s business model.Zara started to expand internationally in late 1980’s. The first Zara store outside Spain was opened in Portugal in 1988. Then they entered New York in 1989 and in Paris in 1990. The expansion of Zara stores keeps growing, and until now, it presents in seventy three countries, with 1,341 stores in prime locations of major cities. Business environment The apparel market is a consumer-driven industry, and globalization and new technologies have allowed consumers to have more access to fashion.Due to these reasons, consumer tastes are changing rapidly, competition is fierce, and companies are evolving to meet these demand. There are two types of considerations for Zara to successfully enter into the international market- internal factors and external factors, as will be explained in detail lat er in this paper in the section of international strategy. Market Structure for Clothing Industry ZARA is in a monopolistic competitive market. There are many competitors in this industry such as GAP and HM. The clothing industry is facing high ressure of reducing costs as they try to have a lower price than their competitors, and aggressive price wars, initiated by competitors working to improve their supply chain management, have slowly removed less efficient makers out of the business. Due to the global financial crisis, the clothing industry slowed down in profit growth from the beginning of 2008, and because of this huge negative impact to the global economy, there are downward pressures on price for clothing makers. The worldwide sluggish economy has decreased the demand since previous affordable prices may not be affordable now.Company such as Old Navy has been able to take over some of Zara’s market shares by offering lower prices. Competitors Gap, HM, and Benetton ar e considered three closest comparable international competitors. Zara is relatively more fashionable than all three competitors, and prices are less than Gap and Benetton but higher than HM. Among these three competitors, HM is considered the most closest competitor to Zara with some similarities and some differences. HM differs from Zara in the way they outsource all of their productions and spend more money on advertising, while Zara does little outsourcing and virtually does no advertising.Also, Zara sells only trendy products and not trying to produce â€Å"classic†clothes which would always be in style while HM does produce some â€Å"classic†clothes in addition to trendy products. The similarities are they both are European based companies, are fashion forward at low price retailers, and both have a strong international expansion strategy. Strategy and Core Competency Zara uses a combination of cost leadership strategy and product differentiation strategy to su pport its business model’s core concept of selling the latest style, medium quality fashion clothing at affordable prices.This is achieved through its core competencies of a vertical integration, a vast range of products, and a unique instant fashion system, creating speed and flexibility to the market that provides the chain with a competitive advantage over traditional retailers in the industry. Vertical Integration Since the global apparel industry is high-labor intensive, most retailers and manufacturers seek to lower costs by outsourcing productions to developing countries with cheap labor.However, instead of relying on outsourcing and offshoring, Zara owns great control of its factories, stores, and distribution network because it believes it can minimize the time to market by carefully coordinate the entire production process. The company’s employees make about 50% of its finished garments, with a majority of them being the most time and fashion sensitive produc ts, in any of its 20 fully owned factories, 18 of them clustered around its headquarters. Zara has a centralized distribution facility in Spain, it is cost-effective and time efficient as the distribution center is close to the factory.Also, for Zara the distribution center is a place where products are moved rather than stored, and products shipped to farther destinations or of larger quantities are shipped by air. As a result, not only inventory cost is decreased but the delivery speed is increased. In contrast, most large fashion manufacturers rely on low cost manufacturing in Asia or South America but have to pay higher inventory costs and it takes longer time for the products to move to market. Product Variation By owning its in-house production, Zara is also very flexible in the variety, amount, and frequency of the new styles they produce.Instead of creating a few styles with mass quantity, Zara uses the style greater than quantity concept, launching new collections in increa singly shorter cycles, as it produces approximately 1000 new styles per month while producing in small batches. This creates a rapid product turnover and an environment of scarcity and exclusivity, prompting the customers to buy the product now in case it is gone tomorrow and visit the stores frequently, as said by the Toronto store manager of Zara â€Å"We receive shipments on Tuesday and Saturday, which means that we have different items in the store at least twice a week.While each shipment replenishes items that sell well, each also includes new items. That’s why our customers come in often. †On average, Zara’s customers return to the store 17 times a year, compared to 3 times a year of most of the competitors. The vast range of styles also enables Zara to cope with the changing customers’ demand and to sell more items at its full price. Instant Fashion The instant fashion system, another core competency of Zara, permits Zara to respond to the demand of its consumer better than its competitors.Compared to the conventional idea of spring and autumn clothing collections, Zara is in favor of â€Å"live collectionsâ€Å" that can be designed, manufactured, distributed, and sold almost as quickly as its customers’ fleeting tastes. Instead of predicting the trend for the next season, Zara’s designers react to what they see in the current fashion, identifying and catching a winning fashion trend while the competitors are struggling to catch up. Zara is able to do this because it has a vertical integrated supply chain that reduces lead time as explained above.While it takes 60 to 90 days in order to design and deliver a new fashion style in a traditional value chain, it only takes 12 to 15 days for Zara. The fast fashion system also depends on the constant exchange of information throughout every part of Zaras supply chain. To speed the information flow of consumer desires to their designers, Zara has teams in the manuf acturing environment responsible for attending high-fashion fairs and exhibitions to provide the designers with the latest trends. Research on market and travels to the universities and clubs around the world are also conducted throughout the season.On the other hand, in the retail environment Zara’s managers and sales associates are responsible for providing sales analysis, product life cycles, and store trends to aid the designers. This communication system is further accelerated by the IT software for stores to report directly to the production centers and designers in Spain. For example store managers use PDA to check on the latest clothes designs and place their orders in accordance with the demand they observe in stores, while all salespeople are equipped with wireless handheld organizers that let them punch in trends, customer comments and orders.Value Chain Zara has a vertical integrated supply chain owning control of all of its retailing, designing, and manufacturing operations. As mentioned above, unlike most of its competitors that outsource their production to factories around the world, Zara has approximately 80% of its production carried out in Europe, with its various business elements such as the design and production centers in close proximity to each other, around its headquarter in La Coruna, Spain. Purchases: Zara purchases materials from external suppliers.It has purchasing offices in Barcelona and Hong Kong which gives Zara the competitive advantage towards the cost of goods sold as it can purchase from the region with lower prices. About half of the fabrics are purchased in grey to allow for flexibility in manufacturing a variety of colors and patterns, and by owning Comditel, a subsidiary to Inditex responsible for dyeing, patterning, and finishing the fabrics, Zara can always provide the necessary fabrics to the new styles of its products.As explained by Jose Maria Castella, Inditex’s executive, â€Å"We have the ability to scrap an entire production line if it is not selling. We can dye collection in new colors and we can create a new fashion line in days. †Design and manufacture: There is one design center for each of the women’s, men’s, and children’s lines with separate design, sales, and procurement and production-planning staffs. Though it is more expensive to operate three channels, the information flow for each channel is fast and direct, making the overall supply chain more effective.The designers work their designs on a computer system called CAD while communicating with the store managers to receive feedback. Once the patterns are finalized, they are made available to the computers that would guide the high tech cutting tools in the factory. Zara’s factories are heavily automated, specialized by garment type, and focused on the capital-intensive parts of the production process. Inditex owns 20 factories for internal manufacture that apply the just-in-ti me production system, making the production process fully under its control.Assembly: The assembly of the cut pieces is done by a network of small workshops that are not owned by Zara. They are provided a set of easy instructions to follow for the purpose of quickly sewing up the pieces and provide a constant stream to Zara’s garment finishing and packing facilities. Distribution: All garments, both internally and externally made, go into Zaras distribution centers in La Coruna or smaller satellite centers in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico to be distributed. Since Zara stores around the world receive new products regularly, Zara’s distribution center s a place for moving the products rather than for storage, therefore no style sits around very long at head office as products are shipped to stores within 48 hours. As mentioned before, this significantly reduces inventory cost and risk. Marketing: Zaea relies heavily on word-of-mouth to market its products to deliver its b rand image of high fashion, reasonable quality goods, and rapidly changing product lines instead of using the ordinary retail marketing practices. Zara spends 0-. % on advertisement investment as compared to traditional retailers of 3-4% , because instead of spending on collaborating with big-name designers and advertising campaigns, the money saved is spent on purchasing prime real estate locations around the world, for example Fifth Avenue, Tokyo’s Ginza, and Rome’s Via Condotti. Great emphasis is also placed on the store’s interior design and image by having frequent refurbishing of store layouts and common window display for all of its global stores, as shown as exhibit 1, that position Zara with a prestigious and elegant image.Service: Zara has been growing by looking to its customers for innovations. Instead of viewing the employees as costs, Zara’s in-store staff is young and very sensitive to fashion who serves as trend spotters. Through providing services to the customers, Zara’s employees can understand the constantly changing demand of the customers and transfer this information to the designers to find better way to meet the needs of the customers. IT: The most important support activity in Zara’s value chain is the information and communication technology, which provides speed to the market and exists in every stage of the chain, as shown in exhibit 2.In the upstream supply chain, IT is needed for managing the inventory of supplies, design specifications, and trim specifications. In the downstream supply chain, it is used for managing distribution and collecting information on consumer needs. International Business For international companies, globalization radically influences their production and business model. More importantly, it provides growth opportunities for them to enter foreign markets and thus gain larger market share and increase revenue.Also, it has forced global companies to improve and upg rade themselves through increasingly fierce market competition. Zara has been taking advantage of the globalization to expand its global footprints all around the world. As of August 2009, there are totally 1,560 Zara stores around the world. About 80% of its stores are located in Europe. In North America, there are only 60 stores. In Asia, there are about 91 stores . Currently Zara is still planning to aggressively plot its global expansion though at a slower pace than before mainly due to the global economic slowdown.More new stores are set to open mostly between Europe and Asia . International Strategy To establish such globally diversified presence, the highly successful international strategy Zara has been implementing a strategy with a mixture of standardization and customization. There are three steps associated with Zara’s international strategy: market selection, marketing entry, and marketing approach. Market selection: there are many key considerations involved lik e labor cost and productivity, distribution cost, shipment cost of raw materials.Characteristics or behavior of consumers, for example the people in France are more fashionable and quality oriented while the people in Germany are more price sensitive, and income per capita are also important considerations. By carefully considering these elements and following a systematic procedure to insure extensive market testing before expanding its operations, Zara so far hasnt retreated from any selected markets. Market entry: the related considerations include economics factors, government regulations, and entry barriers.More specifically, the economic factors include macroeconomic factors such as tax, political condition, and export tariff, and the microeconomic factors which include local competitors, demand, and location of stores. Zara adopted three modes of market entry- joint venture, franchise, and company-owned stores that depended on local factors. However, Zara would always make su re it has the most control to its stores no matter what forms they take. Marketing approach: Zara customizes its marketing approach according to the unique conditions of each country.For products, the local stores would place order on products that reflect the local preferences and trends. For price, different pricing strategies are used for each country, for example prices in Italy and France are higher because the people there are less price sensitive but are fashion oriented while prices in Germany is lower as it is more price sensitive. For placement, Zara stresses on efficient distribution and ensures all the stores are located in the best locations. Offshoring and Outsourcing By definition, offshoring means outsource their works to another foreign country.In global apparel industry, the general trend for global fashion retailers is to totally offshore their manufacturing to tens of thousands of small apparel makers in developing countries and mainly focus on design and marketi ng. However, counter-intuitively Zara is taking a different path. It still produces some of its products by itself. 50% of the Zara’s products are manufactured by factories fully owned by it in Spain, 26% in the rest of Europe, and 24% in Asian and African countries and the rest of the world.Only long shelf life clothes like T-shirts are mostly offshored to Asia and Turkey. Due to international expansion, Zara may consider more production out of Spain or Europe in the future, as the high transportation cost from Spain to other far foreign markets like Asia and North America is still a big concern especially when oil prices continue to remain high. Zara has purchasing offices in Beijing, Barcelona, and Hong Kong. Zara also purchases clothing materials from numerous suppliers in Spain, India, Morocco, and the Far East.Under Zara’s inter-connected network, suppliers are coordinated with Zara’s sales projection. Therefore, Zara’s production demand can be quic kly met on time. Problems Encountered in International Expansion As Zara continues its ambitious global expansion, there are still some problems that exist. One major problem is the increase of transportation cost and time for Zara as the company is expanding globally while trying to retain a centralized distribution system. In order to meet the global demand, Zara has been increasing its production through outsourcing and offshoring at a higher level.However, this raises the transportation cost and time since all of the products have to go through the distribution center in La Coruna or smaller satellite centers in Brazil and Mexico before being sent to different stores around the world. As a result, international customers have to pay higher prices to bear the transportation cost, as this goes against Zara’s principle of providing quality and fashion at a low price. Also, increasing outsourcing and offshoring means less control, which s one of the fundamental factors in ach ieving a successful vertical integrated value chain. Another problem regarding Zara’s global expansion is related to the North American market. North America is a highly competitive and vast market, with people living in different parts having different profiles and thus different fashion needs. Moreover, consumers in North America are price sensitive and less trendy. Many fashion retailers there are simply competing on price and discount which is not Zara’s favorite marketing strategy.Also, it is quite difficult to grow business in the North America without advertising. As earlier mentioned, Zara rarely advertises. These problems cause Zara to still not have a major presence in North American. Conclusion Trading higher production cost for competitive competency, Zara has been a successful retailer in the apparel industry; it also has been doing fairly well in expanding globally. It has been able to penetrate foreign markets by producing trendy clothes that satisfy mos t of the customers around the world with low prices.Zara however can still raise its global market shares by expanding more in North America. To do this, Zara has to conduct more research on North American markets. Another way to increase global market shares is to develop a second central distribution center or production center, perferably in the Americas, which will not only allow Zara to deliver goods in a faster manner, but the close proximity to the American market will also allow them to effectively interpret the particular American fashion.Zara has been increasing its production through outsourcing and offshoring to meet the global demand; they have to also be careful on these outsourcing and offshoring activities since they may have less control. Zara has to make sure that they keep their core competencies in order to maintain its competitiveness in the highly competitive clothing industry.BIBLIORGAPHY CUC, Tripa, Strategy and Systainable Competitive Advantage- The Case of Zara Fashion Chain, Oradea University, Volume VI, 2007, p. 2522 Craig A. , Jones C. , Nieto M. ZARA: Fashion Follower, Industry Leader(4/2/2004) Craig, Jones, Nieto, Zara: Fashion Follower, Industry Leader, Philadelphia University, 2004 Mukherjee, Sujit, Janmeja, Mohata, Rani, Shinde, Supply Chain Practices of Zara, Institute of Management Technology, 2009, p. 12 http://www. mbanerds. com/images/3/3b/ZARA. doc http://www. enotes. com/company-histories/industria-de-diseno-textil-s http://www. mbanerds. com/images/3/3b/ZARA. doc http://www. inditex. com/en/who_we_are/concepts/zara, INDITEX Group website http://www. banerds. com/images/3/3b/ZARA. doc, http://www. csus. edu/indiv/w/wilsonm/MBA%20209_sp%2007/scm/Zara_CASE. doc http://drillingfordiamonds. com/blog/2008/05/30/react-rather-than-predict/ http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Zara_(clothing) http://www. chinapost. com. tw/business/company-focus/2009/03/26/201780/Zara-owner. htm http://freepresentationslides. blogspot. com/2008/09/za ra-case-study. html http://www. tx. ncsu. edu/jtatm/volume5issue1/Zara_fashion. htm http://www. businessweek. com/magazine/content/06_36/b3999063. htm Zara and Its International Expansion Essay Example Zara and Its International Expansion Paper Zara is one of the largest and the most internationalized retailers that Inditex Group owns. Inditex Group is based in Spain, which is a global specialty retailer that designs, manufactures, and sells apparel, footwear, and accessories for women, men and children around the world. Zara’s history The founder of Zara, Amancio Ortega, opened the first Zara store in 1975 in a central street in La Caruna, Spain. It was first featured as low-priced look-alike products of popular, higher-end clothing fashions. The first store proved to be a success, hence Inditex Group started to open more Zara stores in Spain.In order to reduce the lead time and also react to new trends in a faster way, Ortega decided to change the design, manufacturing and distribution process during the 1980’s. This is what Ortega called â€Å"instant fashion†. The company made their improvements by the use of information technologies and using a group of designers instead of individuals. The core co ncept of Zara is they sell â€Å"medium quality fashion clothing at affordable prices†, and the vertical integration and quick-response are also keys to Zara’s business model.Zara started to expand internationally in late 1980’s. The first Zara store outside Spain was opened in Portugal in 1988. Then they entered New York in 1989 and in Paris in 1990. The expansion of Zara stores keeps growing, and until now, it presents in seventy three countries, with 1,341 stores in prime locations of major cities. Business environment The apparel market is a consumer-driven industry, and globalization and new technologies have allowed consumers to have more access to fashion.Due to these reasons, consumer tastes are changing rapidly, competition is fierce, and companies are evolving to meet these demand. There are two types of considerations for Zara to successfully enter into the international market- internal factors and external factors, as will be explained in detail lat er in this paper in the section of international strategy. Market Structure for Clothing Industry ZARA is in a monopolistic competitive market. There are many competitors in this industry such as GAP and HM. The clothing industry is facing high ressure of reducing costs as they try to have a lower price than their competitors, and aggressive price wars, initiated by competitors working to improve their supply chain management, have slowly removed less efficient makers out of the business. Due to the global financial crisis, the clothing industry slowed down in profit growth from the beginning of 2008, and because of this huge negative impact to the global economy, there are downward pressures on price for clothing makers. The worldwide sluggish economy has decreased the demand since previous affordable prices may not be affordable now.Company such as Old Navy has been able to take over some of Zara’s market shares by offering lower prices. Competitors Gap, HM, and Benetton ar e considered three closest comparable international competitors. Zara is relatively more fashionable than all three competitors, and prices are less than Gap and Benetton but higher than HM. Among these three competitors, HM is considered the most closest competitor to Zara with some similarities and some differences. HM differs from Zara in the way they outsource all of their productions and spend more money on advertising, while Zara does little outsourcing and virtually does no advertising.Also, Zara sells only trendy products and not trying to produce â€Å"classic†clothes which would always be in style while HM does produce some â€Å"classic†clothes in addition to trendy products. The similarities are they both are European based companies, are fashion forward at low price retailers, and both have a strong international expansion strategy. Strategy and Core Competency Zara uses a combination of cost leadership strategy and product differentiation strategy to su pport its business model’s core concept of selling the latest style, medium quality fashion clothing at affordable prices.This is achieved through its core competencies of a vertical integration, a vast range of products, and a unique instant fashion system, creating speed and flexibility to the market that provides the chain with a competitive advantage over traditional retailers in the industry. Vertical Integration Since the global apparel industry is high-labor intensive, most retailers and manufacturers seek to lower costs by outsourcing productions to developing countries with cheap labor.However, instead of relying on outsourcing and offshoring, Zara owns great control of its factories, stores, and distribution network because it believes it can minimize the time to market by carefully coordinate the entire production process. The company’s employees make about 50% of its finished garments, with a majority of them being the most time and fashion sensitive produc ts, in any of its 20 fully owned factories, 18 of them clustered around its headquarters. Zara has a centralized distribution facility in Spain, it is cost-effective and time efficient as the distribution center is close to the factory.Also, for Zara the distribution center is a place where products are moved rather than stored, and products shipped to farther destinations or of larger quantities are shipped by air. As a result, not only inventory cost is decreased but the delivery speed is increased. In contrast, most large fashion manufacturers rely on low cost manufacturing in Asia or South America but have to pay higher inventory costs and it takes longer time for the products to move to market. Product Variation By owning its in-house production, Zara is also very flexible in the variety, amount, and frequency of the new styles they produce.Instead of creating a few styles with mass quantity, Zara uses the style greater than quantity concept, launching new collections in increa singly shorter cycles, as it produces approximately 1000 new styles per month while producing in small batches. This creates a rapid product turnover and an environment of scarcity and exclusivity, prompting the customers to buy the product now in case it is gone tomorrow and visit the stores frequently, as said by the Toronto store manager of Zara â€Å"We receive shipments on Tuesday and Saturday, which means that we have different items in the store at least twice a week.While each shipment replenishes items that sell well, each also includes new items. That’s why our customers come in often. †On average, Zara’s customers return to the store 17 times a year, compared to 3 times a year of most of the competitors. The vast range of styles also enables Zara to cope with the changing customers’ demand and to sell more items at its full price. Instant Fashion The instant fashion system, another core competency of Zara, permits Zara to respond to the demand of its consumer better than its competitors.Compared to the conventional idea of spring and autumn clothing collections, Zara is in favor of â€Å"live collectionsâ€Å" that can be designed, manufactured, distributed, and sold almost as quickly as its customers’ fleeting tastes. Instead of predicting the trend for the next season, Zara’s designers react to what they see in the current fashion, identifying and catching a winning fashion trend while the competitors are struggling to catch up. Zara is able to do this because it has a vertical integrated supply chain that reduces lead time as explained above.While it takes 60 to 90 days in order to design and deliver a new fashion style in a traditional value chain, it only takes 12 to 15 days for Zara. The fast fashion system also depends on the constant exchange of information throughout every part of Zaras supply chain. To speed the information flow of consumer desires to their designers, Zara has teams in the manuf acturing environment responsible for attending high-fashion fairs and exhibitions to provide the designers with the latest trends. Research on market and travels to the universities and clubs around the world are also conducted throughout the season.On the other hand, in the retail environment Zara’s managers and sales associates are responsible for providing sales analysis, product life cycles, and store trends to aid the designers. This communication system is further accelerated by the IT software for stores to report directly to the production centers and designers in Spain. For example store managers use PDA to check on the latest clothes designs and place their orders in accordance with the demand they observe in stores, while all salespeople are equipped with wireless handheld organizers that let them punch in trends, customer comments and orders.Value Chain Zara has a vertical integrated supply chain owning control of all of its retailing, designing, and manufacturing operations. As mentioned above, unlike most of its competitors that outsource their production to factories around the world, Zara has approximately 80% of its production carried out in Europe, with its various business elements such as the design and production centers in close proximity to each other, around its headquarter in La Coruna, Spain. Purchases: Zara purchases materials from external suppliers.It has purchasing offices in Barcelona and Hong Kong which gives Zara the competitive advantage towards the cost of goods sold as it can purchase from the region with lower prices. About half of the fabrics are purchased in grey to allow for flexibility in manufacturing a variety of colors and patterns, and by owning Comditel, a subsidiary to Inditex responsible for dyeing, patterning, and finishing the fabrics, Zara can always provide the necessary fabrics to the new styles of its products.As explained by Jose Maria Castella, Inditex’s executive, â€Å"We have the ability to scrap an entire production line if it is not selling. We can dye collection in new colors and we can create a new fashion line in days. †Design and manufacture: There is one design center for each of the women’s, men’s, and children’s lines with separate design, sales, and procurement and production-planning staffs. Though it is more expensive to operate three channels, the information flow for each channel is fast and direct, making the overall supply chain more effective.The designers work their designs on a computer system called CAD while communicating with the store managers to receive feedback. Once the patterns are finalized, they are made available to the computers that would guide the high tech cutting tools in the factory. Zara’s factories are heavily automated, specialized by garment type, and focused on the capital-intensive parts of the production process. Inditex owns 20 factories for internal manufacture that apply the just-in-ti me production system, making the production process fully under its control.Assembly: The assembly of the cut pieces is done by a network of small workshops that are not owned by Zara. They are provided a set of easy instructions to follow for the purpose of quickly sewing up the pieces and provide a constant stream to Zara’s garment finishing and packing facilities. Distribution: All garments, both internally and externally made, go into Zaras distribution centers in La Coruna or smaller satellite centers in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico to be distributed. Since Zara stores around the world receive new products regularly, Zara’s distribution center s a place for moving the products rather than for storage, therefore no style sits around very long at head office as products are shipped to stores within 48 hours. As mentioned before, this significantly reduces inventory cost and risk. Marketing: Zaea relies heavily on word-of-mouth to market its products to deliver its b rand image of high fashion, reasonable quality goods, and rapidly changing product lines instead of using the ordinary retail marketing practices. Zara spends 0-. % on advertisement investment as compared to traditional retailers of 3-4% , because instead of spending on collaborating with big-name designers and advertising campaigns, the money saved is spent on purchasing prime real estate locations around the world, for example Fifth Avenue, Tokyo’s Ginza, and Rome’s Via Condotti. Great emphasis is also placed on the store’s interior design and image by having frequent refurbishing of store layouts and common window display for all of its global stores, as shown as exhibit 1, that position Zara with a prestigious and elegant image.Service: Zara has been growing by looking to its customers for innovations. Instead of viewing the employees as costs, Zara’s in-store staff is young and very sensitive to fashion who serves as trend spotters. Through providing services to the customers, Zara’s employees can understand the constantly changing demand of the customers and transfer this information to the designers to find better way to meet the needs of the customers. IT: The most important support activity in Zara’s value chain is the information and communication technology, which provides speed to the market and exists in every stage of the chain, as shown in exhibit 2.In the upstream supply chain, IT is needed for managing the inventory of supplies, design specifications, and trim specifications. In the downstream supply chain, it is used for managing distribution and collecting information on consumer needs. International Business For international companies, globalization radically influences their production and business model. More importantly, it provides growth opportunities for them to enter foreign markets and thus gain larger market share and increase revenue.Also, it has forced global companies to improve and upg rade themselves through increasingly fierce market competition. Zara has been taking advantage of the globalization to expand its global footprints all around the world. As of August 2009, there are totally 1,560 Zara stores around the world. About 80% of its stores are located in Europe. In North America, there are only 60 stores. In Asia, there are about 91 stores . Currently Zara is still planning to aggressively plot its global expansion though at a slower pace than before mainly due to the global economic slowdown.More new stores are set to open mostly between Europe and Asia . International Strategy To establish such globally diversified presence, the highly successful international strategy Zara has been implementing a strategy with a mixture of standardization and customization. There are three steps associated with Zara’s international strategy: market selection, marketing entry, and marketing approach. Market selection: there are many key considerations involved lik e labor cost and productivity, distribution cost, shipment cost of raw materials.Characteristics or behavior of consumers, for example the people in France are more fashionable and quality oriented while the people in Germany are more price sensitive, and income per capita are also important considerations. By carefully considering these elements and following a systematic procedure to insure extensive market testing before expanding its operations, Zara so far hasnt retreated from any selected markets. Market entry: the related considerations include economics factors, government regulations, and entry barriers.More specifically, the economic factors include macroeconomic factors such as tax, political condition, and export tariff, and the microeconomic factors which include local competitors, demand, and location of stores. Zara adopted three modes of market entry- joint venture, franchise, and company-owned stores that depended on local factors. However, Zara would always make su re it has the most control to its stores no matter what forms they take. Marketing approach: Zara customizes its marketing approach according to the unique conditions of each country.For products, the local stores would place order on products that reflect the local preferences and trends. For price, different pricing strategies are used for each country, for example prices in Italy and France are higher because the people there are less price sensitive but are fashion oriented while prices in Germany is lower as it is more price sensitive. For placement, Zara stresses on efficient distribution and ensures all the stores are located in the best locations. Offshoring and Outsourcing By definition, offshoring means outsource their works to another foreign country.In global apparel industry, the general trend for global fashion retailers is to totally offshore their manufacturing to tens of thousands of small apparel makers in developing countries and mainly focus on design and marketi ng. However, counter-intuitively Zara is taking a different path. It still produces some of its products by itself. 50% of the Zara’s products are manufactured by factories fully owned by it in Spain, 26% in the rest of Europe, and 24% in Asian and African countries and the rest of the world.Only long shelf life clothes like T-shirts are mostly offshored to Asia and Turkey. Due to international expansion, Zara may consider more production out of Spain or Europe in the future, as the high transportation cost from Spain to other far foreign markets like Asia and North America is still a big concern especially when oil prices continue to remain high. Zara has purchasing offices in Beijing, Barcelona, and Hong Kong. Zara also purchases clothing materials from numerous suppliers in Spain, India, Morocco, and the Far East.Under Zara’s inter-connected network, suppliers are coordinated with Zara’s sales projection. Therefore, Zara’s production demand can be quic kly met on time. Problems Encountered in International Expansion As Zara continues its ambitious global expansion, there are still some problems that exist. One major problem is the increase of transportation cost and time for Zara as the company is expanding globally while trying to retain a centralized distribution system. In order to meet the global demand, Zara has been increasing its production through outsourcing and offshoring at a higher level.However, this raises the transportation cost and time since all of the products have to go through the distribution center in La Coruna or smaller satellite centers in Brazil and Mexico before being sent to different stores around the world. As a result, international customers have to pay higher prices to bear the transportation cost, as this goes against Zara’s principle of providing quality and fashion at a low price. Also, increasing outsourcing and offshoring means less control, which s one of the fundamental factors in ach ieving a successful vertical integrated value chain. Another problem regarding Zara’s global expansion is related to the North American market. North America is a highly competitive and vast market, with people living in different parts having different profiles and thus different fashion needs. Moreover, consumers in North America are price sensitive and less trendy. Many fashion retailers there are simply competing on price and discount which is not Zara’s favorite marketing strategy.Also, it is quite difficult to grow business in the North America without advertising. As earlier mentioned, Zara rarely advertises. These problems cause Zara to still not have a major presence in North American. Conclusion Trading higher production cost for competitive competency, Zara has been a successful retailer in the apparel industry; it also has been doing fairly well in expanding globally. It has been able to penetrate foreign markets by producing trendy clothes that satisfy mos t of the customers around the world with low prices.Zara however can still raise its global market shares by expanding more in North America. To do this, Zara has to conduct more research on North American markets. Another way to increase global market shares is to develop a second central distribution center or production center, perferably in the Americas, which will not only allow Zara to deliver goods in a faster manner, but the close proximity to the American market will also allow them to effectively interpret the particular American fashion.Zara has been increasing its production through outsourcing and offshoring to meet the global demand; they have to also be careful on these outsourcing and offshoring activities since they may have less control. Zara has to make sure that they keep their core competencies in order to maintain its competitiveness in the highly competitive clothing industry.BIBLIORGAPHY CUC, Tripa, Strategy and Systainable Competitive Advantage- The Case of Zara Fashion Chain, Oradea University, Volume VI, 2007, p. 2522 Craig A. , Jones C. , Nieto M. ZARA: Fashion Follower, Industry Leader(4/2/2004) Craig, Jones, Nieto, Zara: Fashion Follower, Industry Leader, Philadelphia University, 2004 Mukherjee, Sujit, Janmeja, Mohata, Rani, Shinde, Supply Chain Practices of Zara, Institute of Management Technology, 2009, p. 12 http://www. mbanerds. com/images/3/3b/ZARA. doc http://www. enotes. com/company-histories/industria-de-diseno-textil-s http://www. mbanerds. com/images/3/3b/ZARA. doc http://www. inditex. com/en/who_we_are/concepts/zara, INDITEX Group website http://www. banerds. com/images/3/3b/ZARA. doc, http://www. csus. edu/indiv/w/wilsonm/MBA%20209_sp%2007/scm/Zara_CASE. doc http://drillingfordiamonds. com/blog/2008/05/30/react-rather-than-predict/ http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Zara_(clothing) http://www. chinapost. com. tw/business/company-focus/2009/03/26/201780/Zara-owner. htm http://freepresentationslides. blogspot. com/2008/09/za ra-case-study. html http://www. tx. ncsu. edu/jtatm/volume5issue1/Zara_fashion. htm http://www. businessweek. com/magazine/content/06_36/b3999063. htm
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Sample Essay on the Reasons Why Violence on TV Should Be Regulated Or Banned
Sample Essay on the Reasons Why Violence on TV Should Be Regulated Or BannedA sample essay on the reasons why violence on TV should be regulated or even banned from television is very important for those who are now in the middle of a discussion over this matter. It will help them formulate their own ideas and let them put them down in writing so that they can compare with the other party's. You would not want to end up making an impulsive decision that is not based on any logic and then, you will not be able to explain your reason for doing so later on.For example, if you are arguing against having violent video games on TV then you need to use some logic and arguments in your essay. You will not be able to just claim that violent games are not good for children or even bad for adults, because you would be right. This is where you will have to prove your point by citing specific examples of how children have been harmed due to violence on TV. You will also have to indicate whether v iolence on TV makes children feel any type of attachment to the things or people that they see.Some examples may include survey results of kids who feel a strong attachment to their toys after being exposed to violent shows. You should have evidence to support these claims.Another reason why you need to write this sample essay is because you will be relying on what other people say about it. Those who have only seen on TV without actually watching it yet still believe that violent video games should be regulated or banned will be able to cite examples that make you think differently.These examples can be a lot of different things. The topic is wide and hence you will be able to come up with many different reasons why violence on TV should be regulated or banned. You can also show the surveys that show this attitude by citing specific examples.By citing such examples, you will be able to make your own point while proving the points that have been presented by others. You will have to state why these people may have come up with different answers.However, you should know that these reasons may need a lot of research in order to fully understand. There are so many points that you will have to make but a study of these studies are necessary.Thus, this sample essay is really important to come up with your own opinion as to why violent video games should be regulated or banned. This essay can help you put your arguments down in writing which will give you an opportunity to refute the other person's points.
Friday, March 20, 2020
How to Write an Outline for a Research Paper - Paperell.com
How to Write an Outline for a Research Paper How to Write an Outline for a Research Paper The basis of the proposed method is the logic of writing a scientific article, which highlights the main elements that are universal for most scientific works in a high school or a college. So, how to write a good outline for a research paper?Getting started, the author must answer several important questions:What is the general problem of the study?What conclusions did the previous researchers come to?What sources should be studied, what is new to know and why, how to apply the results?Answers to these questions allow the author to get an idea about the topic of upcoming work, to build its general concept, to determine the object, subject, purpose, and hypothesis of the study.Below is the most common algorithm for planning the process of writing a scientific text.Preparing For Making An OutlineWhen you have selected a topic, try to figure out what kind of argument you would like to support. It is important to understand why it may be important to you and the readers. It will be bett er if you ask yourself – what is the purpose of my thesis? Could it trigger a meaningful debate that will bring some changes and can I use this thesis to build a whole research work on it? When you will answer these questions, you will be prepared to start writing an outline for your research paper. This will have you clarify the purpose.Your professor will be the only person who will read (most of the time) your research paper when it’s completed. But it’s better to try to define your audience. Will the professor support your thesis, or he/she will discuss it and will have a counterargument? When you will understand your readers you will know what language you can use in your paper: whether the use of slang is appropriate or best to stick with formal language? The overall style and tone of your research work depend on the target audience.Research work wouldn’t be called so without meaning a proper and thorough research. You will be required to explore ma ny resources in order to find effective evidence to support your thesis. In the beginning, you will have to investigate the general information about your thesis and then get deeper into it. But make sure you don’t forget about all possible counterarguments and evidence. It is important for you to study your arguments and comprehend all the pitfalls of your thesis in order to have a clear idea of what is missing.The links and references are proof of each of your arguments and studies that you have conducted. You need to arrange them according to the importance and relevance of your thesis.After the finding out the topic, thesis statement, completing all the pre-writing activities are done, you must outline the plan and methodology of the research paper.Research paper outline is its content, built logically in the following sections: introduction, the main part, conclusion/conclusions. In a research paper, sections are allocated conditionally. In larger works, it can be parts, chapters, paragraphs. The structure of the research paper may also include an abstract, a list of sources and, if necessary, an Appendix.Constituents Of Research Paper OutlineSo, basic and classic, the structure of research paper outline looks like this:IntroductionHookDefine the audienceThesis statementBodyA few arguments to support the thesisConclusionSummary of argumentsCall to actionThe introductionStates the general thesis of the research, substantiates its relevance, describes the purpose, problem, objectives, and methods of research, theoretical and practical significance. In this part should be informative, intriguing and engaging.The main bodyThis is the most important part of your research paper, here you will be presenting your evidence and arguments to support your thesis and, in accordance with the rule of â€Å"3†, you will have to provide three arguments to support your position/thesis. It’s better to start with the strong evidence and continue with str onger and strongest ones.ConclusionIn this part you will be summarizing the arguments you have provided in the main body and arriving at the final position, providing solutions to the issues mentioned in the whole paper.That is how the work should look. Although this task is much more complex than an argumentative essay or other academic works, following a good template should make it a bit easier!Here’s the example of a good research paper outlineTitle: Frederick DouglassThesis: Frederick Douglass played a crucial role in securing the abolition of slavery and equality of African-American rights through his actions, ideas, and efforts as a lecturer, author/publisher, and politician.Below is a sample structure.Introduction:Thesis;Roles/Arguments;Douglass as Lecturer:History as slave and acquisition of education;He â€Å"experienced slavery†;Literacy allowed expression;Early lectures, including initial speech before Garrison;Success of initial speech;Goals for future spe eches;Effect of lectures on society;Open eyes;Encourage activism;Douglass as Author/Publisher:Narrative’s success and effect;Springboard for paper;Goals/hopes for paper;Garrison set-back and significance;Significance of Paper;Douglass as Politician:Key trait for success;Goal of political activism;Efforts for Republican party;Significance of efforts;Black soldier enlistment crusade;Joining of Republican party;Significance of efforts;Conclusion:Summarize arguments and efforts.Some Useful AdvicesPlan your speech and distribute it by minutes.The appearance and overall style of the paper plays an important role - it promotes not only the aesthetic pleasure of the reader but the correct understanding is written.The essence of any work is determined by the degree of originality – the more a new book, textbook or article is similar to the pre-existing, the less interest will be experienced by the reader.
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